The Apostrophe

Before I start this I just want to explain quickly that this is not a criticism of non native english speakers, that I am a self-confessed bore when it comes to this item of punctuation and that you are simply meant to consider this post as information for information's sake.
The apostrophe is a curious piece of punctuation that has a few uses. It is generally easy to understand but like many things in English it has some exceptions as well.
First use is to denote possession
We use an apostrophe s to show possession of an object or action
e.g. Mr Smith's car - the car owned by Mr Smith or the Giant's stench - the stench of the Giant.
We do NOT use it to show a plural of any kind. This is known as a greengrocer's apostrophe (the apostrophe of the greengrocer). It is so named because of the frequent occurrences of the incorrect "Orange's and Apple's) on display outside market stalls. The correct form being Oranges and Apples.
Couple of complications
If the word is a plural and ends in s as a result of being plural then you do not put another s you just put the apostrophe. e.g. the drivers' cars were all ready (many drivers so it ends in s and the cars belong to the driver so needs an apostrophe)
If the word ends in an s but is singular then you still put an apostrophe s (in fact usage now permits just using the apostrophe but this is mainly american). This frequently occurs with names. e.g Yates's wine bar (where Yates is the person's name)
Finally when using the word it you do not use the possessive apostrophe. e.g The Giant lived in its cave. This is just through usage. It can have an apostrophe but only when used in the second manner.
Apostrophes denoting omission
Apostrophes can be used to show that something is missing.
To follow on from the example above where "It is" is abbreviated to "It's" we do use an apostrophe.
You are is abbreviated to You're and so on.
That's it (that is it) really. Nothing to it.
There are some grey areas such as plural numbers e.g. Dubai 7s. Some people write 7's but I can't see what abbreviation or ownership the ' is implying so I choose just 7s.
Qataris does not have an apostrophe and nor does any other word get one just because it ends in a funny letter.
Remember only add an ' if you are showing that a letter is missing or you want to suggest ownership
Well I'm sure DG is tough enough to handle this fierce chat about apostrophes despite whatever she said on her blog.
the poor thing is already going thru enough as it is according 2 her latest thread on her blog. For the record DG i think its ok if ur illiterate...aint nothing wrong with that.
I think DG prefers to be called semi illiterate. It sounds a tad kinder :P
I also said that it was not a criticism of anyone just sharing some information
Not bothered at all. I am very happy for you to appear semi literate
So......erroneou''''''s;;;;;;;inclusion:::::::bother'''''s,,,,,you????????? I w'i'll ke'ep, th'at "in" mind.....
DG as mentioned further below/above depending on how you sort it I don't mind omission it is erroneous inclusion that bothers me.
If someone chooses not to use apostrophes on web etc then no dramas but if you use the then you may as well use them correctly.
Super, you forgot half your periods and a semi-colan or two.
This afternoon drinking has to stop super. You've really lost me now.
nor on that attempt
Someone else can answer
Well, i can honestly say that, for the first time super, i don't have the foggiest idea what you are talking about. Obviously went over my head.
I will not rise Giasi. I call that game "one nil".
You have not one-nilled me on this attempt
I suppose you could argue that was ok if more than one person used the car.
Truth is that many Native English-speaking misuse or omit apostrophes.
Actually, an apostrophe-related mistake appeared on the dashboard of British-made 1997 Jaguar XK, where letters (visual indicator for ''drivers airbag'' should read ''driver's airbag''...
This was the reason I never bought tha Jag! lol
You remind me of my english school teacher. He had this silly obssesion with spelling and apostrophes...I used to fail english every single year just because of spelling mistakes :(
Whilst bad english written skills in foreigner language speakers does not bother me , I cannot stand a native that cannot write his own language. I found that in the UK many couldn't not spell properly.
super GENISIS seriously i need 2 of u guys to email me.....I think i just did sumthing stupid and i need ur help!
Loki it doesn't matter I agree and I don't have a problem if they are omitted completely but when they are added incorrectly it seems silly.
We'll super 7... youv'e certainly made that clear. I hope that everyone take's notice. :P
lol... I am secretly an apostrophe grouch... I know it doesn't *really* matter in the grand scheme of internet usage, but I do notice every time it's used incorrectly...
A hangover from all the proofreading I've done, I guess. Misuse is somewhat more embarrassing in an academic journal.