Are you smarter than an athiest?

According to this quiz by the Christian Science Monitor, athiests, agnostics, Jews and Mormons know more about religion than any other groups:
What did you score?
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in some countries, masons are executed...I fully support this, because this is beyond religion. Politics and sabotage is involved here
What i found hilarious is how they all jumped to take the Quiz and compete like it was the final exams hahahaha
to any stupid person who thinks that masons are executed because of religion or intolerance, you are nothing but fools.
There is a lot of sabotage and conspiracies related to this dangerous organization. They are similar to skulls and bones
This thread has gotten absolutely hilarious.
I think the Masons were aligned with Walt Disney and Hitler to control the world economy as exposed in Dan Brown's books.
The good thing about conspiracy theories is that it draws out the people that cannot think for themselves.
All this time I thought the Mormons and the Amish were the same thing! I know nothing about Religion!
Aww look at these silly angry birds doing goootuuur gooootuur like they have a clue about what they are talking about :P
Shouldn't this be in the religious section?
Rather than pretending to be a know it all and miss out on the chance of gaining knowledge, it's better to inquire from people, atheist or otherwise, the things they know of and you don't. That way rather than having pompous "who has the biggest brain" type arguments, we can each benefit from the knowledge of one another.
On that note this thread has helped me gain much info about faiths and groups I had known very little about, so thank you to all those who provided me with this knowledge.
they do a pretty good job of brainwashing themselves. insufferable know-it-alls and are as fanatic about their own beliefs (or lackthereof) like religious fanatics they claim to despise. but of course they won't accept that because they think they are the only ones who are right and everyone else who believes in something are stupid enough to be brainwashed by the opium of the masses.
nope, atheists are not bad people. most of them are educated enough to decide for themselves that religion is crap (and maybe it is) because they were curious enough to learn about them, which is truly admirable. but a human being's understanding is limited by his own imperfections and may make wrong assumptions because they can also 'interpret things their own way'. like assuming that calling a group a sect automatically means that they are excluded from religion, because a sect is a subgroup formed from within an existing religion (which the mormons are, actually). and then pass it off as naive just because they happen to have a different opinion.
read: Pawns In The Game by William Gay Carr:
and in Arabic:
and dont forget.... this is a western book...not the Quran
they are the base of the illuminati pyramid
adey, when you knock at the door, you get a reply
We are the smarter ones, cant be brain washed..
Raw will be fine! coming?
How do you like your new born infant? Roasted, pan fried, boiled or raw?
My last comment was to Hajji, not to you
the weather seems nice for some baby camel BBQing
Adey are you PM'ing the secret hideout location of the next ritualist meeting of the freemasons?
@Frenchies, they are because I joined their groups and asked some questions ,just to add some knowledge, anyhow, "yelling" with your type is just useless.
You just seem to believe whatever is thrown your way.
Some more please, you do so excel with the put downs
Your welcome...
It only takes one egg to ....oh wait it only takes 2 eggs to ruin the basket
anything is better than your rotten brain and world
you need to educate yourself
@Frenchies ,I know they are Masons ,because they god damn are, Masonry is not like your Angels and Demons hollywood movie, you can join them, in fact here is a link for their casual meetings.
I will PM you....if you don't mind :)
the should check out David Icke's stuff - books, and youtube stuff - you will meet a fellow nutter.
What must it be like to live in your world?
Are they a religion or a fraternity of some kind?
Regardless of the faith they affiliate themselves with, an extremist remains vile and malevolent,and a pox upon the earth.
Abu Hamza is such a being.
@Frenchies well I guess the Masons that casually meet here in Doha at the Starbucks , they actually do Satanic rituals of dipping babies in espressos and mochas under the counter table?
So you think they are like the super criminals in the James Bond films?
So what do these 'masons' actually do that makes them a dangerous espionage outfit?
Some details please.
blosted, i wish there was logic in any of your posts
@Knight Returns ,let us check the opinion of the other side's , so we are here with Iran from Iran , and Abu Hamza the hook from England,any opinions?
