12 year old girl dies 3 days after wedding

12-year old Yemeni girl dies three days after wedding
A Yemeni 12-year old girl died three days after her wedding to husband in his 20s in Hajja north of Yemen, medical and human rights sources said Wednesday.
The bride Elham Mahdi Shuee, died in the hospital of Hajja where she was admitted after acute bleeding caused by sexual intercourse, said Majed Al Mathhaji, spokesman for Sisters Forum for Human Rights, NGO, concerned about the child bride.
Al Mathhaji confirmed that the medical report showed that Elham had suffered rupture of the womb.
Elham was married off in what's known in Yemen as swap marriage. Her husband's family, did not pay dowry, but instead, they married off a girl in the same age to the brother of Elham, according to Al Mathahji.
After Elham died, the family of the husband went to take their daughter from her husband, said Al Mathhaji.
Child marriages are very common in Yemen because of illiteracy and poverty.
Islamic extremists and tribal leaders have been campaigning against a draft law putting 18 years as the age of marriage for about two years now.
The religious extremists say the draft law, under debates in the Parliament, does not go with what the prophet Mohammed did. They argue that the prophet got married to one of his wives when she was eight.
@ nadt: I read it well, know what you were implying, and it was very foolish, just like other posters on here who interpreted what you said the same way I did.
nomad me yes they happened only because of Islam as they were justified religiously according to your books. I will pray to god that your daughter never meets the same fate.
both Guilty and their Culture ....
early marriage for them is normal and acceptable in their culture and Government
if the government will prohibit the early marriage probably will minimize this cases ....
++++++++Prevention is Better than Cure++++++++++++
Parents of dead girl demanding justice now. Why did they marry her off at such young age then? Who is guilty? Is it only the husband or her parents as well?
kbasai you should learn to read and comprehend what was written first if thats what you understood . Im outta this thread.
In my point of view, not only the so-called husband should be tried as a murderer, the girl's parents should also be treated as an accomplice in this heinous crime. This whole thing has happened with their consent and I hope that they will rot in jail for what they have done to their own flesh and blood.
this doest mean that she is from our country r other country,but concentrate on the girl which she got married in 12 years age and died what life she had,how she is suffered,what she was dream after marriage and what she got.the parents must think of every child when to get marriage at what age.
LIB or Bond2010,
You believe the above mentioned heinous act happened only becasue of Islam and things like this only happen in Muslim countries then what do you say about this gang rape of a little girl in your own country
Its a matter of wrong interpretation of religion that influence of our cultural (wrong doings). Government is a big rule of this culture... Government need to set a age limit to PREVENT this things... Early Marriage avearage of 9-17 is not advisable bec of readiness of the body and emotional capabilities...
In terms of "HUMAN RIGHTS" The child has a right to lived a life it should be ... not the influence of the cultural inhuman act.....
++++++++++Prevention is Better than Cure+++++++++++++++
@nadt: you are going to compare consensual sex among teens to this? Wow...
John, yes, exacely my point.
What is happening there and in other places is wrong. I think we all agree on that. Some say it is culture, but if, indeed, it is culture, this culture came into being through religion. This girl was married, and a religious authority is necessary to perfom and condone this marriage. Therfore it is acceptable in this religion to do what was done. Now, not all people of this religion may agree to what is done, still, it is happening.
To bring teenage sex in the West into this, makes no sense at all, other than to say well, what is happening there is wrong too. And yes, in some cases it is. Still, in NO WAY to be compared to the sheer brutality that was done to this girl.And so many others.
Furthermore, I believe the faster we stop copmparing , and stand up and fix what is wrong, each in their own backyard, the faster this world will be a better place.
And if one culture mentions to another what they think is wrong,why do we then answer with BUT.....Why don't we say" Yes, you are right, we need to fix this".
Why do we make excuses , blame culture, secularism,freedom, faith? Wrong is wrong. And that is it. Plain and simple.
Normeci, you know what, your starting to twist things i said, sorry but im not going to go around in circles with you.
Nadt, it is not culture. Those acts are justified by and incited by religion.And this religion is Islam.
As I said, wrong interpretaion, but again, the fact remains.
And I really do not understand how you can compare, or even bring up in this particular thread, teenage sex, consentual sex, as a comparison.
I dont think most teenagers know what they are doing, nor do they practice it. I know a lot of kids in Oz who are having unsafe sex(and they are not immigrants despite all the information they recieve, but i do agree with you about what happened to this young girl and the culture that prevails in Yemen.
Nadt, no, sorry, not everywhere. In those places where these things are practiced. They are not practiced everywhere in the world. Unless people from certain places have imigrated.
Also, teenage sex is a totally different thing. Most tenagers know what they are doing, they are educated in safety etc. They know about their bodies and how they function.
Now, there are STUPID and careless teenagers, no question. But this is in no way to be compared to the horrors that are done to the poor girls in question. It is malicious, perverted , sick etc.It goes hand in hand with for example, cutting a woman's clitoris , as practiced in some countries.And yes, this is also justified by religion.
Don't tell me it isn't, we both know that it is.Wrongly, yes, but the fact remains.
Normeci, i totally agree with you, a girl shouldnt be having sex at all until shes emotionally ready but it happens a lot with teenage consentual sex, wrong yes, but at least its with consent, unlike this case, where she was forced. I agree with you there needs to be more awareness on this issue every where in the world.
