Car stolen outside nursery school

Thursday December 6 started as a usual day. My family awoke, showered, had breakfast. At 07.15 I took our 2 year old son Jack to his Nursery School, leaving his 1 year old sister with their grandmother. As usual I pulled up to the school, put the car in 'Park', applied the handbrake and took Jack inside the classroom. I greeted the teacher, kissed Jack goodbye, told him to be a good boy.
Sadly I returned to an empty parking space, to my absolute disbelief the car had been stolen. Yes, I left the car running, I always do. Most other parents do the same. I reported the issue to the police, who appeared to be helpfull, although there were problems with translation. The Police believe that the car will turn up somewhere within a few days. They would not give me a copy of the report until at least one week has passed. I have spent the past two days looking for the car, as have our friends.
In the back seat of the car were the two childrens car seats, and further back two childrens strollers. It would have been evident to the person who stole the car that the vehicle was used primarily for my two small children. My cellphone, Qatar ID, drivers license and many other documents were also inside the car. Other parents should learn from my mistake, do not leave your car unlocked ANYWHERE. It is not safe.
Yes, i did and i always check it (Moi) and there is no violation.
did you check the moi website for any violations on your car?
My child went to Eldertree last year. People were always leaving their cars running outside. Amazes me. I will never do this. I have had items stolen from my car even out in the middle of the desert with seemingly no one around. I now always lock my car even when it's parked in the carport of my villa where security officers ride by one their bicycles all day long.
Elder Tree Nursery School
Near the Mall Roundabout
please, thank you very much cos until now we didn't receive any news from the police yet.we're still looking for my car everyday and still hoping we can find my car.
That's where I live! times have changed indeed :-(
maybe this is a mere case of pranksters tripping with someone else's vehicle, during the weekends, i can see some youngsters driving around the new industrial area, drifting and pumping gas over the pedal until they leave significant markings on the asphalt...some even get into accidents and ruin the vehicle and leave it there for nothing...maybe these people got so freaking high on whatever they took! i can help you out by doing a random check in street 38 garage or street 10 vehicle auction area...wish me luck!
blaze it up!
The police and us are still searching for my car it's been 9 days now. We're still hoping and praying that we can still find our car.
so what is the status of the car now?
FOund or not yet?
I am sorry to hear about you situation but nowadays it is much better to be careful, I also left my car windows open at the Family Food Centre on Salwa Road just after the Sports Street Roundabout and had done some shopping before - I just wanted to buy milk - the windows of the car were open and I was only gone two minutes - when I came back the thing that I had bought before were gone from the passenger seat. I did not report it to the police because it was my fault. KellysHeroes has said the right thing get a remote control it will prevent such a thing in the future.
Sad to hear your story, Hope for the best
leathfarrow ... sorry to hear about your car ! God is Great and am sure you will get your car back soon with all the items in it ...
If not then insurance will pay you the money (hope they give you good price for the car otherwise this will be another headache to bargain with the Insurance to calim the money as per market value) ....
Well, I do the same everytime, leaving my car engine on whenever I drop my son to the school or stop by any shop to buy something ...
I remember last week someone telling me there was one 4x4 stolen from Al Mansoura also but i didn't give much attention to it ...
But after hearing your story ... this is something really alarming !!
Thanks for telling us, we will be more careful in furture...
the car was stolen from which nursey parking
don't know why anyone would be stupid enough to steal it. He'll be caught very soon. There's no escape :P
VIN numbers don't disappear.
It's a Honda CRV model 2007 6 months old,
Glacier blue metallic ( like a blue gray )
Plate no. 38279
Thanks for the sympathy.My family and I been living here for 8yrs,and we believed that qatar was a safe place and we didn't here anything about car theft.I was very confident when i park and left the car running for 2 mins and i thought its safe anyway because the school does have a cctv camera outside the front of the nursery, but apparently it does not record anything. But i was wrong, we learn an expensive lesson.Hope this would alert all parents or guardians dropping kids at school, do not leave the car running.
If anyone should find our car Please call us:
Leah and Kevin 5867891 / 4652759
Honda CRV 2007 model
Glacier blue metallic (blue-gray)
Black tinted windows at the back of the car
Plate No.: 38279
I do sympathise with you and am not judging you for leaving it running, we all do it. But I do celebrate the fact that a running car left unattended being stolen is such shocking news! Where I come from you would only celebrate if it was still there! Just to take some good from your terrible experience, it makes me feel good about living here! I really hope all your ID turns up along with the car and kid's stuff, good luck, hope you don't mind this post JJ
cars are stolen by teenagers, they use it badly and dumb it somewhere in bad shape.
HI leah! sorry to hear about your car, u miss the dinner! hehehehe
Anyway don't worry for sure it will turn up soon....
Think leaving the car on and unattended leads to having a traffic ticket.
Recommend having a remote control for the car and use it to lock the doors in case you need the car running.
this kind of thing back home in SA...
This is a problem, cause on Wednesday evenings and Fridays, I leave my car running outside a KFC so my A/C stays on for my dogs, while I run in to get their favourite KFC popcorn treat...
Will not be a happy camper to come back and find my dogs gone, nor my car for that matter....
Thanks for the heads up Leah....
whats the car colour made and model??