Africa - I am saddened and a little angry.

By britexpat

Just watching the news and an article on DR Congo and the state of affairs. Pictures of endless lines of refugees, children as young as five carrying family belongings and women who have lost their husbands..

The U.N unable to do anything..
The world watches and does nothing.. I am very angry and saddened.. We laugh, joke and complain on QL, but there is a world out there where humans are suffering untold misery..

Sorry for the long speech, but it really pisses me off..

From BBC Website:

Rebels push back DR Congo troops

Government troops in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo are withdrawing from their positions in Kibumba which is under attack by Tutsi rebels.

UN forces backing the army say General Laurent Nkunda's fighters work in guerrilla groups making them difficult to locate and repulse.

Rebels say their next target is nearby Goma city where an estimated 20,000 people are fleeing.

They slept overnight in the rain - there was no aid because of insecurity.

A spokesman for Gen Nkunda says the regional capital, Goma, 30km south of Kibumba, is their next target.

Our reporter says it is extremely tense in the city.

On Monday the UN headquarters there was stoned and one civilian was killed in demonstrations as people expressed their anger at what they see as the 17,000-strong UN force's failure to protect them.

UN vehicles were again stoned on Tuesday morning and riot police have been deployed across the city to prevent further demonstrations.

Meanwhile, the UN says fighting also broke out on Tuesday morning near the Ugandan border town of Rutshuru.

At around 0600 local time (0300GMT), Gen Nkunda's fighters attacked Rubare, 70km north of Goma, not far from where UN armoured personnel carriers were fired upon on Sunday.

Reuters news agency reports that the UN is preparing to evacuate foreign aid workers from the town as the rebels advance.

"Normally there are around 50 staff in Rutshuru and surrounding areas," a UN spokesman told the agency.

About 200,000 people fled their homes after fighting resumed in the area in late August.

The United Nations says many refugees are malnourished and some are dying of hunger.

By Adorman• 30 Oct 2008 15:37

more donations= more money for weapons.

UN will watch the rebels prepare themselves and be ready to fight ?? why UN can't take the 1st action instead of waiting them to attack??

By britexpat• 30 Oct 2008 13:41

United Nations peacekeepers were braced for full-scale war in central Africa yesterday as Rwandan-backed rebels closed in on the Congolese city of Goma, sending government troops and civilians fleeing in panic.

Western aid workers described scenes of mayhem in the streets as columns of government tanks and military vehicles streamed out of the city and panicking civilians fled for cover.

By askme• 29 Oct 2008 22:57

Yes... UN is a joke.. there is no doubt about it... it is another organization controlled by US for their personal interest.

UN lost their credibility the day... when USA attacked IRAQ without consent of UN.

By labda06• 29 Oct 2008 22:35

Ni sawa Arien... ;)

--------------------- N.O.W --------------------------

By Arien• 29 Oct 2008 22:18

Sawa sawa Labda..May be I am wrong.. This was the general impression among the expats there , could be because the luo working class mis lead us on this.

pole saana.

By labda06• 29 Oct 2008 17:35
Rating: 3/5

Kikuyu, Meru (composed of Meru, Mbeere, Tharaka) and Embu make up 24%, 6% and 3% of the Kenyan population respectively. Thats over 30% of the Kenyan population. So it would be shocking only to a plum that this percentage has a noticeable presence in the job market and in the economy. Furthermore, within the government itself positions are more or less evenly distributed amongst the tribes.

As for the rest of your allegations which you base on "what I heard and learned during my six years there" where are your sources? Sounds to me like you're standing on mere hearsay. Why have you not spoken about the Luos? The Kalenjins? They have had a very strong and domineering position in Kenyan politics. Luos - University Administration (intellect), Kambas - military (loyalty), Kalenjins - police force (warriors), kikuyu's - commercial sector (we know how-kill us!)

