Car stories (buying, driving, etc.)

Hello everyone,
I'll be arriving in Qatar in a few weeks, and looking to buy a car shortly after that.
I'm looking for a small SUV or a small/mid car (corolla, sunny, CRV, tuscon, sportage, etc.), and either new or used (a couple of years old).
Anyone have any recommendations regarding what is good for the streets of Doha? Are you happy with what you bought? Was the car buying experience a hassle? Any other tips?
Thanks in advance.
The Corolla rules in terms of resale value, reliability and cheap maintenance followed by the Sunny/tida then finally the lancer,civic and mazda 3. However for Qatar an SUV would be a better choice as u won't be bullied by the big landcruisers tailgating your corolla (they luv to do tht) besides the inner roads of Doha are pathetic and will damage ur suspension of a smaller car
If you're buying new you'll take the new car depreciation hit. However you'll have the peace of mind of at least a 3-year warranty.
Name your budget.