I am not a BAD PERSON and I try to be nice/polite as much as I can be. So, I'll try to make this as clear as I could make it...
PM (Private Message) Inbox is one of the site's feature for QL members to communicate with other members in PRIVATE.
DO NOT USE THIS FEATURE to ask FRIENDSHIP or HELP IN FINDING A JOB or whatever is happening in your PATHETIC (so called excuse) of a LIFE.
It's enough already that we receive SPAMS AND HARSH/ABUSIVE PM's ....but sometimes, it's kinda get into the nerves of the receiver.
The NAME & SHAME thread would be the last resort but some posters here would definitely react against it.
Is it hard to understand what was stated in my Account profile that : PMs from unknown trolls are NOT WELCOMED.
Or should I change it to: DO I KNOW YOU? IF NOT...DON'T SEND ME PMs
I'm not being a BIATCH here(though some thinks I am..) but If you want friendship/help, join the forum and post there. I know everyone here would help out (even if the thread/topic gets diverted due to hijacking) and assist anyone who needs info/details/help.
Sorry QL FOLKS...just need to get this out...
Is it hard to understand what was stated in my Account profile that :
PMs from unknown trolls are NOT WELCOMED. is a WEB FORUM and NOT A DATING FORUM...geezzz....
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleonor Roosevelt
I'm sure most of it is in Charan's mind
Now I feel left out, I've never gotten a single PM.
And yes, we do know each other in the "real" world.
yup azzy, i support you totally for this. buzz off you bugger.
listen to this you very pathatic desperate soul: ignore means not interested or who care...
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleonor Roosevelt
Did I just hear in HOT now girl, you know what to do dont you send them over to Dr. Smokey and Dr. Ksa clinic...its a pretty much drive in theatre...LOL...
alright when they coming...
What a waste of time...
all my trainer/s are smaller than me but they sure as feisty broads...
and they are ALL in HOT BABES....
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleonor Roosevelt
at least the message says something lol.
Man!! Are you kidding me?? I can't use QL to meet the babes?!
better hit the coach in the gym he/she will give u a peace of mind !!
best soultion ,, change your avatar to some cartoon network and change your gender in your profile !
Don't hogg all the weirdos!
Why hasn't any "broadminded" people sent me any PMs?
Don't know whether she(He) will listen to me :(
nope.. ask YOUR friend to stop sending PM.. :P
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Owen - Shall I ask your friend to stop sending PM to you:)
Just got that too... Someone wants to compete with QL!
“They say you can't live without love. Tell them oxygen is more important!.”
- G. House
OK I will stop sending PM to you:)
may i take this opportunity also..
TO YOU.. who has been messing around like a sicko.. YOU GO TO HELL and bug whoever you can bug from there.. find more productive thing to do rather that ruining relationships here on QL!... you got no life eh, once we got hold of you.. you will see.. (consider this a serious threat!)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
I am getting PM from broad minded females also :)
Hey there
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Please don't send me pms if you dont know me.
If I dont' respond... take this as a polite NO
Please dont' keep sending me PMs
i do ignore them...but like I said, I'm not being in a "NICE" mood today.
I must head for the gym...I feel like hitting someone
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleonor Roosevelt
HI there, I think people don't understand the differenc often as I have had quite a few myself but I tend to ignore them and funnily enough these people never seem to pop their heads up on any forums.
If you ignore they will go away hopefully.
i second the motion.. but through the months, i've learned to just ignore...but as mentioned, it will do get into our nerves one way or the other... even now the name and shame does not work, as they will resurrect with a new user name.. :/
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
But this topic thread will pop up if I would receive another PM of similar nature.
I guess I'm not in a "NICE" mood today...
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleonor Roosevelt
dont u worry Azzy just pm me ur personal mobile number and i'll sms u all my friendsheep and do u want massage at door step requests :) *runs to hide behind azzy before Mr. Paul comes*
U attrach these Pm's like Honey to a bear :)
whos the moron who's got u so pissed of Azi...