Ah so now the Skulls and Bones are more than casual meeting of business buddies from college times?
Just amazes what useful things I learn here.
Religion is a personal matter...something like the colour of the underware. I wear white and sometimes black? How does it matter to others?
I have observed that generally the more religious people are very intolerant and wants to make all other variants and other types extinct.
So I think religion is evil itself.
Do you actually know what masons are?
Always good to know you want to execute people for simply believing stuff
"Hajji Radhi said in some countries, masons are ...
in some countries, masons are executed...I fully support this"
Says the peaceful civilized religious, good-loving man?
...It burns!!!!!
LOL @ Non Prophet Organization
I'm sorry to say that you quoted it the wrong way, that's what you religious people call "interpret their own way".
The irony still persists.
But it is still absurd how Mormonism is still growing .
Again, Masonry and Freemasonry are merely brethren, it is just religious people that get over excited about it.
Anybody can join the Masons regardless if they have a religion or not, but they must be a believer in God (Doesn't matter what is your theory about it or how good he looks in a beard).
Hell there are many Masons here in Qatar.
They are not even "secret" freaks.
if Atheism is a religion, then bold is a hair color
Atheism...a non-prophet organization
My question is how did they come to be?
As the article says the French were quite unaware of them until Mitt Romney brought them to light
Well if you are trusting Wikipedia re: mormonism and freemasonry , then Wiki tells us that:
The first Mormon missionary to preach in France was William Howells, who entered the country in 1849.[1] Soon afterwards, he was joined in his preaching by his daughter, and later by William C. Dunbar.[2] In April 1850, the first congregation was composed of six members in Boulogne-sur-Mer.[3] Louis A. Bertrand presided over the first mission which was gradually installed in Paris. In 1853, there were only 337 members for the mission of France. In 1863, Bertrand wrote to Brigham Young that France was not a good field mission for the church. The mission was closed between 1864 and 1912 and between 1914 and 1923. The first place of worship was erected in 1962 in Nantes. There were only 77 people baptized in 1933 and 116 in 1951, but the number of baptisms increased from 1960.[4]
The first edition of the Book of Momon in French-language was printed in 28 January 1852.
Did the quiz. Not happy with the score of 19/32. Would have been very happy to score 0/32.
The same question as why would someone need to become religious?
It's naive excluding Mormonism from religion.
But well, I guess Mormonism is one of the most Sci-fi type!
@adey actually that's what a lot of people believe! I was one of them before I became an atheist, our preachers were all like "Atheists are bad people, they worship the devil to test our faith, but we must stay strong!", and we believed them.
Well we were young then, and many people truly believe Atheism is a religion.
In my case I became an atheist because I decided to worship the devil......a little joke for ya all.........but some will believe it!
That's true...its easy to follow what others do around you but when someone decides to be called an aethist, it's after a lot of reading, analysing and comparing all religions with each other and then weighing the scriptures against the scientific proofs. At the end an aethist becomes quite a learned person in religions!!
was a Mormon from France. Her husband worked at the French Embassy. She was a riot! Boy she was never afraid to speak her mind and did so often and loudly.
Yes now I know who you there must be quite a few followers in Sri Lanka too. My husband should know.. he was the sorta guy who'll visit any church at least once.
115 congregations in France with a membership of over 30,000 people.
same source
they are the 4th largest religion in the US and more than half of the members of the church live outside the US. There are members in Sri Lanka -Fathima. Several Sri Lankan members live here in Doha as well. There are 2 congregations in Doha with several hundred practicing members.
Joseph Smith never proclaimed himself as Jesus! Frenchie I don't know where you got your information but so far you are completely wrong on all accounts regarding Mormons. I lived in Utah for several years and have Mormon family members. Best people you will ever find!
Appear to be to Christianity what the so called "Nation of Islam" is to Muslims.
Wirehead : Oh yes...I have seen guys who look like so in SL! We just knew them to be Christian missionaries..Wow.. you learn something new everyday.
Plenty of Mormons in France. That is where Mitt Romney spent several years as a Mormon missionary.
No questions on Rastafarians?
