Can anyone help me to reply this PM pls? (username: nado_z2007)

hope you doing great. my name is nado and I am from lebanon. i work and live in Doha. Here its little bit boaring. if you like we can chat little bit on yahoo or msn
[email protected] or [email protected]
hope to hear from you soon. take care
Corenellian! I'm feeling better! You have to go!
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
And I'm excited to see you again...
Sorry Kelly... my fault...i was multi-tasking know, working and looking at QL for recent posts so I got my messages mixed up or something...
Who else among the ladies are attending????
Me angry with Azi ? Oh I can never get mad with her, she's a sweetheart! Although she did disappoint me with the fact that she's only introducing me for friendship, I had my wedding dress and the honeymoon plans all ready!! lol j/k
Sorry Azi, not coming tonight.
Xena...looking forward to meet u today night at gathering....
azilana7037..looking forward to meet u again.... :)
[---"Imagination is more important than knowledge"---]
You have angered Corne and misunderstood me. I did not ask for anything beyond friendship.
Besides, you offered to introduce your officemate(s) to Corne and ingored me. Although me and Corne are having the same situation of being ignored by Mr. Private Messages. Also, considering equality between males and females and looking forward towards a world without discrimination whether it is due to color or shape or race or religion or sex or age.
Anyhow. Glad to be in indirect contact with nice people like most of the members here.
Actually they're new in Doha and wants to meet folks. My Team leader, also a QL member mentioned to them that I attend QL gatherings and asked me to bring them along....
By the way, Are you coming tonight? Corne dear???
join this evening... you are their entry card... cause you know them... k...
Have fun....
Only friendship ?! Damnit and here I was picking out my wedding dress :P lol j/k
SO do I. Maybe it's because he is frightened of our unbelivable beauty!
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I'm afraid I'm not good in matching MEN with my lady friends. And I'll introduce Corne (if she likes) to be friends with my officemates because they are of the same age range and university students...pure friendship, my dear...not a hook up or a match-making attempt...
U didn't get one either Gypsy ? that makes two of us, why don't u think he likes us ? We should go over to his place and talk things over, I really wana be his friend!
You'd better be joking Novita or I'll knock your block off. :D LOL. Kiddin.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
No One Dare To Mess Around With Miss Gypsy :P
What about me Azilana? You only take care of Corne. Guess you think I don't qualify :(
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
ive got it too.
from the same guy! he seems very desperate! Poor him... must be really lonely.
He sounded like my stalker here ;-(
"I know how and when to say "Please", "Sorry", & "Thank You"
from the same guy! he seems very desperate! Poor him... must be really lonely.
He sounded like my stalker here ;-(
"I know how and when to say "Please", "Sorry", & "Thank You"
Later Apple.
Good night! ALL, G-Night e46....
I'm off to bed ;))
Yes, always say please.
#5 PHC-doctors terminated on grounds of poor departamental assessment results due to "RUDE manners among patients, and Uncivilized habits, & Professional Incompetence"?
So people, try not to be rude! especially at work.
what did you say to him?
That's what I heard, Apple, with my own ears.
Is that how rude people learn politeness? Lol!
Which reminds me of a story about politeness; someone who always used to be rude to people and then got together with a bunch of guys who had a reforming influence on him. "After I met A he taught me to say 'f^^^ off, please, c^^^'"
But he sent me a polite private message, so I got no reasons to be rude with him. Is that how Doha so boring? Could turn people into insane? tsk, tsk, tsk. :((((
I'll introduce you to real people. My officemates (2 young men and a lady of in training here in Doha) wants to see Doha sights so I might be tagging them along tonight at Paloma...if Xena won't mind.
But he was nice though...offering me a job since he thought that "I'm jobless" after reading my profile that said "When I'm not working..."
gee Kelly that made me feel a whole lot better, that me and an older male are the only ones who didn't get the PM !! lol
yes sir :-)
i just got a PM from Nado_z2007 too...
[img_assist|nid=15514|title="Adjust, Adopt & Overcome"|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=172]
Guess because of my age and/or sex am not tempting to be seduced :)
So I did not get such message also
Everyone got one except me :(
if you receive any mass solicitations like this just send me the username
Friends always invite friends to join Qatar Living.
he didnot send u any PM aww poor you no worries i will send you one ok but not for chat FOR BASKETBALL CHALLANGE OK :D
No fair! How come I didn't get a PM from him? I feel so excluded! Nado_z2007...I'll be ur friend! Meet me at Paloma's 11 pm and we can have a chat :-) haha
malesh Darude
Novita, you should've told him you're really a man looking for the same thing.
