
Pigeon held in India on suspicion of spying for Pakistan -
Indian police are holding a pigeon under armed guard after it was caught on an alleged spying mission for arch rivals and neighbours Pakistan, according to reports in local media.
The white-coloured bird was found by a local resident in India's Punjab state, which borders Pakistan, and taken to a police station 25 miles from the capital Amritsar.
ok we will start a campaign to release the pegion. Call Arundhati Roy now
i really appreciate ur peace efforts.
what happened to the pigeon?
lol nomerci, sometimes we have to act as idiots to show others how stupid they are.
I have stopped doing that from today though, I will be brutally honest from now on :)
Oops almost forgot your bebsi, wait a sec :P
don't fight! In my eyes you all are winners...every single one of you!
Now go and have a bebsi on me.
Brit I am off the scale :D
I am sorry, but you are average ....
Brit I am way ahead :D
Darude is closer to me than you :P
damn it!! another candidate
britex...You have a tough competition. :P
I must protest.. I demand a vote for the "Moron of QL" award..
*KHATTAK Changing from "Backing OFF" to "Backing UP" MODE*
as u backed off...please start my campaign for forthcoming elections
LOLzzz...Looking at the amount of flirting that you are doing around on QL...I am backing OFF
lemontree I am miles ahead of you, you don't know the extent of my stupidity :P
Khattak I demand an election, let all the morons on QL vote, well I guess we might as well allow all QLers to vote :P
I am confident, I am still the biggest moron on QL :D
losers have no choice
u've to follow me ;)
head moron is the disputed seat...we shall all compete for it..thru voting and democratic channel
check ur inbox with my shining PM ;)
WK...You are FIRED!!!
Oye being the head moron on QL, I request you not to use our name
DotCommay...atleast you should not complain. I still have to receive your mail with the pics.
send me ur mail id again on pm...ur id is bouncing back
now this three much to wait for...........
LT...I was always there
welcome to the brotherhood of morons!!
LT...My AntiMoron Software beeps everytime when it receives something "flashy" through mail before deleting it...Grrrr...how would I get it now
I cant delete the Software...as it doesnt allow any Moron.
i confess am bigger moron..am oxymoron
DotCommay...I checked it there as well. Even you cant send it to me...You are the bigger Moron
its oxymoron, and didt got deleted AUTOmatically...coz u wont know if it did...moron!! :)
Check in Trash incase if not permanent deleted
LT...My Computer's AntiMoron Software has deleted your mail automatically. What to do..... Yaa'niiiiii
dot.com am sending em
khattak u just received mail from [email protected]
U don't know, how many times i'ad refresh my inbox in last 5 mints ;)
but still haven't got a chance to see them....:P
Its KHATTAKat4209211.com
damn it!! u r also around??
did u forget the way to my INBOX?
gimme urs...and dont beat me to death..am dead inside
LT..... I feel like beating you to death.
Can I have your email ID???
khanan did u receive anything...and what are the comments???
oops my bad, I sent it to another married lady :P
WK....no message in my inbox. Your PMs are like misguided missiles...always land in Girl's Inbox.
is on the nerve of WK..
cool down WK babu :)
and no inbox to Pathans, the consequences can ruin you :P
Veris it's my choice, let me decide how I intend to send any messages.
you should have send a messenger pigeon...
sticks and stones may break my bones but 'birds' will never hurt me
veris good to know that
Khattak check your Inbox
None of us can give you the precise answer either. Why bothering asking us?
I can only speculate, speculation never does any good to anyone. So I keep my thoughts private
WK....Ohkay. Why dont you come up with your answer then?
Well veris if you were not trying to be funny and were dead serious then you really are stupid, good to know.
Khattak I know Bollywood has lot of stupid scripts but we haven't sunk so low yet.
I was being dead serious
Veris..... Man, you should try script writing in Bollywood.
Veris that was not funny and I still didn't get my answer.
Funny, people like you jump at the government for not being cautious if anything bad happens and make fun of them for being cautious, lol..
maybe someone should suggest to them that they should try calling the Pakistani number...
WK that pigeon is Sania Mirxas personal messenger.
yup khattak... the note wrapped with its leg read...." i know what u r doing sweetheart"....and alas blamed for spying
The pigeon's mother's dying wish was that the pigeon would be reunited with its Indian lover who had been separated from him by a family feud but before he could claim his love, he has to prove his worth to the Indian pigeon's father by handing over the phone number to the Indian police so that they can catch the villainous Pakistani pigeon who actually killed the Indian lover pigeon's brother for which this pigeon had been slayed and the only proof that this number was authentic was that the red ink was in fact the DNA of the slayed brother who on his dying bed passed on a ring which was the family insignia of the Indian pigeon families of many many years...
