Accomodation / Discrimination
Since 2 weeks I have been trying to find a suitable accomodation for me but everytime I come across something affordable & decent I face discrimination. Ppl renting out or working in this sales field are all indians that I came across with. When I inquire about houses they are happy to give out details but once they know I am Pakistani they start giving lame excuses. 2 days b4 I saw one home & paid some amount as reservation for me & left my ID card with the agent to make contract but yesterday I got this sms from him that I have rented out that property to another party u can come & collect ur amount! I am so much angry that I want to file a police complaint but then I think this guy has come here to earn a decent living then why should I create problem for him. Any suggestions or advices?
Thanx for the concern dear but now I am in hold of a nice place within my budget :) Some work still going on in it. Hopefully during or after Eid would be able to occupy it.
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
keep on trying :)
p.s u ve to raise ur price
what bout 7000/month for 2 ed fla tin wakra
i m planing to leave it and migrate to west bay :)
right :)
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
I empathize. Coming from a profession wherein a commitment given is a commitment to be delivered, it is really astonishing how some people dont believe in word of honor.From where I come from, people would rather quit rather than back down on a promise. But then again, it is an everchanging world.
Ofcourse everyone likes to help countryment but there is something known as a 'gentleman's word'. Anyways my problem is over now but this house hunting left a bad taste regarding this indian mafia :) May God bless them
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
I know it sucks but wouldnt you, if you have an opportunity rather help a countryman over other nationalities? If he returned the money, its fine. Its possible that he committed to you but another agent beat you in signing the agreement and paying the downpayment and giving out cheques etc. Look for a palestinian agent. They are quite straightforward.
agents. Big gang operates from Wakra to Khartiyat. They hire villas and sub lease it to 15 families in one compound. To avoid arguments and complains they prefer their state ppl.
So the first question pops out what is your nationality?
For your awareness there are plenty of two bedroom brand new flats avl you can share it with some one decent without distorting the design of the flat.
Do not take part of villas they are garbage yards. Those wooden houses on terrace are not penthouses and these idiots have never seen studio apartment
Hmmmn .... its all about experience. Maybe you are right & the number of ppl your friend met are like this but with me, we were ready to pay 6 months rent in advance as soon as the contract was made & we even gave some amount to him & ID to make it as we need it immediately for occupancy but after finalizing everything with us & agreeing to give that to us he simply gave that to his Indian customers & informed us after 2 days that too by sms! No courtesy to call & apologize for this uncalled behaviour & unprofessionalism.
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
First read the whole thing that I have posted then reply.
Its not according to me,Ok.I m not blaming anyone.One of the guys who does this business told me like that. I know we should'nt blame the whole nation bcoz of some culprits..Its his point of view not my...
all my Pakistani friends/family are good and money matters no problem.
So shocked to read your post. How some one can blame a whole nation. So sick culguy.
The problem is that Pakistanis create a lot of problems thats why people don't want to rent out house to pakistanis. One of the people working in this field told me that most of the pakistanis don't pay rents on time.They just give lame excuses and create some sort of problems..But I told him all of them may not be like that then also he says I don't have trust on any pakistani now bcoz many of them have done like that...
I am dealing with both dear but real estate companies are way too expensive
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
Better to deal with some real estate companies where u may not find a discrimination