4" Scorpion in RasGas Compound

I wish to share with you an experience I had this morning. As I was getting into the bath tub to get ready for the day, I found I was accompanied by a 4" Scorpion in the bath tub.
What amazes me is that how did it reach the bathroom -- bathtub which is on the first floor. Gents this is the 3rd Instance when such a creature surfaced in my villa.
Before 2 times it was found strolling in the Hall on the ground floor, but the fact that it can also reach the 1st Floor makes it really alarming. I also know that same incident happened atleast twice with one of my friend who is also an Al Dana resident which says that probability of re-occurance of such incident is very high.
now that pic made my skin crawl! i hate creepy crawlers!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!! :(
can i have this scorpion? i love them.. if you can catch them, ill buy them, hehe.. maybe 1 QAR each.. =)
i always wanted to get a scorpion or a snake as a pet
but definetly not this i want the huge emperor scorpions
you have not lived until you have found something worth dying for
the one in the photo at the start of the thread looks like the most deadly one, I suggest you read up on envenomation first aid
oh and shake out your shoes before you put them on ;-)
This SCORPION was trained by ALQAEDA or TALIBAN.
As we can smash them so easily so they are now attacking us back with such COMMANDO ACTION
when I first came here I pulled together some information on the risks you could face in teh desert and when fishing
the following info is on the scorpions
Leiurus quinquestriatus
Family: Buthidae
Scientific Names: Androctonus quinquestriatus (in part), Buthus quinquestriatus, Leiurus sp.
Common Names: The death stalker, five-striped desert scorpion, Israeli yellow scorpion, yellow scorpion
Medium-sized scorpion, adults up to 90 mm long. Body usually pale yellow-brownish (sometimes w/ greenish tinge), cephalothorax darker (brownish or gray-brown) than legs & post-abdomen, 5 dorsal longitudinal keels on top of first 2 abdominal segments, 5th post-abdominal segment (next to the telson) distinctly darker than remainder of abdomen & legs. Legs & post-abdomen w/ many strong, erect hairs & spines; pincers relatively long & thin.
Click for Image [1]
Mainly found in dry habitats (deserts) on various substrate surfaces but not in loose-sand dunes, & not common near towns, nor near (nor in) houses. Often hide in small natural crevices, burrows, under stones, etc. Widely distributed across northern & central Africa & the Middle East.
Activity and Behavior
Mainly nocturnal, often hunt available prey (insects, arthropods &, occasionally, small lizards) near oases, or along edges of vegetation in desert margin sites. Ovoviviparous, young (usually 20+) hatch inside female's body & crawl out her genital opening. Young often remain w/ female & ride on her back until they are 2nd instars.
Venom Characteristics
Very potent neurotoxin, one of the world's most dangerous scorpions (partly because stings usually occur at locations very remote from necessary supportive medical care). Causes mainly localized reactions, swelling & pain in >90% of stings, but kills several humans annually. Children most severely affected because severity of venom effects are weight-dependent
Scorpio maurus
Family: Scorpionidae
Scientific Names: [Note: This geographically wide-spread species includes at least 19 currently recognized (named) subspecies, separable mainly via color differences, which vary in their reliability. One subspecies, S. m. palmatus, is of enough human concern (& interest) to be addressed separately.]
Common Names: Large-clawed scorpion, Israeli golden scorpion
Small scorpion, adults usually 40-60 mm long (max. about 80 mm). Color varies from yellow (often w/ greenish tinge) to red-brown to dark brown. Dorsal prosoma smooth, tips of pincers (chelae) & sting (aculeus) usually dark reddish-brown to blackish. Relatively large, relatively short, thick pincers (pedipalpal chelae); relatively small, thin postabdoman (metasoma, or cauda) & stinger.
Click for Image [1]
Mainly found in deserts or semi-arid sites, but can also be found in dry (or seasonally dry) forests. Only found where some loose substate (e.g., sandy soil, organic debris) allows it to burrow 20-70 cm deep, often under a larger rock. Usually found in warm locations, but can survive down to 10-15 degrees C.
Activity and Behavior
Terrestrial (but climbs), & mainly nocturnal. Hides in its burrow w/ a slightly enlarged terminal chamber during the day. In some areas, may enter diapause ("hibernate") during cold months. Preys on available insects & other arthropods. Burrows often found in clusters ("colonies"), each scorpion w/ its own burrow. If disturbed, it seldom tries to sting, but very quickly attacks any intruder w/ its claws (pincers).
Venom Characteristics
Relatively mild neurotoxic venom, w/ cytotoxic & hemotoxic factors. Envenomation usually causes moderate to severe local pain, sometimes limited local swelling & redness, which usually resolves in less than 24 hrs. w/ only symptomatic treatment.
Scorpio maurus palmatus
Family: Scorpionidae
Scientific Names: Scorpio maurus (in part) [ Note: This is only one of at least 19 subspecies of this species, which are distinguishable (to some degree) mainly based on color/ color pattern differences. The morphology & physiology of this subspecies has been rather well-studied, as has the structure, biochemistry, & action of its venom.]
Common Names: Golden desert scorpion, large-clawed yellow scorpion, large-clawed palm scorpion
For a good general physical description, See Scorpio maurus. This subspecies is typically yellow to greenish to pale olive-brown (rarely w/ red-brown tinge).
