Booklovers in Qatar Unite!

By brandpromo •
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Are you a booklover? Would you like to read, share and exchange books ?
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hey pretty girls...oryx and jauntie i've got only two books to share by Sydney Sheldon and I want to join the book club count on me...
...I wish I can borrow your book, The Diary of Anne Frank. I'm really just intrigued by it.
Tin Tin is good!
i have started a book group - waiting for admin approval
Is it all talk talk talk or has someone actually joined the group in that blogspot?
I have emailed the person at and am among the first 20 people to register. I hope to improve my tastes in reading and graduate from Tin-Tin / Asterix to Lincoln Rhyme (Jeff Deaver)!:-).
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body...sudoku is pumping iron!
I am addicted to literature and have a fairly eclectic collection I am ready to swap out. I have read all the William Boyd's, liked An Ice Cream War the best and also liked A Short History of Ukrainian Tractors (the ending is amazing) so I guess I have a similar taste to Jauntie.
Patriotism cannot be our final spiritual shelter; my refuge is humanity. Tagore, Bengali Poet
i havent got time to write a list of my books
u welcome to come to my house - pm me
reading lolita in tehran is excellent
Love his books! I have the diary of anne frank whoever wanted to borrow it!
Have heaps of books on travel and travel writing - Bill Bryson, Lonely Plant, all sorts of coutries covered
I did try to set up a book club out here but it never got added to the group section!
Anne schnetzet the one who wrote hundred and one days in baghadad, reading Lolita In Tehran, heaps like that
Currently going through a martina cole phase – there great really make you think!
Heaps of books on Buddhist reoligion ( particuraly the tibetian side )
I love books so much !maybe we should all write lists of what we have and then work out how to lend them out?
Anyone got Dante ? cant find copies of them here!
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
I read it already, the other book, river piedra!
"Like I always said IMHO"
... no problem. i think i can have back the alchemist also on saturday. i'll just inform you if you haven't read it yet.
bye for now.
Go to Pay $50 online and download all the books you want. You will find much knowledge there on the subject.
Best wishes.
that all the books we have here (not many) all really belong to my hub, so would have to check with him before circulating any! I'm lazy, so I just read his choice mainly :o)
Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby - The Water Babies
Just choose which place I will drop it for you!
Don't get me wrong, am sure I can drop/ leave books somewhere!
I will tell you guys where ok?
Simplestguy... later ok, I am interested with one book you have!
"Like I always said IMHO"
...I know, his storyline sometimes is a bit boring...
Read Kiterynner Now eagerly awaiting for the movie.
william boyd read 2 of his... very erudite writer
the other two i haven't read
daRuDe as many books as you want .....
the bookseller of kabul
the sewing circle of herat
got all those plus more about afghanistan
Last 3 books I read were:
A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian -(Maria Lewycka) quite amusing
The Interpretation of Murder - (Jed Rubenfeld) excellent!
Restless - (William Boyd) quite good, once I got into it
Maybe not your cup of cha ... ?
Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby - The Water Babies
No response at all to my 2 comments.
Book worms are always lost in books.
Am off this thread. :|
criticism and insult positively Oryx! So, it will not grow on me.
Book Club is good!
"Like I always said IMHO"
Already Done . Waiting for the Movie
You must read kiterunner...dont remember author
I will PM you later, we can exchange... I also like books about politics.
Got to go now, Beau is picking me up!
Later ok, thanks!
"Like I always said IMHO"
ok i will start a book club under social groups?
do i have to be polite about everyone's taste in books?
... owns the book, THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK. I would gladly appreciate if you can let me borrow it or if you know where to buy the book.
I'm just intrigued by this book.
peter rabbit aka paulo coehlo -
in french - veronika decides to die - sat down by the river and wept
in spanish - santiago de compestella
in portuguese - zahir
although at times he is a bit of trite silly sap
It's a nice novel, Paulo Coehlo is brilliant, I like John Grisham too... some of my books are in Philippines.. SOme I gave it away or leave it somewhere so others can read it!
"Like I always said IMHO"
i was wondering how to save the trees at farm house. but guess i found a solution to that. BOOKS :D
got any extra books for me plz
....the devil and miss prym and by the river piedra i sat down and wept. somebody borrowed the alchemist.
haven't you read the two?
yes, we can exchange...
apart from english i have a few books in spanish, portuguese and french if there are any of those native speakers craving...
but not for swapping.
I have a lot on Africa too and Arab things.
i also have a massive collection of guidebooks. i am currently looking for lonely planet's armenia book.
and for all those banging on about how great hezbollah are try reading my copy of Brian Keenan's An Evil Cradling - a work of modern literature...
i am also good at giving advice for people who want to read but not sure what.
11 Minutes and Zahir, can we exhange?
"Like I always said IMHO"
..... has books from Mitch Albom? Like, Tuesdays with Morrie, etc.
Actually, I just finished his other book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven.
... actually, i have some of the great books of paulo coelho's : the alchemist, the devil and miss prym, and, by the river piedra i sat down and wept.
what other books can you recommend?
Guys why don't you make a QL Group for people who want to share or swap books? I am happy to post a list of all my books in case I have any that people want. I have about 200, from Asimov to Judy Astley and will bring the rest back when I go back in the summer
I would so luuurve to join in. Only s small problem. I dont have any books to share... sigh.
no swap shop for me but friends welcome to borrow.
but i have few up for swaps but not many.
otherwise i will lose umberto eco and get danielle steele.
& Dean Koontz & James Patterson!
"Like I always said IMHO"
have a swap shop! i go crazy trying to find good things to read! thats a great idea!
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
brandpromo is that your site....
Everybody take a look
Anybody saw anything relating to a Book within 5 seconds in the site?
Honestly never seen a worst site in mylife.
Come on buddy how much intelligence does it take to design a site especially with Dreamweaver & Flash.
I sent a PM to Oryx to say I'd be interested and asking if others are involved. Be good to have some sort of swopshop!
Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby - The Water Babies
orynx and janunite me to me to i have heaps of books! im mad about them! i have loads too which i could lend out and such like!!! orynx what do you mean by your a book snob? I think i am one of those too maybe as i struggle to find decent books to read, it all seems to be romance and chick lit out here which is pure drival if you ask me!
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
The wensite is not very attractive like someone said.
Do you have with blank page i like to go through them :D
Dont like readin just looking :D
u want to share/exchange books.
I am THE chick in town for that.
you have come to the correct place with me! pm come to my house and I will sort you out with books.
of the quality variety... i am a terrible snotty book snob.
and the bandwagon rolls on :o)
However, I would enjoy to exchange books and share - apparently not a lot in the shops here apart from fairly innocuous titles/authors
Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby - The Water Babies
I found your website design rather repellent - chaotic and visually disruptive.
Us readers like calmer aesthetics
lets us know when u get it sorted.
oh and a tip - you should put your post under our classified if u r going to advertise
What's with the recent explosion onto the scene of all the Qatar dot coms?