As for you nado, being normal is socializing out in the open. How many other PMs did you send? Tfeh.
zain ma araft
ok thanks for the correction. atleast give me 5star as marks :D
I love it when guys say they just want to chat or be friends, but only with girls.
I got one PM where they guy said he wanted to chat and be friends, and then asked if I was single... I told him I was taken, and he replied "oh, well we can be just friends then." WTF?!?
Hello there nado_z2007, you may call me on 999. :)
//Lost in stupid parenthesis.
aha you're correcting me Darude!!! In that case please note that my name is dIAmondgirl and not dAImondgirl...ha ha ha!
he doesnot have that much guts he still needs to be in his mother lap. still a lil pervert kiddo :P
am not shining am totally weird right now faded comin from farm house full of sand was walking there for about 3 hours all around the farm.
why don't you scialize with the guys too? If all you want to do is chat...
first of all got get a life
grow up
u lil kiddo.
So what, You want me to send this to Males, sorry but I am not a g!!
Beside I am only asking you to chat.
isn't this the idea behind socializing!
Anyway, if you don't like it just ignore, and some of you already did.
As if I am forcing you ladies... sometimes you act strange...
Ladies, this country is little boaring!!! comeonnnnnnn
bukhair?who is that :D
or u mean bekhair.
walla tamam alhamdulillah ya okhti :)
bukhair darude, wa int?
yes i received mine 'N' ... good luck.
He must have just gotten down to letter "P" because I just got my PM too! :)
give him my mobil number atleast i can trace him through that easily.
so whom should i pm my cell number.
well if huntin pigs then i sure will give him a chance to run and then hunt him down in no time :D
Sure...let't meet place or yours? Your's is probably better...what's your address?
i also got one from this perv...
hehehe darude pls meet this guy... make that as i bday gift from me hehehe i kinda pisse off with that PM
my life revolves around them... best gift ive ever had...
hi novita77...just ignore, I got one too similarly worded. do you think boaring is a sport we haven't heard of? Maybe something to do with hunting wild pigs???!!!
change ur gender as female in ur profile then he will surely pm u.
orang gilah lah,runding runding....this guy (nado) sakit kapala lah hehehehe
why the hell is he not sendin me a PM :`(
hey you send me a PM too and i will come right now to meet you where ever u will ask me. Make sure you dont come alone. :P
Thanks lady am fine and hope u are doing well too.
well i did visit landmark this noon tried to look there in milano it was nil nothing. than the one u told me they had great selection but the one i wanted didnot find. than went to the one next to the mega mart found there 50% so i bought that one. THanks alot lady.
hahahha, I just got a message from him too!
no lady thanks my one fist is enough for his friendship am sure he will like it and wont ever send such PM yea but i sure will like you to see the design i make on his face :D
"como estas? do you give online spanish courses?
Seems like he also wants to learn foreign languages.
these people never really give up...they'll just change usernames again and wait until someone falls prey to their way is to just ignore them ;-)
and darude ur free to meet up with him, but tell me if u will so i can give u a hand if necessary :-)
Date: Wed, 30/05/2007 - 8:23pm
hope you doing great. my name is nado and I am from lebanon. i work and live in Doha. Here its little bit boaring. if you like we can chat little bit on yahoo or msn
[email protected] or [email protected]
hope to hear from you soon. take care
got this same message!!!! check out the time!
good evening all,
i am new to the website and odd enough i get this weird msg a while ago,is this normal in this forum ?? ;)
(*&&&^%^%$%$#&^(*( PERV !!!!!!
please send me a PM too i sure will reply you back and ask you to meet
if you dont mind can i chat with ur friend and call him some where so you guys may go and visit him at hospital next time :D
From: nado_z2007
Date: Wed, 30/05/2007 - 8:54pm
"hi sweetie again hope you doing great.if you like we can chat little bit on yahoo or msn
[email protected] or [email protected]"
qatari pls do take care of this user
lol ... these ppl never given up eh? He can find out where i live and have a chat with my husband, sure his life will be less boring. :-)
well girl, ur not the only being sent that message.he's been sending me messages too since yesterday and i just ignore it..its not like he'll find out where i live by sending me, no worries ;P