Charges against Emirati dropped in Phil.

DUBAI - An Emirati man arrested over a recruitment scam in the Philippines has been released from custody and had all charges against him dropped, UAE daily The National reported on Wednesday.
The man, identified only as A.K., was detained on Jan. 8 in a sting operation in Cebu City, the country’s second largest, following complaints he had tricked Filipinos into paying large fees for non-existent jobs in Dubai, according to the newspaper.
At least 19 people came forward to lodge complaints, including doctors, massage therapists and taxi drivers, the newspaper reported at the time of his arrest.
A.K., 47, was charged with illegal recruitment and large-scale fraud and held in police custody during initial proceedings, The National said on Wednesday.
"The charges were dismissed for a lack of probable cause to push through the case, and because the complainant failed to submit documentary evidence and any other evidence that warrants the filing of a case in court," Jeffrey Deola, investigator at the theft and robbery section of Cebu City police, was quoted as saying.
What do you think what happened?
Money talk, BS walks.
So AK is 47 years old? That makes him AK-47 I guess.
Don't feed the crooks...they will cease to exist forever.
what to do yani....
In the Phil., if you have money you are free.
Money buys you freedom.
Out of court settlement happened..