this is similar to what "mom me" posted
Write down any number.
Add 3.
Multiply by 2.
Subtract 4.
Divide by 2.
Subtract the number you started with.
is the answer "1"
Write down any number.
Add the next larger number.
Add 9 to this sum.
Divide the result by 2.
Subtract the original number.
Think about the date of your birthday.
Multiply the number of the month of your birthday by 5.
Add 7.
Multiply by 4.
Add 13.
Multiply by 5.
Add the day of your birthday.
Subtract 205.
Write your answer.
Your answer should show the month and date of your birth
haha.....really funny stuff
I am wrong
Cool Guy !!!!!
Ihappy bithday hashin...
this is how so you do it rs.murali
knowing that your september is the month 9
so 9x5=45
1105+13=1118(kknowing that 13 is your day of birthdday)
1118-205= 913
so 9 is your month and 13 is your day
13th Sept 1961
m the one and only
Have a blessful night every one
and once again happy Birthday to you hashin.
Its a good time to say good night before we get really really naughty!
Anyway... thx darude...
lima, QT... good nite..
I just knew we would come to that... eventually...
I'd rather not reach 50... than not visit branch
yea sure you can reach 50. if you stop visiting wakrah branch only :D
you show wisdom beyond your years...
Is that how it feels to be 30?
will have to try but without the family feuds :)
I'd be grateful if I reach 50!
BTW. Money brings its own problems!!
its a board game... real silly... real fun... my wife, my brother and my cousin were so addicted to it that we would have family feuds
you dealing with Iraq for oil
or Iran for Gas
or russia for nukes :D
may allah show you billions
Fair enough. The UK plays most sports, but we're not very good. The only thing I don't get disappointed watching nowadays is F1. LOL.
Right I'm definately off to sleep now. Good night all.
And Happy B'day again Hashin. Have a great day. You're only 30 once!
I've decided to change my goal
now I want to be a billionaire by the time I am 50
I will Hashin :)
get a colour printer and start printing till you reach a million :D
try mario party 8, try mario party 8, try mario party 8, try mario party 8
hmmm well my nation only cricket and hockey not that much in football.
was that I would earn a million dollars before I turned 30
and this was from way long back, maybe from the time that I was 15...
I haven't earned it...
I know I'm worth it...
WII is great but not tried the Mario Party 8 yet.
whoops, there i go again, Tim Cahill :)
with football, but my hubby is an Everton fan, I have to watch it with him like a good wife does :)
besides i think Tim Cahill is soooooooooo lovely :)
Dont you take a little peak when your home nation plays?
I know what you mean. I too find the strangest things funny, that some just don't get. Hope that stops at 31. LOL
you're a wii fan too...
Mario Party 8 rocks!
just told you i hate football 1 bone and 22 dogs running for it :D
I thot it was funny... must be my age... dang!
never mind about the fax :(
By the way, didn't play the WII watched the Everton match, they won 6-1
great match :)
there is something so personal about an old bar of soap...
much more personal than a tattoo or a ring...
Hashin, Each to their own. Can't see why that funny, but...
Lima FT - Its always 5 as far as I can tell.
I am just saying that you use 'Lux Liquid Soap'...
I don't know why but I find Lux Liquid Soap very funny!!
am i a bad guy :/
you meanie will break your fax :/
Hashin :) Your a nice guy :)
I know i'm a woman but what do you get to trcik 2, is does not say, or am i missing something?
personalized graphics... the number of layers in the cake multiplied by the number of candles multiplied by the number of smileys is MY AGE!... I can't believe someone would do that for me... sniff sniff...
do use less shampoo plz :D
What are you trying to say? that I don't use enough soap in the shower? LOL
and why blue soap why not a tattoo mark or a locket or a similar ring
Hashin, have a great birthday. :)
Hope I got the age correct :)
Darude shows the cover of a blue soap box that was given to him by his mother...
I show the base of a blue soap box that was given to me by my father
and you show the soap that was given to you by your grand parents...
and we turn out to be long lost triplets
i still remember i still remember you will be 40 then lol
That's funny! And I love Indian films, they're always so dramatic.
will just say am cancerian
and hashin am still in 30 and you just entered into 30's oldie
Go for it! If you can afford it why not.
Wait for the middle age spread, that'll be next! LOL
Three guys who are all 30
Darude... this is kinda like the... 'Kumbh ke mele mein hum bichad gaye the' kind of thing
QT... let me transalate that for you... I am just saying that all of us finding that we are in the 30s is kinda like some old corny Indian movie where the heros find out that they were long lost brothers!
What date? or is that a secret?
no worries i will be 31 later this year too lol
and hashin expensive car and expensive girl i think you better contact world bank.
Shall I call you Uncle Darude...
I kinda have this thing that the 30s is like middle aged...
and I never thot I'd turn 30... it always seemed so far away...
except now!
QT... Darude... I think I am having a mid life crisis
I need an expensive car!
Sorry, but I'm still 30. Not 31 for another 3 days, thank you very much!
It does feel odd after 30. I tell everyone in 23, and that I was 22 for 8 years. LOL.
After 30, its just a number! Enjoy anyway!
qt man you are still a kid to me 31???
get to my age and you will know. :D
not much in to birthdays really...
It feel odd though... 30
When anyone asks, I am still stuck at 28 for some reason
btw... the dual thing worked out fine, they said I can do a transfer later on... but your expertise was mind blowing!
Doing anything nice for your birthday?
birthday wishes in advance...
my brother shares his birthday with you... 25th of Feb as well...
and maaaaaaan... you are sooooo old
the first one...
its just like saying substract a number from its successor and you get 1...
there is no 'trick'
let number be X
Many Happy returns.
My best friends birthday is the 20th of Feb and Mine is in 3 days, the 25th Feb.
Only 30, you're still a baby. Wait till you get to my age. I'll be 31 this month. LOL
happy birthday birthday boy
wish you lots of blessings and happiness in future.
yeah... the big 30
ahan means its your birthday TODAY
mine is 22nd Feb
Mine's 13th Sept 1961
Cool Guy !!!!!
trick 3 is true try again...
like im 1992 17 8
my month 8
so 8x5=40+7=47
1005+17=1022-205=817(17 is the day 8 is the month)
Im the one and only
Dont disappoint me!!
Cool Guy !!!!!