Bodyform - Is honesty the best policy ?

This is brilliant. Should companies be truthful ? watch the video ..
A Bodyform video responding to a complaint by a disgruntled boyfriend, that he had been "lied to" by the company's ads, has gone viral on YouTube.
Richard Neill posted a 'complaint' on Bodyform's Facebook page to register his upset at the feminine hygiene company's 'lies' about a woman's time of the month.
"As a child I watched your advertisements with interest as to how at this wonderful time of the month that the female gets to enjoy so many things, I felt a little jealous," he said.
"Then I got a girlfriend, was so happy and couldn't wait for this joyous adventurous time of the month to happen... you lied!!
"There was no joy, no extreme sports, no blue water spilling over wings and no rocking soundtrack, oh no no no... my lady changed from the loving, gentle lady to the little girl from the exorcist with added venom and extra 360 degree head spin."
Bodyform posted its spoof apology on YouTube, with an actress playing the company's mock chief executive, named Caroline Williams.
She says: "We lied to you Richard and we want to say sorry. Sorry. What you've seen in our advertisements so far isn't a factual representation of events, you're right.
"The flagrant use of visualisation such as skydiving, rollerblading and mountain biking - you forgot horse riding, Richard - are actually metaphors, they're not real. There's no such thing as a happy period."
She jokingly explains that Bodyform was just trying to protect men from the real truth about women's bodies.
The piece ends with Williams breaking wind, and then asking whether Neill knew that women did that too.
spock you seem a little obsessed about her child's umm issues
Well, then don't stop it. Or do you want the explosion on your baby's a55 within a tight diaper? That's inhumane.
When they've got a tummy bug, no manner of right food will stop an explosive poop!
It's easy to assume you're a man, with a comment like that. :) Yes, items for a women's time of the month are EXCEPTIONALLY necessary.
Instead of looking for a poop-proof diaper it would be better to feed your son the right food, MM.
Brilliant - dealing with on line bullies.....
However, do not know what all the fuss is about anyway
I would love to know if a diaper can handle one of my son's explosive poops!
What about Bodyform products, nappies (diapers to miss mimi), makeup, deodrant, hair colour ??
Aren't they all neccessary ?
Then they won't sell anything, Brit! Because 99.9% of what needs advertisement, is useless and not necessary.
Kudos to Bodyform, but advertisers should try to be a little more truthful...
advertisement is always associated with lies for them to sell
hilarious ....... poor Richard ...but best part is
" my lady changed from the loving, gentle lady to the little girl from the exorcist with added venom and extra 360 degree head spin."
too good
hell no they should not be truthful...
This was hilarious. :D And yes they should be truthful!