Buy a car, get a car -right?
Wouldn't you think if you paid for a new car you would be able to collect it from the dealer? Well we paid for a new vehicle at Nissan last Thursday, and so far we are told we can't actually have it - because there are no passenger vehicle registration plates available at the police department. As Nissan tells me - its not their fault. Go figure. How long do they expect us to rent a car for when we 'own' a new one. The icing on the cake - I have to get a taxi home from work today. Go Nissan. It might not be their 'fault' but wouldn't you think they would look after their customer somehow.
thats good..
As soon as I posted on QL, I had a call saying the car was ready.
QL obviously has the power to get things done in Doha!!
Perhaps they should take over some of the construction projects.............
Nissan has all sorts of complaints, good luck sorting them. You may have more luck dialing 140 and telling them your problems.
This is a new one on me..
I think Nissan are just making excuses. Hope you get it soon and enjoy driving it.. :O)
but just wanted to update the thread for everyone else ...... I didn't do anything to persuade our dealer, was just lucky they got a set of plates for us. A colleague of mine had phoned the police department to find out the scoop and was told there was a problem with the company that manufacture the plates and that it would be wednesday or thursday this week before it was sorted out. No fun for those waiting and I hope everyone in the waiting queue gets their cars soon.
I have sent PM, but I face the same. paid last thursday for car and insurance and still no new car. all I get from nissan is "tomorrow inshallah". how did you persuade them? Hire car$$$ or taxi$$$ and lots of hassle. Not the happy experience it should be!
a friend of mine was having same issue from one week.
His car was delivered yesterday from Abudllah Abdullah Ghani (Toyota)
its probably the last new car I will ever own but it sure will be good while it lasts
Drive safely then.
if that had been a Honda they would have given you a loan car to use in the intrim so you are not put out! Not all car dealers are equal!
have a safe driving!
I shouldn't be so quick to get online and express my disappointment either - Nissan has managed to get us some plates and I can have the car today. Thank you Nissan. I know there is definitely a problem with getting plates in Doha at the moment so I am happy they managed it.
You should never (!) pay anything in advance in this country. Never!
go for another car dealer, simple!