WK...watch "Maine Pyaar Kiya" again...your answer lies in the movie.
Guess, the movie director would be Mahesh Bhatt
So nobody has the answer to my question.
LT...Yeah, they inspired us by making the movie "Maine Pyaar Kiya" and now blaming us for spying
for a new movie that's hitting the box office
By verisimilitude at 2010-05-28
kabootar ja ja ja ..kabootar ja ja ja
pehley pyar ke phli chitti sajan ko de a
and u thought they were spying???
LOL Verisi, which suspense thriller did you pinch that from?
But why was a pigeon with a ring around its foot and a Pakistani telephone number and address stamped on its body in red ink flying around the border :-/
My thoughts went to Veer Zaara too... the pigeon has an affair...
Col Khan sank back in to his chair shell shocked. A bead of sweat ran over his burrowed forehead. He lurched forward and his face sunk in to the palms of the same hands that set off the agent that he had trained. One more of his agents busted. He wasn't worried that his beloved agent would spill the beans, he had grown it on a strict grain diet. But what really bothered him was... what blew the agents cover?
By verisimilitude at 2010-05-28
Veris....Pakistanis took the idea from Bollywood Songs.
Panchi, Nad'ya, Pawan ke JhoNkay
Koi sarhad na inhaiN rokay :P
may the Pigeon be in rest :P
Did it get a visa on arrival?
Pigeon with dirty minds!
Why the pigeon was actually arrested.
This is what it did, it's accomplice is at large.
edifis let me repeat for the second night in a row, you my friend are a genius :)
Yeah Ghazalz... After interrogated by Pakistan Police, the pigeon would take responsibility of killing JFK.
MODs.....Please move this thread to "Funnies" :P
lol ghazalz
...and i thought could be a donkey!
If the interrogation goes same as Pakistani police's, then it'll confirm shortly that's a donkey ;)
crapppp..it can also speak???????
poor pegion will regret its decision to voilate punjab airspace...it will even learn punjabi now to reply to the questions :)
Didnt you read the full article? It says Pakistani pigeon is different from the Indian pigeon
Dove or pigeon(white colored)......same same:-)
They have recalled their former employee to interrogate the pigeon looking at the seriousness of it all.
The great Khali is back in service :)
Looks like bird sound decorders are going to be the next big product
It's not a dove it's the Pigeon.
Hope no violence in interrogation....after all it is the symbol of peace
Again 3 more PunPol waiting for their turn!
ghazalz the pigeon will confess, give them some more time to interrogate :P
How did you know it was a she pigeon? Like in "Femme Fatal"
I have had a glimpse of that in QL itself. Someone even counting number of bodies in two countries in recent tragedies. Really shocking.
Anyways, hope that innocent pigeon is saved:-)
lolz...What about the pigeon? Did she confess?
drmana you under-estimate the lack of trust between the two neighbours.
3 punpol???
clear & Present Danger!
Look what they did to the 3 PunPol.
May be it was there with someones love letter like in movies then....poor thing:-)
Yes drmana
Is this news real??
She is Drmana's Assistant.
Ha Ha edifis. Too good
who's the sexy nurse?
Punjab Police before and after the interrogation!
That's why they are hot headed. The head is buried inside the turban :))
***Scratchin' my forehead***...how they can scratch their heads if any itches..?
Drac nothing is impossible with Punjab police :)
Hail Punjab :P
Indian police are holding a pigeon under armed guard
.."armed guard"????
***Scratchin' my forehead***
so, when would the charges be pressed and when is the hearing..
i am waiting for the indian home ministry to speak on this..
Border Security Force
Drac I will have to kill you if I tell you errrr how do I kill you :-/
What is BSF ?? Bahraini Security Forces ?
uh-oh. We don't need another misunderstanding between two countries. Love love love.
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Actually on a serious note, BSF has caught pigeons with messgaes tied on their legs before around border area. How do I know, don't ask me.
I just got it confirmed the pigeon is actually a WMD, it is the longest range Missile built by Pak and it doesn't needs fuel it just made a small stop in Punjab to refuel as there is much vegetation there and it carries a small nuke some where in its body..!
They should just make a pigeon pie...
today pigeons..tomorrow bats...
*...deleting India from my "Traveling Schedule" *
LOL.. Well Punjab police can get a confession out of the pigeon too :P
it was a peace dove
The pigeon might be carrying a Pidgey disease. hehe
LoL...this might be the latest Weapon of Mass Destruction...!
Well, maybe the postal service is not that reliable over there...
It's good to know that Pakistan stamps its pigeons before sending them on covert missions....