Best QL Debater of the Week
- Who do you think is the best debater of the week?
Pros : Zeitgiest
Cons : frenchieman
Pros : Zeitgiest
Cons : frenchieman
1. cabbage2. fathimah3. tinkerbell4. pilgram 5. nomerci6. Qatrilady7. mandilibur8. alexa9. Gadarene10. PM11. frenchieman12. britexpat13. zeitgiest14. baldricks2dogs15. adey16. M'sieur le Frog17. Renee18. Red Pope19. Smelly20. Coolie21. Scarlett22. Airsupply23. Gypsy24. Abu American25 legal_pad26. genesis27. MDBy the way, I missed the sarcastic approach of Alexa.
and the lists of contender debaters are growing: 1. cabbage2. fathimah3. tinkerbell4. pilgram 5. nomerci6. Qatrilady7. mandilibur8. alexa
she is firm defender too of her views. where is in the hell is she?and lists of contender debaters are growing:cabbagefathimahtinkerbellpilgramany more suggestions?
Cabbage and Fathimah are one of the few Qlers who has the guts to be a good debater in the coming weeks.
lol ok Bring lol
Thanks for calling me summer.
So you got it (*ummer)I am a sauted vegatable - (sniff) that is my life.
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Brit always gives the game away that man.My name is Why me Now :-/
LOL Just googled it...I love Kimchee too.
She's actually Korean and her name is Kim-Chee :O)
Do you?It is up there with Asparagus and Sweet Potato for me - you either like them or you don't x
Hope...God bless me for that as well! If not the vitamins will.
But I like to eat Cabbage more!
God bless you for that xoxo But as I say - this is not a contest. We all having something to offer :-)
Oh I forgot to mention ...Frenchieman and Cabbage.
rofl - loving this!For once (well maybe more than once) I agree with Cabbage.Read more: goes to show what QL is like - one minute you fall out and the following day/week/month you can have common ground lol C'est la fin des haricots.
For once (well maybe more than once) I agree with Cabbage. My only vote would be against people who take these discussions personally, and cannot at the end of the day laugh it off, move on, and put it into proper perspective. Disagreement is healthy and sometimes fun; obscenities and threats of violence aren't.For me, QL is at its best when it is entertaining, sometimes enlightening and way to kill time in an airport lounge.In terms of posters that often give me pause for reflection, I always enjoy reading what tinkerbell, no merci, Pilgram, adey, genesis and fatimaH have to say--albeit for different reasons.Have a great week everyone, and to the Americans Happy 4th of July (a cause for which the French proudly fought!).
reysaj - why is it that legal_pad is not on your list?
edifis, volleygirl & Alter Dusty(most surprising)That's lovelyIs there a cash prize? lol Too many here well versed in reading, cogertating and composing a coherent argument to mention.So better to say who I miss - I miss PM, Scarlett, Airsupply(I know, I know!), loads of others whose names escape me at the moment. Abu American doesn't post as much anymore. Some have been here from the beginning - Darude, Alexa(cough...nom...), Xena, Whiteknight, Britexpat(I think)
2012 - Sorry I put you to sleep at times lol. Mind you love - you have a fair old chat on yourself. Been bored by your comments a fair few times :-)Who is the best - I don't think there is such a thing.We all have something to offer and we can all make valid points.I have disagreed big time on here with people I know as a freind but that does not bother either of us. You can debate with a mate and it still be friends after.There are good and bad in us all.I have learnt an awful lot from looking at some threads and what posters have added to them.I don't see this as a competition - it's good fun mixed with like minded people and we can all disagree and it gets heated. So what?Each and every person on QL adds to the mix. Some are more passionate than others - but that is great.If you don't like the heat get out of the kitchen. Long may it continue :-) 2012 will have fallen asleep now :-) Night sleepy head x
In no Particular order Gadarene verisimilitude Red Pope Smelly Coolie Britexpat Baldricks2dog Alexa Adey Pilgram MD
how many of them got banned so far due to their bias views?
oh, and Red Pope ...rofl
I'm signing off coz its late in the evening here in the Phils.
