2nd. take V.S. phil. immigration...

Last june17 i was rejected by the immig officer,, cause she told me that i have lack of doc. (i was invited for a training of a company there)..
And now i complete all the doc that they need.. i ask the company to send me the original copy of there invitation and gurantees.. and some supporting doc.. My father is working on that company and they issued me a business visa.. and the real reason is for training..
do u think it will confused the immig or it will use it to not allow me again to pass the board.. coz instead of visit visa(coz my father was there),, why buss. visa?
and is true that even i have complete doc. they will not allow me to pass until i never give them money.. if yes... can u give me an idea on how to approach to give them money?? coz i dont think on money,, all i want is to go there and to take a training and see my father..
plz help me guyz on what i need to do on sunday...
Layzie, glad to know that ur finally here.. Best of luck!
at least you made it and arrived in Qatar safe and sound.
Mabrook layzie...This will be the start of a new beginning in your life..Enjoy your stay in Doha and hope you will have a friends to hang with...
@alies,, i think ur worng at your statement my firend.. "they are not no longer allowing",, they just need if your reason why I need to go to qatar is valid..@alhasbancompany,, yeah i did it.. i just arrive here at doha yesterday night,, and i was so very happy when phil. IO allow me to go on board.. but b4 that happen,, i just interogate by 2 IO.. the first one is not so strict,, but the 2nd IO is much more strict,, so many question and so fast to speak,, to lets me mistake on my statement.. even she saw all my document,, she find some reason to me,, she ask my father's company ID and crtfction of Emp at eMedia.. so i call my father to fax the copy of that at airport,, and after that she let me pass.. :)@flor,, tnx dude for giving me some opinion.. ^_^
@alies,, i think ur worng at your statement my firend.. "they are not no longer allowing",, they just need if your reason why I need to go to qatar is valid..@alhasbancompany,, yeah i did it.. i just arrive here at doha yesterday night,, and i was so very happy when phil. IO allow me to go on board.. but b4 that happen,, i just interogate by 2 IO.. the first one is not so strict,, but the 2nd IO is much more strict,, so many question and so fast to speak,, to lets me mistake on my statement.. even she saw all my document,, she find some reason to me,, she ask my father's company ID and crtfction of Emp at eMedia.. so i call my father to fax the copy of that at airport,, and after that she let me pass.. :)@flor,, tnx dude for giving me some opinion.. ^_^
"The real score is government has ordered that. Business Visa are no longer valid specially for Filipinos going to ME and other countries that converts Bus Visa to Working Visa"alias - do you have any proof to back up this statement?Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/1928951#new#ixzz1RA7UqCf6
I wonder what happened to layzie, was he able to make it yesterday or still having problem with the immigration people in Philippines? Let us wait and see...I hope he made it.....
Sorry Layzie...
But whatever you do you will be off loaded again. Even you have all the necessary and ginuine documents.
Immigration officers doesn't care if you have the complete documents or you have a valid reason in going here. They will just look for a new reason to offload you.
The real score is government has ordered that. Business Visa are no longer valid specially for Filipinos going to ME and other countries that converts Bus Visa to Working Visa.
If you really want to come here. Ask you father to secure a visit visa for you and not business visa. Or if you're comming here for training, to save then spend more Pesos and use other South east asean countries as your back door.
Or you pay the immigration officer.
tnx a lot bro for your advice.. i think i have all the documents that they need.. im think the only reason to be unload is they need some monet for me.. and if i think there is no reason to do that i will report it to there superior.. thats exactly what i felt its very traumatic when that day i was unload.. i felt all people was looking at me.. i felt ashemed on myself..
Phil. immigration is taking some harder steps that is hardly understand. My friend was even unloaded for just lacking a xerox copy. I think the proper for you is to assert the legitimacy of your visit. Just be sure to have all the required documents and show to them, if they will ask for more report it to any officials there, call attentions. Some are asking money for about 5-20,000 how cruel are they? but I tell you that will not guarantee your loading and it is still frawned upon. We are encouraging more bad citizens if we're going to give in. Just be sure to have all your required documents..and 1 tip..dont show any uncomfortable feeling. Show them your a traveller and you know what you're doing.
It is so frustraing for these officials to do that to Filipino travellers..they just dont't know how traumatic is to get unloaded with the preparations and everything.
Phil. immigration is taking some harder steps that is hardly understand. My friend was even unloaded for just lacking a xerox copy. I think the proper for you is to assert the legitimacy of your visit. Just be sure to have all the required documents and show to them, if they will ask for more report it to any officials there, call attentions. Some are asking money for about 5-20,000 how cruel are they? but I tell you that will not guarantee your loading and it is still frawned upon. We are encouraging more bad citizens if we're going to give in. Just be sure to have all your required documents..and 1 tip..dont show any uncomfortable feeling. Show them your a traveller and you know what you're doing.
