Be a good neighbour

Though you may take them for granted most of the time, no one can deny that a good neighbour is a indeed a blessing.
It’s ironic how a good neighbour usually goes totally unappreciated while a bad one will be cribbed about at every given opportunity. But the reality is that, in those times of need, your neighbours are the very people who will come to your aid even before your family or friends simply by the virtue of being nearest to you. Also, if you’ve just moved into a new accommodation, neighbours are the very people who will come to your aid with emergency numbers, important local contacts like the home delivery store, the newspaper vendor, the cable man, the laundry man, etc.
To be a good neighbour:
Be Social
Spending whatever free time you have after your busy office schedules lazing around in your home with your family may sound like the most ideal situation for you, but remember, it is also important to be on friendly terms with your neighbour. Hence, whenever you get a bit of spare time, use it to catch up with your neighbours. Once in a while use your weekends as a time to bond, invite them over for dinner or if you’ve made a cake or cookies or some special dish, take some of it and drop in at their place to say hi and enquire about them. Most importantly, remember to smile and greet them whenever you meet.
Be Understanding
Be ready to help your neighbours, whenever they are in a problem. Also, if you know that there is something that they do not like you doing, try not to do it at least when they are at home. Also, if your neighbour has a sick person at home or a child studying for exams and you are aware about it, keep the decibel levels in your home at a decent level. Do no unnecessarily blast the music of television.
Don’t Act Nosey
Nobody likes someone prying into his/ her life. So, make sure that in your enthusiasm of becoming a good neighbour, you do not turn nosey. Mind your own business. Do participate in gossips, either by listing to or spreading it around. What your neighbours do with their lives and how they choose to do it is absolutely their concern. Though you cannot stop them, be available whenever they need your help.
Communicate With Your Neighbour
Keep your neighbours in the loop of things that are of mutual concern to both of you’ll. Indulge in a chat on a regular basis and if they are facing a problem that you are aware of, ask if there is something that you can do to help. More often than not they’ll gratefully say no, but it’s the thought that counts. In case there is a problem, talk it out with them and sort it amicably rather than indulging in a fight.
Respect Their Privacy
Consider your neighbour’s lifestyle and be understanding of it. Don’t visit anytime or every time you feel like. Remember, there is quite a fine line between being friendly and what can be considered as intruding into the other person’s life. Do not ever cross it. Do not peak into their homes or make it a point to overhear each and every conversation or fight in their homes. Remember, if you respect their privacy, they will in turn respect yours.
I try to be a good neighbour neighbour needs to read this :-)
Part of the fun is being nosy about your naeigbour's activities..
thanx tcom , i will let u know
4 Mbps is better
USB broadband for pc and laptops and micro sim for iPad and iPhone.
our building is next to the qatar airways ladies hostel...i do love my neighbours.
lol phynix :)
flor dial 155 :)
usb broadband same as the one that can be use in iPad?
phynix after long time , happy Onam too :)
still not applied tcom , maybe today i will go city centre and submit . which one is good 1mbps or 2 ?
Be a good neighbor and invite me for dinner.... Where is your account number
but a bad citizen! Lol! Can you send me those copies? Lol!
I helped my neighbour download porn yesterday, I guess I am a very good neighbour :o)
why dont you name the source from where you pasted this
sumone annoying u
do not covet your neighbor's wife....
If to go by this I is a very Bad neighbour :(