Can somebody tell me?
By James bond •
Can somebody tell me about real situation of these home jobs, since i have been looking for a part time job, i thought of finding an on line something to spend my time usefully, anyway, i've already gone thru some of the links given in some web sites, (even in QL) but found hesitating to start , cause most of them ask for money and some of them i dont understand.
So pls provide me with details what you know about these web sites, and experience, frankly.
what i thought also same, im not good in programming , but i think wht you all say is correct, thank you all for info
From what qatarisun and vignale have mentioned I get to understand that you are seeking info about online jobs. Like they have already mentioned, dont trust the sites if they ask money. Having said that I would like to add the following.
1. If you have some programming expertise you could take part in the open source projects.
2. Write technical blogs
Both of these will be a good way of spending time online and can earn you money in the long run.
online jobs asking for money first are always scam.
It's no easy way to make money..
don't trust them.. ifit's so easy to make money on these web site, why these people wouldn't make it instead of giving the advertizments and asking money from you? And in general, never ever send money over internet to unknown people, strangers. You will get NOTHING in return.
Whatever Makes You Happy...
Bond would you like it shaken or stirred. Pardon me I could not understand what you want, could you explain it.