Click for Image [1]
Mainly found in warm, drier (more xeric) or semi-desert habitats, w/ sandy soil, organic debris or other loose, semi-consolidated substrate in which it can construct a burrow 20-70 cm long, usually w/ a slightly enlarged chamber at its end. Mainly found in suitable habitats across northern Africa & the Middle East. May be present in, but not yet reported from, several additional countries (e.g, Mauritania, Oman, Afghanistan, Pakistan).
Activity and Behavior
Mainly nocturnal & terrestrial (actually burrowing, or 'fossorial') but climbs rough surfaces well. Ovoviviparous, litter size varies (8-20+ reported). Preys on available small insects & other arthropods. Tend to congregate in many closely-clustered burrows ("colonies") in rather small suitable sites. Readily & aggressively attacks any intruder w/ its claws, but seldom attempts to sting, except to subdue larger prey.
Venom Characteristics
Mildly neurotoxic, w/ cytotoxic & possibly hemotoxic factors; usually causes only local pain, slight swelling & redness at sting site. No human fatalities reported. Maurotoxin, a new type of toxin w/ 4 disulfide bridges, was first isolated from specimens of this subspecies from northern Africa (Tunisia). This represented a new class of natural biologic toxins which have since been extensively characterized & studied, mainly in European labs.
anyways dano i was just acting stupid. coz all scorpions in the middleeast are EXTREMELY venemous
you have not lived until you have found something worth dying for
+*+to become a scorpion king+*+
I believe the smaller the pincers the more venomous they are, this one appears to have small ones
hoooooooooooooo :P
Few times I found centipedes inside my house. One time it was inside the bathroom in the first floor. Luckily they do not jump.
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===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
I don't think it's stupid. I would have done the same, ups! ok, don't take me like standard person in this place of LIES, HYPOCRISY AND BULLS...
Good for us to hear this from you.
But I dont think it is necessary to put Rasgas name here. Why dont you make a complain to the housing dept. about this problem.
I work also in Rasgas and this never happen to me.
mai lain pa!
Nothing is more relaxing than flying like an Eagle in Heaven !!
get as much cats as u can in ur villa and u can sleep safe!!! believe me.
If I could send you a picture of my arms. I literally got goosebumps when i seen the picture and thought about how I would freak out to see that in my tub! Eww.. scary! Good pic
...used to be their territory. Until we poured concrete & steel & called it "our compound". Remember, they were here first, they're the real locals...& we're the intruders.
"The truth hurts. But the truth cares"
lol awesome =D if I was there, I would have opened hot shower more till all four gathers into the gutter and cry out loud and screaming "we won't come back" and even then not listening to 'em, I would have sprayed and what not =D
I like killing insects they suck.
I strongly agree. I am also residing in the same compound. Cleanliness is a very effective way to get rid of these pests.
I would also like to commend the staff of Al Dana Gardens for the speedy action that was taken. Service and safety of the residents has always been taken seriously in this compound. Bravo!
dong kanang mga lah nga mananap, dili na mosulod sa balay nga limpyo...ganahan mana sila ug hugaw nga lugar nya bugnaw sad...busa kung gusto ka nga modaghan na sila unya mura na ug zoo imong balay...hala, sige, pasanaya ug palambua para nga aduna kay galmon nga mga gagmay nga mananap...
in english...
sir, those poisonous scorpions, dont live in clean places..they like to stay in ewwwwwwwwwww environment..
however they will have a colony in your house if they love your place...you'd better take care of them..
what d'yah think?!!!
how about u make sure if this species is venomous or not??/ so u can sleep comfortably at night
you have not lived until you have found something worth dying for
Scorpions, roaches, and other pests loves filthy places. I am a resident of the same compound (Al Dana) and for the past 2 and a half years I have never experienced any of these pests in my villa. It's easy---"keep your perimeters clean.":)
The compound itself is kept clean at all times. Why not try it? It makes a big difference if your villa is clean. See you around.
scorpions come visit us during summer season, so needless to say, they like HOT places...
Maybe you flat is too cold!.scorpion likes coller places
Life is short...300 meter before roundabout!
I think I would need a stiff drink after that!
7 a.m. or not!
Wicked photo though.... shame, poor thing gets stuck there like that. I'd feel bad if I didn't hate things that are creepy like that.
Scorpion kebab, anyone? It's fast food Beijing style.... But will any Olympic visitors have the stomach for it?
"Adda ti adal na, ngem awan ti sursuro na."
eww, i would have fainted upon seeing that...
usapa na...
OMG! I would scream so loud!
why are all the scorpion pets escaping?!
a scorpion pet also 1 year ago, it was 2 inches then, but unfortunately it is really fast growing.. last month, it is already 6 inches, and probably this month, it is about 10 inches. But unfortunately it has escaped. How sad. So guys there, beware of this scorpion. lol!
Sounds like fun! well scorpions are harmless, they are really shy creatures, i used to have one in a jar for about a year until it escaped... i remember that day everyone freaked in the house lol, im sure he is somewhere in the bahamas now ;)
Well the reason why its up there is cuz its way cooler where you are living and really hot where where you bathroom singer star scorpion is. Look for dark and humid places around your house, if ure lucky u might even find a nest ;) cheers.
I would've been shrieking like a little girl :P
I HATE creepy crawlies..
How did u get rid of it ?!
You can't teach experience...
Cool! can I have it?!
Would bug spray keep scorpions away?
Perhaps you should get a pest man to spray the perimeter of your villa to stop them coming through the doors/windows.
That should keep roaches away too.
they just look for a cooler place
Maybe like spiders they crawl up the overflow pipe or something.Keep the drain and overflow blocked with on of those hair filter things.