Animal Cruelty at the Bird Souq in Souq Waqif

This is a call for Qatar Government officials to regulate the animal trade being held at the Bird Souq in Souq Waqif.
We visited Souq Waqif this afternoon and saw the Bird Souq at the back of the main souq. Several birds, cats, rabbits, fishes and other animals were being displayed for sale. It was about 5pm but the sun was still up and hot. A lot of people were looking at the animals being sold and at first, you’d be amazed at the number of animals being sold.
However, upon looking at the state of the animals, the overcrowding in the cages, and the way they are being handled and displayed, was something that made my blood boil. I saw a seller trying to force a custom dress on to the rabbits he was selling, pulling the ears and forcing the poor rabbit into the small dress he made. There were 3 baby Ostriches which were placed on a very small cage that they could not almost fit nor be able to hold their neck straight up because of the low ceiling of the cage. There were lots of rabbits. And when I say a lot, I really mean A LOT OF RABBITS! These poor guys were packed in cages meant to hold 4-5 rabbit and were now holding more than 15-20 rabbits. In a bin, we saw a dead rabbit and who knows how many more die each week or each day. A white bird was given to a kid who wanted a picture with it and suddenly dropped the almost flightless bird on the ground when he felt that it was about to poop on his hand. The bird fell 3 feet down straight to the ground, not being able to flap its wings either of dehydration or just too tired with all the number of people who wanted to hold him for a photo. It was horrible to see!
I’m not sure if a Tortoise is considered endangered in Qatar but someone is selling it in the Souq. Chicks with purple, pink, green and blue dye were being sold as pets for kids!
Xiane was enjoying looking at the cats minutes when we arrived. However, I felt it was my responsibility to tell her that these animal sellers also have a responsibility to the animals they are selling. I asked her if she was a bird, would she be happy in a cage so small that she could really fly? Would she be happy being packed in a cage that she could not move not stand up straight or walk at all? Xiane loves animals but once she realized how cruel these animals were being treated, she told me she wanted to buy all the birds so she could set them all free.
Is there a Government body in Qatar that regulates animal trade? They should at least check the condition of the animals being sold and see how they are being treated. I do at least advise readers that they shouldn’t also condone this by not going to the Bird Souq in Souq Waqif. Other than getting more evidence of the abuse and cruelty to the animals being sold there.
More photos at
It doesn't mean that since a lot of people are mistreating animals in Qatar, you just turn a blind eye and leave it at that.
The mere fact that people talk about it raises awareness and the sense of responsibility.
The cruelty against living creatures is built-in the mentality of this cuntry. I have seen kids throwing stones and sticks at dogs and cats. I have seen kids throwing small cats over the walls, and I have seen ten people living in one room in the Industrial area, using one bathroom as toilet and kitchen.
Animals in the zoo are not better off ... so how can one accept the animal shops to be regulated.
Pigs are safe here.
think I will just ignore the other idiots now;-P
Roberto, Have you seen the 3 legged pig they have there?
Seems they were torn between saving it and eating it!
Why did god make pigs so tasty? Is he playing tricks on us?
Humans are animals and animals get treated better in qaws than some of the labourers here...
Ok, I'm sure you don't do it to be wonderful. Bad choice of word obviously. I just meant that I, and lots of other people, admire what you do to help and will be at Garveys on the 22nd May to support the cause.
I am an animal lover, Anyone want to exchange recipes.
Proud member of PETA
People Eating Tasty Animals!
but thank you for the compliment.... :-)
Its lots of hard work, but we love what we do:-)
I was there a couple of weeks ago. Never seen it so bad. When first opened was ok. No coloured chicks or coloured rabbits. I don't think anything will be done about it, but I wont be visiting it again. And Xena, what you all do at Qaws is wonderful.
they all make there own choices.... this is why I prefer to help animals.... they cannot talk to tell us what they want...
Go to your Pakistan bashing thread and leave the animal lovers to gripe about animal laws...
Yes, Roberto. I borrowed the word, because it is beautiful.
we lost numerous in our fire last year, and we sometimes have other illnesses...
But you can never accuse us of blatent heath issues, not if we can help it - all our animals get the best from us that we can afford - and if you know any of us personally, which I susect you do, you will know better than to question what we do...
and yes, I feel good about myself at the end of the day, knowing I have saved the life of someone that cannot speak for its self....
LP I see you have borrowed that word from a preevious thread......
Too many humans on the planet and it's unsustaniable and I am not talking about Indians and the Chinese although we could use a few less of them. They consume very little but what the world can't sustain is more qataris and Americans to name a few. The amount of energy they use and the waste they produce per person is phenominal..... Forget the animals
And we love you, LP. lol
I am a car, Dot.Com.
Xena, As long as you feel good at the end of the day, it's all ok. But what about all of the animals that have died in your "CARE"
so wat the hell u r doing here?
there country, their rules, their actions, if u don't like, leave it. :P
Yes, they love cars in this CUNTry, but not humans, and not animals.
she's right
who cares for human, they are billions in numbers.
our kennels with more than 1 animal in it, unless its kittens and puppies...
Do us a favour and stay away from our Shelter... we do our best to help those animals, with our limited resources....
Please send a letter or fax to the Minister of Environment asking for changes to be made.
Maybe if the Ministry get bombarded with letters of complaint they might consider some changes.
Please could you email [email protected] with a complaint letter for us to put in our file which we are gathering to take to the Ministry all in one go.
This looks like the QAWS holding area.
You should see the conditions of the animals held in the industrial area....
and I saw this cheetah you are mentioning and I'm quite surprise the head of the cheetah outside the window of that L/C!
This is the reaction of most new people in the country.
Unfortuatenly there is only one regulation for dog fighting, which holds a fine (and is a joke since those involved are untouchables)
Otherwise no, there are no regulations regarding animals in Qatar.
As much as it pains you, please don't buy any animals from Souq Waqif.... the less people buy, the less they will bring in...
Most of the animals are bought at cheap prices, then sold at a much higher price which then funds the next lot bought in..
Most animals bought from the souq will not survive and normally buyers pick up astronimal vet bill along the way due to the nature of their illnesses.
I understand you and your family were distraught at the situation, but unfortunately there is nothing that can, nor will be done.
Animal trade in endangered species is rife here... don't be surprised when you see a Cheeta pulling up in a car next you.
If you would like to bring your family down to QAWS, we can show your family a better environment as to how animals should be looked after - we are not perfect, but we make sure all our animals get the best care, love and food, money can buy.
Visit the Zoo