I know a few morons on QL too :)
Plenty of Hari Krishna followers?
They didn't ask about Scientology hmmm
Because a lot of Hindus in the USA I guess. :)
I know a coiple of Mormons in the UK..
Nice folk, strict in their beliefs. Don't drink or smoke or even take coffee...
To each his own..
i guess the caucasian missionaries in their short-sleeved white shirt and black tie uniforms haven't been to your part of the world yet Fatimah.
i may be wrong but they're more like a sect that originated in the US than a religion. had some friends who were though. was never curious about them, protestant spinoffs don't fascinate me. in their early years, probably in joseph smith's time, i heard they allowed polygamy.
they're mostly concentrated in the state of utah in the US with some branches elsewhere in the world. mitt romney i think is a mormon.
If the Quiz is designed for Americans then why so many questions on Hinduism?
Have you personally met any Mormon following folks? curious to know sis cos, like I said, I haven't..
The quiz is designed for Americans not Indians Edifis :)
Other religions ignored are Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto religion and animism.
Also 'Angra Mainyu' was left out of the quiz. Must be one question on 'Angra Mainyu' otherwise the evil spirit will rise!
This Quiz doesn't cover all major religions. For example there were no questions on Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Jainism, and the Bahai faith.
These are important religions.
'Ahura Mazda' was completely Ignored!! Must have hurt his feelings and worse still it might induce his anger!!
Beware Miss Mimi..
I actually knew nothing about the Mormon religion..I guess we dont have anyone following this faith from where I come from.
Oh we start with the mason talk again!
The questions on Hinduism and Buddhism was super easy for me too.
And technically you eat stale meat!
nope. you do not say they are the symbol/representation of the body and blood of christ. they are the body and blood of christ once bread and wine are consecrated during mass.
according to my anthropology teacher, that means we're technically cannibals ^_^
The questions on Hindu and Buddhism were really easy.
people will react to a similar quiz on Hinduism?
runner1409...I was pretty sure of that too....but It turns out that it is not symbolism...they actually believe that the bread and wine will become Christs body and blood....I am confused now.
lots of philosophy majors in my university become atheist. it was attractive for a while and they did seem cool. they do make sense if you use reason and logic and all that crap but you do get turned off when they start feeling superior and self righteous.
@ edifis... as far as i know... that is exactly what bread and wine represent in Christianity...
30 out of 32 like edifis and brit
got 'Which Bible figure is most closely associated with remaining obedient to God despite suffering?' wrong. yeah, bad christian me, i know. i thought it was father abe.
but what the hell is the first great awakening? also, i don't understand why there are so many questions about the mormon faith when it's in no way a major religion in the world. guessed them pretty well though. or is the christian science monitor run by mormons?
now where can i say i'm catholic so i can pull up our 14.7 average score?
To teach and spread momon religion and what does this have to do with ethiests and from my perspective ethiests are not smart people and they simply not flexible and have only one idea and that their opinion is the only right opinion, for those who want to know atheist is trapped during questioning I really and strongly recommend to see the debates of Ahmed Deedat on you tube
got 3 wrong answers (US ruling, etc.)... if i'm an atheist, i would be offended... The contents/questions are very shallow almost a giveaway. An atheist friend of mine knows more than these questions. the origins of the bible, etc.
their stuff. No wonder we are famous (should that be notorious) for our heated religious debates!
Don't spread lies tah, I never touch the bread. Wine only for me.
lucky you, crancydutch...69 is a AMAZING
lol nomerci we r proud of u ;o)
28 right. Failed on the Christianity stuff...;)
The Question about the eucharist bread & wine was confusing. I thought bread & wine was the symbol of Christ's body and blood!
Wow! I got 30 right!
thats 94%
But I think the uiz is easy for Indians.
So I am Smart Hindu.
Ukeng ur an outofthiest
27 out of 32 :)
didn't know Maimonides and one on the constitution quote about religion.
