The Blessing of Forgetfulness

I do realize that forgetfulness has a negative connotation, but have you ever considered the blessing of
being able to forget? I am fairly confident that you have found yourself in an embarrassing situation at
some time or another when you wished the earth would open up to swallow you. Think of how many
times this may have happened, then think of every one specifically. You will remember some, but not all –
and come to think of it you are pleased that you cannot remember them all.
The flipside, having absolutely no memory of what happened the day before, is a terrible thought. We
build upon our memories, often learning through them in a practical way. What if you could remember, or
absolutely forget, at will. What if you could decide to put those memories, which make you feel badly out
of your mind forever – and forever treasure those you consider special?
It's easy to forgive, but impossible to forget - unless you are mentally sick.
It helps to forget bitter experiences but at times it is tough when someone opens old wounds again.