Yes Kibaki was Moi's VP before. Your point? Believe me quite a few of my fellow Kikuyu's voted for ODM so once again your allegation that people voted for Kibaki because they were kikuyu is deeply flawed.

I know where you're coming from Arien. Do I like Kibaki, I did, I think he had a good vision but surrounded himself with absolute morons "the old guard". But just as well as you paint Kikuyus with that tribal brush, be fair and paint the other tribes as well. Sasa Arien nyamaza! :P

--------------------- N.O.W --------------------------

By Arien• 29 Oct 2008 16:37

Brit.. lol .

Charan take the original and return once you finish.. buzz me on ma cell and passby, I will be home by 7 ..

By britexpat• 29 Oct 2008 16:30

"copyright" comes to mind..

By anonymous• 29 Oct 2008 15:37

Arien - Thank you. Can i collect it tomorrow. (for Thursday night Movie Marathon).

Ban Spoon Feeding not Me

By Arien• 29 Oct 2008 15:33

Charan I will..

By anonymous• 29 Oct 2008 13:05

Arien - can you make a copy for me :)

Ban Spoon Feeding not Me

By Arien• 29 Oct 2008 13:01


By Arien• 29 Oct 2008 13:00


No dear am very much in.. If you check on the diplomatic and senior decision makin positions , its all Kikuyus..

Funds are distributed to the end benificiary by the senior officers and not the president or ministers.. i may be wrong, this is what i heard and learned during my 6 years there.. been in the prediential position past 6 years now, and beofre that he was the vice president chair when Moi was president. And kikuyus are the single largest votebank and all of them had to favor them na??..

Just the facts , and i am not generalizing you are a good girl, we all know .. ;)

By Arien• 29 Oct 2008 12:52

Charan.. My mistake 90 min to entebbe is the book and the movie is Raid on entebbe

I have the GHOST N THE DARKNESS with me..

By anonymous• 29 Oct 2008 10:56

labda06 - which tribe's girls are most Beautisul & sexy :)

Ban Spoon Feeding not Me

By anonymous• 29 Oct 2008 10:54

Arien - Help me to get a copy of:-

1. Shake Hands with the Devil

2. Ban Spoon Feeding not Me

3. The Ghost and the Darkness

4. 90 min to Entebbe (I have Raid on Entabbe by the courtsy of Magic Dragon)

By labda06• 29 Oct 2008 10:52

Arien, really? Sorry bro, but you seem "lost".

President: Mwai - Kikuyu

Prime Minister: Odinga - Luo

Vice President: Musyoka - Kamba

Which key seats are you refering to? Id be happy to get the stats for you.

If there's anything that Kenyans learnt from the post-election violence is that tribal hatred runs deeps, especially against the Kikuyus. Moi (a Kalenjin), the last President - was in power from 1978 to 2002, guess who were holding "key" positions during his tenure??? Now the composition is fairly balanced out, yet because the President is Kikuyu we still get a lot of slack.

Sorry I do not stand by corruption or tribal hatred of any kind. But to say the kikuyu's are all to blame for the woes of the country as a whole is very convenient (read WRONG). Please judge people based on their character, not on their names (in Kenya's case). The Kikuyus will say the same thing you're saying about Luos. The Kalenjins the same about other tribes, it just goes on and on and ultimately NOWHERE.

Britexpat, I am not O-anything lol. Unless Obama is involved, teehee.

-------------------- N.O.W --------------------------

By Arien• 29 Oct 2008 10:29

Brit.. one more point.. How rich she is

By britexpat• 29 Oct 2008 10:26

Thanks for the clarification..

Now I know who Labda Obeautifulone really is and which tribe she blongs to..

By Oryx• 29 Oct 2008 10:24

thanks Labda...

jesus how on earth do you guarantee getting the donation to the correct people in Goma???

I have been to Goma... i do know what i am talking about.

leave to the professionals....

donate to some org like Medecins Sans Frontieres....

By Arien• 29 Oct 2008 10:24
Rating: 4/5

Charan - Have watched all of them. there are some more to add.

