Bugatti smashes land speed record !!

Amazing feat ..........
The land speed world record for a production car has been smashed by a Bugatti sports car.
In a flash of orange and black, the Veyron 16.4 Super Sport achieved an incredible average top speed of 267.8mph - far exceeding the expectations of Bugatti's engineering team
Driven by Pierre-Henri Raphanel, the redesigned Veyron 16.4 Super Sport hit 265.9mph when driven against the wind and 269.8mph with the wind at a racetrack in Ehra-Lessien, Germany.
Here is the video of when that speed was set on an episode of Top Gear. speed was 431km/h
The whole episode.
I love this car. Inshallah, I will own one of these soon
lawa ever been to the Autobahn in Germany?
while internationaly speed limit is not more than 120k/h even on super highways than these cars are useless
The car was a Swedish-built Koenigsegg CCX, which was involved in the San Francisco to Miami Gumball 3000 Rally
Swedish car, Koenigsegg CCX.
Amazing.. What car was being driven ???
They are getting 267 MPH in test conditions in 2010, anyone remembers the fastest speeding ticket issued in Texas in 2003, someone was driving on the road at 242 MPH.
269mph = 432Kmph...damn fast fast as an aircraft!!!
Looks cool, but it is still in the buold stage. One day .. :O)
sorry to disapoint you man, but check the "dagger gt" ur bugatti seems like a "matchbox" comparing to it....from 0 to 100km in 1.5 sec...2000hp , reached 483 km per hour and it WASN'T the top speed...and above it all it's half the price of the bugatti :P
Wasn't that when the brakes failed coming down Moldoveanu Peak. As I recall, that incident caused your baldness and the twitch..... :O)
For how long these tyres can last ?
order two on your account!!?
my Dacia achieved a speed of 290 mph in the second gear only ! :P
Yes please... I'd like one :D