Asking for petrol Another kind of begging

There has been two incidents with me in Ain Khalid Area where "beggers" driving the big expensive cars asking for money to buy petrol. How ridiculous is that they traveled all they way from Saudi Arabia to Qatar without petrol. What they are doing here in Qatar at the first Place? Strange....
I end up having a heated argument with them. We expatriate earn money to give them to these lazy beggars? of course there are needy people but atleastt not these lazy young boys asking money for petrol to go back to Saudi Arabia...
its almost impossible that you travel thru Saudi & you don't find any of 'em approach you...either on a petrol station or on road !
Well get a proper job then :p
i will surely do TB, but not now... coz i dont have access to youtube frm office....:(
Check this out Rizks
Kia Pride ?
even britexpat has a Pink Kia, and i remember last time he asked me for 2/- riyals to buy himself a karak chai and a cup cake....:(
They have done well for themselves! The last time I saw them they only had Kia Pride's.
They are fake ppl.... do not argue and waste your time... There was a time when they used to roam outside every1s house to catch up some1 for money and now this has started.
The only answer to them is to ask them to seek help from Doha Police.
upgraded beggars lol
give them 1QR... then tell them to move on with the begging...
Yes, it's begging.
i used to tell them... "i can help u to sale ur car in good price....." lol