Not really a quiz on religion, rather a quiz on labels
got 22 out 32 but then im not religious,.and not a atheist so with 69% i still pass ;)
ok spock u can carry on with ur beer :/
I think I need another beer now, the old falling down water might take some of that knowledge away and I can be as smart as the religious.
kaun banega crorepati is much better , least they pay u for answering
didn't know who maimonides was (thanks to wiki)
and didn't know who was the preacher in the enlightement age.
it seems that QLers are smarter than Atheists
I scored 27 - a few were guesses though
The discussion is going on around your posts........
Yes ( Really ?? )
Don't know
Don't know
Book of Genesis
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
I agree.. too many useless facts in the head ..
MM - my understanding of basic Greek is that gnosos mean knowledge, so agnostic is 'without knowledge'. Surely no one in the world can describe themselves as without knowledge. A new term needs to be defined if it is about '..... unsure..'
I believe that this new term will apply to a lot of people (I tire of people who use their atheism evangelically)
i too guessed about Mormons and Jesus appearing in the Americas :O)
Scary I got 31 out of 32. Don't know what that says about me, maybe I should spend less time reading books.
LOL! I have the song "Joseph Smith was a prophet, dumb dumb dumb dumb" in my head now. :P
Dalai Lama ( X )
Dont Know
Jewish ( Guess)
The government shall neither establish a religion nor interfere with the practice of religion ( LOL )
MM.... see... TV IS educational;-p
the morons, too
just a joke
I knew the Mormon stuff from South Park and Big Love. :D
Some of the questions where guess work...
I didn't know about the morman religion being only about 200 years old.... once I knew that.... knowing that US was the "chosen" country was easy, since most of the mormans I know are Americans....
Good job Brit!
Highest so far...among us at least!
Sometime after 1800
The Americas
The bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Jesus Christ
Only Protestants
13.Dont know
I was surprised at the amount of questions about Mormonism. But it was a very America-centric quiz.
Great minds...
tough question...
"You answered 30 of 32 questions correctly for a total score of 94%."
Got mixed up between Job and moses and one about the american preachers :O(
islamic month
Someone who does NOT believe in God
Someone who is unsure whether God exists
According to the quiz and atheist is someone who doesn't believe in God and an agnostic is someone who is unsure of the existence of God.
Excellent score Quixote!
You beat me then :( and yeah I got the sabbath question wrong which is a shame cos we too go with the night proceeds the to me!
I think we should break it down by atheist / agnostic...... people are very confused by these terms
p.s. I got 91%
definitely, Fatimah
I believe you and I scored the same. I messed up with em American constitution stuff! I believe that still makes me smart , yes?
I knew that you can't lead a prayer in class, but I didn't realize that you can use the Bible as an example of literature.
I scored 23 out of 32!
Which I consider is excellent for someone whose English is not the 1st language, and the fact that the questions are not purely religious but have to do with the American culture and history (specially those questions about the court rulings).
I guess that they have taught us well in the schools of Christmas Islands!
I got 28/32 Fatimah. The Supreme Court Rulings messed me up, because I have no idea about US Supreme Court Rulings, and I totally thought the Jewish Sabbath was Saturday (but now realize that YES it does start on Friday night doh!)
MM, actually I got most of the US questions right.
When I was in the Church Worship Team, we used to do lots of Carmen songs and he sang about the US keeping prayer and the bible out of schools....
clever HAHA then u wldnt be Christian
I am a clever Christian;-p
Proof on my FB wall!!!
Mines a grand 72% got just a measly 9 wrong.Now how much did the atheist score? Gotta know who's smarter =p
Most atheists spend time to "understand" what is written in the various holy books and interpret what is meant.sums all up
Most atheists spend time to understand what is written in the various holy books and interpret what is meant. Therefore they have a greater understanding than the faithful who have not read the books in such details and just parrort the passages that are favourable to them
I take it no one is actually going to do the quiz?
atheist which religion is this
Of course most atheists know more about religious matter than the religious. For the religious their religion is a matter of blind faith!
To prove that you know more about religion than an atheist Victory.
So what is the purpose of this quiz?
Should point out that some of them have to do with US Supreme Court Rulings, so you won't be judged if you aren't American and get those wrong. ;)