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Just saw on Good morning America that a new book has just came out confirming something that I knew all alomg: Women just can't have it all.
I know what women want, they want an adoring husband and family, a great career, a sporty car, an exciting social life, respect, a black boyfriend, and plently of money and time to realize all thier potential.. but thats just not possible for a few basic reasons. I don't know the name of the book but it just came out..Google it ladies
Don't let her fool you-She knew what I was talkin about..
"Good thing you have big feet then, otherwise you would topple over!"
" on earth do you work a nose????"
I fell over laughing....
Mana looks like your magic is fading... lol
Nope, not happening...hope you did not place money on that one...
Yep.. warming up now.. Germany to beat Italy 2-0 :O)
Sure. Shouldn't you be getting ready for the footie?
My apologies. I truly hadn't intended it to be from a smutty angle..
brit, please do not mention my name a such smut in the same post. Thank you.
I like horses that buck and kick at times...:)
Oh code...what code? and who is flirting?? I must have missed something....:/
Manna, Now why should I want women to follow
You look at this world through your eyes so I shouldn't be surprised with what you think your world is.
I hope you are not the kind of guy you potray yourself to be in this I really don't want you to be in some kind of trouble with the authorities here.
No, I was practicing my Qatarian Code words. Isn't flirting with a married woman a felony in Qatar?
I loved that show BTW, a lot
I got a story to tell you about a local message board, my harem, and a gang of extremely angry husbands showing up at my door one day
Only when a guy like you is trying to take charge of it Knight.
Let me teach you something I learned when I was 10 years old. My first job was walking hot horses on the backstretch at Arlington Park Race track in Chicago. These race horses are bred for size, strength and insanity and after workouts somebody had to walk them around the shed row to cool them out. These keyed up 1600+ pounds of pure muscle would always go crazy buckin up and kickin, stopping and pulling away- I was scared, I couldn't control them and I was really scared. I coulda got killed, I was just a liitle kid. Then I learned that when they start going besrk just keep walking and act like nothing is going on behind you. I'd act real calm and they would always settle right down, always. They needed to trust that whomever is leading them around knew where they were going, and wasn't scared.
Knight, you don't know who you are, you don't know where you are, you don't know where you're going, and you're scared. There's no way a womans gonna want to follow you anywhere.
Manna, You have been around for 50 years but I am afraid you still couldn't figure out what an average women wants..
All a women wants is to take charge of her own life!!
I have been around for 40 years and probably seen more women than you have.
I don't think the women will be queuing up :)
i'm sure many husbands in Qatar will be willing to have a whip round and pay you to stay away from Doha :O)
Why not a Spanish boyfriend....that's what i would like!!!!!!!!!
Personally am not into the sporty car......
But to have all here is a tip.....
Dont marry and if you do don't have more than one child.....
Are you a male Samantha Stevens?????
Its hard to put that in words sweetheart, I'll have to show you when I get over there on earth do you work a nose????
Its really not that big, I was just trying to impress you..Its not a small nose but it's not huge, it's just right, and I know how to work it...
"MP, why we have to lower our expectations?..."
Because you can't have it all Qatarie, if you have the black boyfriend your marriege sucks and if you have the great job your mothering sucks, and if you have the great social life then everything sucks.
Actually (now that I think about it) a woman can't have anything if they want a rich and fulfilling life
I've been around 50 years, I know what women do when left alone..I spent 25 years sniffin out weak marriages and when I see one it's like blood in the water and I instinctively move in for the kill. I can't help it! It's been a big problem for me
why you keep assuming that we are only dreaming?
Good thing you have big feet then, otherwise you would topple over! :P
You mean your married to a black and dream of a white?
Hold on i'll Qatari, I'll be there at the end of July
Its huge Nomercie
Maybe its big....I'm not sure, Ill ask somebody
So you have big feet and a regular size nose?? That don't add up...:P
But how big is your nose??? :P
I wear a size 15 shoe
Manna thinks all black dudes are better hung than whites..:)
MP, why we have to lower our expectations? as NM said, it's not an expectation, it's a reality for some of us.. I have all of it.. the only thing is the colours are other way around ;)
I think a real lady would not feel it as "admitting" something...she would simply state what is the case.:)
Real ladies do not care about what other people think.
Of course there are exceptions to the "can't have it all" rule, and I have no doubt you are one of them and as far as the Black boyfriend part- A real lady would never admit to that on a public forum, would they?
I heard you were one helleva message board poster but i'm not see'ing it here today
I have all that...except the black boyfriend, which I very happily will pass on....
Ideally, it would be great to have "an adoring husband and family, a great career, a sporty car, an exciting social life, respect" but the black boyfriend....I think I have to pass LOL
Exactly the priorities of LIFE changes very often, from childhood to old age; some said that human greed increases with time :(
Love when women are generalised,we are not all the same,we don't all want the same things and we don't all think the same..
Qatarians Americaians Martians .....watelse
Smells like diarrhea in here. Oh wait! that’s just the retarded Manna Pro chattin shyt again.
It wasn't a book, just a magazine article..Anyway, you can't have it all ladies so lower your expectaions.
The place is full of sissy boys and softies
Pink Boyfriend???? Now where would you Get that.... :/
I guess no one on earth can really have all of their heart's desires all the time. Somethings gotta give! The trick is in finding contentment in what you have whilst working towards what you want.
Black Boyfriend? I want a brown boyfriend or a pink boyfriend if it's available.
@qatarisun good one really
I'm not working on Sundays..Its a holy football day
I was merely trying to advise the other men here on what is, and is not acceptable
hey Draccy from the green lands... long time..
I m still watching....................
Have you changed your mind about not working on Sundays?
Touche, qatarisun :)
You got me here...:)
wow.. it's just sooo surprizing! how come women "..just can't tolerate your desire for a long term relationship with another woman"??
Bad bad women!! Why do you read my open emails, and follow my browsing history...and why - oh why!- you are so much against me having another woman in my life! Insensitive, uncooperative wives!!
I had that for over 20 years Qatarisun, but I wasn't required to be a mother. It all fell apart when I desired a longterm relationship with a girlfriend. You see...Women can forgive a lot of one night stands but they just can't tolorate your desire for a long term relationship with another woman. So delete everything and close those browers before you go out golfing guys..Unless you want all your stuff out in the yard when you get home later
lol qatarisun, tell me where to find '..different coloured girlfriends' but I do agree with you for the rest..:)
I know what men want, they want an adoring (and understanding) wife, and family (and at the same time keeping their bachelor status), a great career, a sporty car, an exciting social life, respect, different colours girlfriends (the more the better), and plenty of money and time to realize all thier potential.. but thats just not possible for a few basic reasons...
is there any book about THAT?
now i want to kill myself !
...a black boyfriend?? Now from where did you figure this??