1.Blood diamond

2.The Ghost and the Darkness

3.90 min to Entebbe

all True stories.. cool ones.

Labda.. Sorry to say, kikuyus seat at all the key positions and favour their own people.. Even aids coming in for the youth developement and stuff were denied to the surnames starting with ''O'' .. I mean the Otienos, and Ovenoes.

Finally they won when Raila made it, but again it was rigged , thats when they started to slaughter and burn all the Kikuyus they find.

By labda06• 29 Oct 2008 10:08

jesus, you give naivity a bad name.

Dont get me wrong, I think donations are wonderful. If they get to those intended to receive it. Nations are donating millions in aid. I will always stand by education, and outreach programs at the grassroot level.

Teach a man to fish. Africa has received plenty of donations, dont you think?

--------------------- N.O.W --------------------------

By jesus• 29 Oct 2008 10:02

What's happening in Gaza is worse than what's going on in Africa. If another Hitler emerges and builds a concentration camp depriving a certain race all their humanily rights, we will all rise up and do whatever is necessary to stop such a person because we know how WRONG such a thing is. Yet this is exactly what the Israel government is currently doing in Gaza. Confining Palestinians to live in modern day concentration camps and blocking the rest of the world from accessing it...and guess what, we as Americans, Canadians, British will go on and vote for the next president/pm without ever taking this into consideration.

But the truth is being sad and talking about it on forums is what i call "perfecting uselessness". Nothing is worse than discussing something and doing nothing about it. Here is my proposal which is easy.

I'll start a thread called "HELPING CONGO REFUGEES" and if you really care about ppl who are suffering and going through such hardship described by britexpat, then join and state how much you can donate and we will find a proper way to channel this money to those ppl currently suffering in Congo.

I'll try and so some research on which organizations are currently involved in the providing humanitarian assistance in that region and someone from congo currently in Doha who can help with things such as money transfer and finding a trusted non-govermental organization in Goma.

By anonymous• 29 Oct 2008 09:33

Arien - Watch

1. Sometimes in April

2. Shooting the Dogs

3. Hotel Rwanda

4. Shake Hands with the Devil

Highly reccomended.

Ban Spoon Feeding not Me

By labda06• 29 Oct 2008 09:32

Yes Britexpat, like Arien said they are looters.

But I'm very hopeful, my generation and those that shall come after us are seeing things as they should be seen. It's not about looting for us. Im hopeful :)

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By britexpat• 29 Oct 2008 09:17

This happens in many countries.. As long as Tribal elders, land lords and feudal lords are allowed to prosper, they will use the people for their own goals.

By labda06• 29 Oct 2008 09:14
Rating: 4/5

Arien, the kikuyu's are the majority yes, but we do not corner the rest. We are simply more in number and are disliked for being the tribe that is more commercially successful than the rest. The Luos are known to be intellectually brilliant. The Kalenjin are the warriors. It was mostly Kalenjins and Luos versus the Kikuyu's in the last bad spill. You get three very strong tribes, throw in an election with Presidential candidates from each of these tribes, and alas, the country is divided.

--------------------- N.O.W --------------------------

By Arien• 29 Oct 2008 08:55

Didnt know that ..oops man. I even hate those movies..

they are like animals , no heart feelings to any.

They say.. In africa

No hurry .. No worry

No gredge.. No grattitude

By anonymous• 29 Oct 2008 08:46

Arien - Do you know our Gypsy's Uncle was in that UN regiment under Gen. Delware at the time of genoside in Rwanda. She told me he never speek about Africa until today.

Ban Spoon Feeding not Me

By Arien• 29 Oct 2008 08:40

Alexa.. basically its tribal politics there and the majority tribe always rules and corners the other. Lots of descrimination.. hutu nd tutsi in rwanda and kongo. Luos and kikuyus in on

By britexpat• 28 Oct 2008 20:59

Anyone remember the star trek episode where two warriors fought each other. Both were half black and half white. The only difference - One was white on the right side , the other on the left side..