It is so frustraing for these officials to do that to Filipino travellers..they just dont't know how traumatic is to get unloaded with the preparations and everything.
tnx tatzkie.. im well prepared right not.. and beside there is no reason to be nervous coz all my doc is legit and legal.. see u there guyz.. ^_^
alhasban, what i meant for "his visa for Doha is stamped in his PP" is the visa authentication from Qatar embassy Mla.. Laycie, good luck on your next encounter with the IO. Hope you can pass through without any hitches this time!
yeah i hope so.. i hope God touch the heart of the IO to let me pass.. coz i dont have bad intention going there!!!
Good luck on your travel and hopefully you will reach here in doha on sunday...
Good luck on your travel and hopefully you will reach here in doha on sunday...
tnx guyz for giving me an idea.. and i think all ur idea was ryt.. so i'll better do my best on sunday to pass through IO!! haaaayyy...yeah my purpose why i go there is for a training,, seeing my father is just a bonus and a gift for me to my up coming bday..
tatzkie, ur ryt.. i i think i cant do that coz my PP was stamped a qatar visa...
why your father wouldn't sponsor you?
@tatzkie-what im suggesting to layzie are more convenient and less hassle instead of bribing (minimum of 7K pesos) those Imm. officer at the airport. I am very sure that he will be off loaded again if he will continue with the procedure. I am very much sure that he will post again on Monday (since sunday is his departure in philippines) that he wasnt able to go thru again at the aiport, not unless if he will give bribe money to the IO.One more thing, if you are possessing business visa or visit visa, stamping will be done only upon arrival at Doha and not in the Philippines.
is business (in it's real sense), you can easily pass the IO there. I suggest, you bring a recorder and record your conversation. If they offloaded you again or not allowed, you can use the recrded conversation to file a case of abuse of authority and file it at the CSC.But if in any chance, your purpose is just to find a job here and the visa is just a cover-up, forget that I even advise you!
alhasbancompany, i dnt think what you suggested to layzie to travel to other part of asia just to arrive in Doha minus the hassle in NAIA is a good idea. His visa for Doha is stamped in his PP, don't you think the IO will question him about this? That he will travel to any part in asia just to escape the Phil. Immigration? It will only create much headache on his part not to mention the additional expenses he will incur for the airfare.
There is nothing else you can do at the moment, you are running out of time. The only thing to do right now is to take your chance using this visa. Grease money is ok on some certain point, but it will only add a problem on the system, you are just going to tolerate the wrong doing of your fellow countrymen if you will do this.You can also do this, travel to any other part of asia that doesnt require a visa for filipino like indonesia, thailand and other countries that are a member of A.S.E.A.N., make sure that you have a return ticket like mnl-jakarta-mnl but the return ticket will be just like a dummy ticket, outside philippines, you can already travel going to Qatar, all you have to do is to show your valid visa to any airline counter and i am 100% sure that they will let you pass and board the plane..
oh really? that my point i think its useless.. coz there company only issued a buss. visa thats why.. so any solution on my probs? coz my flight is on sunday.. it helps if i gave money to them to let me pass? omg.. its a waste of tym w8ng for that day,, and then i will be off load again grrrrrrrrrrr....
I am very sure that you will be off load again by immigration people. They were strictly instructed not to allow any filipino to go out of the country holding visit visa or business visa to avoid problem in the future. Why don't you just ask your father to send family visit visa which is more safer compare to business visa. This is more acceptable to immigration authorities and less problem because they know that you will be with your father and he will be the one to shoulder all the expenses while you are staying here in Qatar...This is just my advice dude!
yes.. my father's company issued me a buss. visa for my training.. and they shoulder my hotel accomudation.. they send an invitation to my company for a training in there company.. and in return my company replyed,, and gave a endorsement letter that they allow me to attend that training..my problem is the company(in qatar) stated there that my father is working on there company and they send me a copy of my father passport and contract..is there any posibility that they will pass me? yes i know what i need to answer.. i worried only maybe they will not allow me coz my father is there and my visa is not a visit..
dude what kind of document that you father gave you? a family invitation document? it must be a training invitation so your business visa will cover you up.they also might ask you where you will stay there. Give them a specifc wll known hotel.they also might ask do you have a relative or family there. Tell them i dont have. just act and answer them with confidence. just focus and keep in mind that you are going here for training not for whatever reason... Goodluck and Godspeed