1. frenchieman2. britexpat3. zeitgiest4. baldricks2dogs5. adey6. ______________ fill in the blank
I'll vote for the two if they are nominated in Quantitative category, else for the Quality debate Britexpat, cabbage, adey, pilgram and few more.
Alexa is very much there I can see her ;)
flan, one day she will be back, don't worry! :) (btw, she likes you too:) )
Qatrilady,tallg,brity,mandilurlur,ash win doke, gets my vote although most of them are missing or are ard. With diff id
yea mir the creepy creature and flan get in line plz
alexa was my favourite.sigh......and always will be :)
Da...airsupply , of course...and Mir..remember him??
LOL Da..
but a virus that has got to QL
I will vote for Rizks!!! not a debater but a joker... =)
The greatest of all time the ever green legend AirSupply
worst one. Alexa must be in texas cowgirl now
Frenchie is god but most of the time doesn't listen to reason!
Rofl...and mystica....and then, Alexa...;)
lolol...where is he ? And M'sieur le Frog???
lots of female debaters. question is if there are good ones. strike cabbage from the list. she is just blah blah and thinks we want to read page and page of her views. if aim is to put me to sleep then she is winner. i dont agree much with no merci but she is better debater all things considered.
bad purposes. i just want to see Qlers opinion on who's best people on QL.
I think the same as Flanostu...
naa, she was way to whiney and religous for a decent debate.
was the best :D
i choose neither but frenchie gets the best of zeitgeist.zeitgeist is my old nemesis dodgy/dodgey/rizzo. always crazy and always kicked off Qatarliving every month for racism, threats and insults to Islam. Ha ha. funny his is back here but not for long iam sure. mods will delete him.PS zeitgeist, no posting of pm's in main forum. against ql rules. and i am sure you made that up too slander those who disagree with you. ha ha!
ya, moi, when I'm in the mood. If and when I am, I beat all of them..except pilgram. (simply because she is a good friend :) )
my vote goes to flanostu.
For the choices in the original post? Frenchieman without a doubt. zeitgEIst is a phony who's been erased from QL before. How many rules did he violate in his post just now?But I'd add Britexpat to the list when he's being serious. I like Adey's posts as well.@reysaj is this supposed to be bashing Frenchie thread? Very uncool if so.
Although, pilgram is at par, but she is not on QL much anymore.
hmmm, best debater,,,best based on what? Coming up with facts , proving one's opinion ...what? In general , I say at this time , Frenchieman.
Don't forget tinkerbell. I'm a big fan of hers.
Yeah, I have great regards for Fatima...I guess she is a wonderful person..:)
choosing one is not pos cos it all depends on the subject debated on. I must say though,those who resort to slander,foul language and personal insults lose big time though they perceive it not!
YAY! CABBAGE! :-)See, I came online only to vote for you! Who is Zeitgiest? Admittedly, I've been off QL too long...And isn't the word supposed to be spelt 'zeitgEIst'?
Why have you left out the girls...i think cabbage is a good debater too..
frienchieman is good no doubt..
he presents good ideas defending on his views. But i noticed him this week to be antagonistic with views of Zeitgiest.
i think we should have a mass debate.
we have a self promoting wanker in Bachus. Cop this personal message from his royal Bachus heiness: "Well mate, I am clever enough to pull mid six figures (in British pounds) plus housing, car, driver, perks, etc. and still get two months vacation a year"Talks like a wanker, looks like one, is a Wanker. Keep pulling - because you postings are awful.
well i respect/vote frenchie.. but some time i don't agree with his points, cox he become lill bit rude some times, though he is a good debater at all.. you guys forgot cabbage, britexpat
Of the two? Obviously Frenchie but zeitgiest gives him easy material to work with. But there are better QL debaters and the week is young.