By Arien• 28 Oct 2008 20:52

Alexa.. Its basically tribal war.. Tutsi and hutu. Rwanda 800 000 of them were slaughterd.

By Xray• 28 Oct 2008 20:36

UN is really a joke nothing else... its like a puppet and the control is within strong nations...

By Oryx• 28 Oct 2008 18:02

thats because when Rwanda kicked off the UN was woefully underfunded and overlooked....

the problem spilled over to the Congo and stayed there...

By labda06• 28 Oct 2008 17:52

No no nooooo, not my relatives!!! Soooo not my relatives.

Moi was corrupt, I wont deny that. LOL, HE wont deny that either! But Kenya is a fairly stable country. Now stop harassing Moi before I tell my God-father. ;)

--------------------- N.O.W --------------------------

By anonymous• 28 Oct 2008 17:47

"Labdas" - i didn't know she is so Rich :)

Ban Spoon Feeding not Me

By anonymous• 28 Oct 2008 17:46

Arien - does he got any daughters still not married yet. divoced,widowed, Old also nevermind. I will consider old as Gold.

Ban Spoon Feeding not Me

By Arien• 28 Oct 2008 17:39

charan Kenya??... hey man, they are the biggest looters.. Labdas

The one stepped down in 2002 december was ruling for 24 years . Daniel arab Moi. he is said to be the second richest man in the continent now.

His pension now is some 2million shillings or so, few vehicles..armed security .. for rest of his life. lol

He passed all these in the parliment before he stepped down you know..

By Arien• 28 Oct 2008 17:35

Lol brit.. in no time bush will be there to intervene then..

But they have diamonds rght??

By anonymous• 28 Oct 2008 17:22

Exept the leader of Kenya :)

Ban Spoon Feeding not Me

By britexpat• 28 Oct 2008 17:21

Apparently, the "insurgents" are loyal to General Laurent Nkunda and are mainly Tutsi. The army is mainly Hutu..

So we may have another genocide on our hands..

Perhaps we should just start a rumour that DR Congo has vast reserves of oil.

By Arien• 28 Oct 2008 17:16

Labda.. leaders??.. call em Looters.

By Oryx• 28 Oct 2008 17:12

Brit - I have been to Goma... if it isn't rebels its the volcano or a plane crash... it definately isn't a blessed place.

and if you saw the UN troops - oh dear.

also the ecological effects are well explained in this clip:

By labda06• 28 Oct 2008 17:11

Britexpat, it saddens me too and my anger is directed at most of our leaders.

--------------------- N.O.W --------------------------

By• 28 Oct 2008 16:59

yeah, saw that one on a movie..



By realsomeone• 28 Oct 2008 16:59

the UN has just signed papers for ethiopian regime to fund their soldiers in somalia that are indiscriminately massacring innocent people.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By Arien• 28 Oct 2008 16:57

In Rwanada UN withdrew the forces at the midst of the geneside, which made its easy for them to slaughter the rest of them..

By realsomeone• 28 Oct 2008 16:43
Rating: 2/5

indeed its sad britexpat, am yes i agree the UN is just a joke.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By britexpat• 28 Oct 2008 16:41

I think the U.N is a joke..

They should either be armed and take action to protect the civilians or leave..

By Adorman• 28 Oct 2008 16:35

That's will lead to many questions from where rebels are getting weapons ?? weapons that coz millions of dollars for sure not from farms. UN isnt always do a good job in Africa specially remember Rwanda in 1994 and many UN soldiers raped young girls in Ivory coast. I think the problem isnt that some people in power dont want to anyone share that with them, it's some people are in power and get more weapons to stay longer and kill anyone who disagree with them. France sold more weapons to southern africa where nondemocracy governments are fighting theier own people.


By Arien• 28 Oct 2008 16:19

Human life has no value in that part of the world.

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