butler needed?

Ok..I was in the City Center mall today and this guy from one of the stores comes around and asks if I know of anyone who is in need of a butler. I said not off hand, but that I would ask around. So...I'm asking around...anyone who needs one, or knows of someone who does, message me and I'll put you in contact with him. Seems really nice but I don't know him, only to deal with him in the mall.
Who in the heck ever heard of running into a butler at City Center???? This is unheard of. Did the guy wear a derby????
I am a Butler, but a very poor one, I refuse to wait on people.
just renting him, one day a week...:) My heart is not entirely of stone..its gold..so its a bit softer..
novita...how are you and that little halawa in your avatar?
ha ha ha...hi there Alexa...kaif halaich?...
butlers are very different to housemaids/housekeepers...they have a high level of etiquette in how they prepare things and how they present themselves around the house, have certain talents...they have very specific duties where housemaids duties are more general.
one of the perks of the job...
and will it come with british accent too? and of course you will have to pay more :-) i guess.
Reminded me of rich english family living in a castle in countrysite.
Scarlett ... i like the idea about pick up line. I wonder what butler do that a housemaid couldn't do?
or that was the newest pick up line I've ever heard!
In mystery crime stories of old any death in households with servants, whether suspicious or not, its ALWAYS the Butler wot done it!
Also, there used to be machines at seaside amusement arcades with 'rude flick images of ladies undressing' (or what the folk in the 1920s considered rude, anyway). There was a little peep-hole to look through.
These machines were called 'what the butler saw' !
Who is a Bttler and what is his job description
I do want a butler actually. however, he must be able to
and fight on my behalf.
I will pay him and provide accomodation as well as a uniform consisting of a large pair of satin trousers, curly satin slippers, turban and large curved sword. He only need wear this when accompanying me to formal engagements.
Scarlett O'Hara, after all Rhett Butler did for you, you decide to hire him out as a helper? He was your husband once and again, dammit.
Your heart sure is made of stone, lady!
but only an English one please.
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi