15 Ways To Drive Your Roommate Crazy
1. Every time you wake up, start yelling, "Oh, my God! Where the hell am I ?!" and run around the room for a few minutes. Then go back to bed. If your roommate asks, say you don't know what
he/she is talking about.
2.Buy a Jack-in-the-Box. Everyday, turn the handle until the clown pops out. Scream continuously for twenty minutes.
3. Keep a tarantula in a jar for three days. Then get rid of the tarantula. If your roommate asks, say, "Oh, he's around here somewhere."
4. Move everything to one side of the room. Ask your roommate if he knows how much an elephant weighs, and look at the floor on the empty side of the room with concern.
5. When your roommate comes in, pretend that you are on the phone, screaming angrily and shouting obscenities. After you hang up, say, "That was your mom. She said she'd call back."
6. Scatter stuffed animals around the room. Put party hats on them. Play loud music. When your roommate walks in, turn off the music, take off the party hats, put away the stuffed animals,
and say, "Well, it was fun while it lasted."
7. Wear your shoes on the wrong feet, all the time. Constantly complain that your feet hurt.
8. Whenever your roommate brushes his/her teeth, watch him/ her do so. Take notes. Write a paper on it, and circulate it around campus. If your roommate protests, say, "The people have a
right to know!"
9. Read the phone book out loud and excitedly. ("Frank Johnson! Oh, wow! 837-9494! Holy cow!)
10. Buy a watermelon. Draw a face on it and give it a name. Ask your roommate if the watermelon can sleep in his/her bed. If your roommate says no, drop the watermelon out the window.
Make it look like a suicide. Say nasty things about your roommate at the funeral.
11. As your roommate tries to fall asleep, watch him while sharpening a butcher knife.
12. Make cue cards for your roommate. Get them out whenever you'd like to have a conversation.
13. Set up about twenty plants in an organized formation. When your roommate walks in, pretend to be in the middle of delivering a speech to the plants. Whisper to them, "We'll continue this
later," while eyeing your roommate suspiciously.
14. Keep some worms in a shoebox. When doing homework, go and consult with the worms every so often. Then become angry, shouting at the worms that they're stupid and they don't know
what they're talking about.
15. While your roommate is out, glue your shoes to the ceiling. When your roommate walks in, sit on the floor, hold you head, and moan.
blahhh blaahhh
lol :D we all had done lots of crazy thing in college :P
Mother in Law?? hahaha, try it and she'l b running back to home country in next flight ,lol :D
Ooops.....sorry guys, i found dis one on net, wen i was really bored and googled for some crazy things to do, lol :P and i posted it here....and ders also some things u can do in an elevator, i mean crazy stuffs like dis,lol :D
uh oh
Great ideas!I have no roomie but my MIL is still here..hmmm...*mean smile*
when i was in college, i had this room mate who seemed to be gay but is very secretive, one time, our group dared me to prove his real identity, then i tried to kiss him and poof, he was on it. and then i back off and said it was just a prank, he was ashamed and he bribed me with anything I wanted for it not to circulate.hahaha
11. As your roommate tries to fall asleep, watch him while sharpening a butcher knife.
this is cool.
u can buy a air-horn ,to wake his hell up from sleep,
i did try that on my room mate,
i bought the air,horn from ronaq ,
non sense..o_O
Rizks, Are they both baldy? I mean your head and b....
not worth
r u the victim or victor????
11 is scary
Do not rub tightly to you balls, it couse pain
*One hand scratching the Head and other hand stracthing my balls STARE*
Nizins, I enjoyed it! Will try some out later at home.
we supposed to laugh at this ???
i give this a ninja stare.
Stupid idea.
is this the same guy having different IDs?