As lifeisbeautiful said, anyone using puberty as justification for intercourse is a sick and twisted person. Some children reach it earlier than others as I have already stated, and yet still, they think and behave like children, I don't even want to use the words that come to my mind when I think of such people who try and justify such crap.
Dear midnightboy, I dont understand why you are offended. There is nothing about any nationality or religion. It was a news published by a famous arab newspaper based in Dubai. If you find such news about India, you can post here. I wont think like you in a childish way. Rape and sexual assaults are brutal anywhere in this world. If you think some other way, that is your freedom. Enjoy it..Thanks
LIB.. i am not arguing to the people who had seen the world more i've seen it..
there are 'n' nos. of religions in this world...they have many different things to say...one thing they all say is that you got to be a good human being.
just be a good human being and dont care about others..
i have seen many wrong doings by many religious leaders of different religions...how does it matter to me, i just give a damn. i have my own religion to follow and i know i am listing to my conscience..
I was born naked.
That is jibberish visper. What is your religion?
I was born with a religion and still following that religion. But this religion is now in the news front page because of the acts of our leaders. Does it make me also a bad person? There are either good or bad people in this world. He may be an ordinary or a powerful man. He may be have a religion or not. The point is that bad people exist in any kind of form. And proper education should help, maybe not necessarily stop but hopefully minimize and prevent this act. Putting blame to one another can just trigger the flame.
I hope some psychos will call this the 12year old girl's fault. maybe she couldn't cope up with the desires of a faithful muslim man.
OH goD Plz help these people.
Yemen is not a secular country and it's laws are based on religion. Hence this is a religious issue.
it doesnt matter what ctry or religion allows this brutality, as humans we should not allow this to happen to any child...only sick people can support this anywhere...why do kids have to bear this pain for the stupidity of some people...lets get together as humans and try to stop this torture..thank god the poor girl died or she would have had to bear the pain for the rest of her life ...maybe god is more considerate then humans...lets change the face of this earth for a better future...god bless her soul!
we are living in 21st century............that person needs to be locked up.
exactly justiceman, it is a crime, and it seems to be legal. So why is it legal if Islam says it is a crime? I do not undrstand how these two things go together.
it is obvious that everybody tries to connect these cruel practices with Islam, must knows a tithe about islam, so any fatwa (Sharia Opinion) allows these acts, must have nothing to do with Islam.
the very simple rule applies to all aspect of life in islam is that damge/injury is absolutly prohitied at all times and with its all forms. the marriage of the Prophet peace be upon him to Aisha circumstances is well illustrated . for more details see:
in Sharia the marriage to immature female and having sex with her could be classified as murder in case it causes death.
every body reads about the history of the prophet Mohamed, his mercy and teachings would not be able to attribute this cruel, inhuman and even legal crime to his message.
So who educates those clerics?
Besides, we are not talking rocket science here, a bit of commpn sense will do.
Reminds me of the Pope telling the poorest nations that birth control is evil.
Clear lack of common sense.
some of you psychos are discussing 'PUBERTY' here????How sicj can you get??????? No man in his right senses can even imagine to justify this act....................................................................................WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAVE SOME PITY ON THOSE POOR GIRLS WHO ARE GETTING RAPPED IN THE NAME OF RELIGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU PSYCHOSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the irony is that the religious clerics too have limitations in their understanding and they cant see the difference....the result is that such bad practises are connived at in the name of religion...what a shame !!
It IS a religious issue, in the snse that religion is used/abused for a certain purpose. It is religious, beause people who do this, by using religion to justify their doings. It is a religious issue, because those who are authorities in that particular religion, do nothing to stop this wrong doing, on the contrary, they give their "blessing".
So, how can you say it is NOT a religious issue?
khattak bro religion IS made up of the FOLLOWERS. How can a religion be GOOD if the FOLLWERS are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SICK?????????????????????????????????????????????????
100% Agree with Visper and Khattak, this is not religious issue rather a social/ cultural issue and the only solution is education....
Thanks for understanding visper. Yeah, we should never blame ANY religion....but the followers for their wrong doings.
Sometimes i already wanted to believe that religion is a big influence for this act. Maybe because I've heard and seen news which religion is in the front blame. But i have come to an explanation that these "people" are just using religion for their own physical satisfaction. It's not the religion itself but the people behind the religion.
LIB...can you identify a single person on this thread who had justified this brutal act?
People here need to understand the difference between Religious & Social/Cultural issues. This has nothing to do with Religion but Culture.
so are some of you trying to justify what happened? you psychos should be removed from the face of this planet...How the f can anyone justify what happened in the name of religion??????????????????
It is not an outcome of religion only, its' a social evil. Child brides are still married out in many third world countries.
Its' a barbaric practice and needs revoloutionary steps to be completely abolished.
If a girl reaches puberty at 8(which is physically possible)that still does not make her mentally mature enough to have sex with a grown man. What is wrong with some of you people? I feel like I am in the dark ages every time I read a lot of the posts on here.
No religion teaches to rape or abuse girls it is jst the sick families which get girls marrid in any religion so dont talk only abut muslims
This is the sickest outcome of religion.
Nadt, some girls ,as young as 9 years old, have their periods. I think they are far from ready to be married, and even further from being slept with. The mental and physical damages are devastating for those girls. Many die during labour, as their bodies are not ready for either pregnancy or giving birth . Some people seem to think that a menstrual cycle means they are ready, I think biology and sex education classes are of high necessity. And a good beating or chopping their willies off might be a good thing too.
Not to mention a good brain wash.
Robert your missing the point, its not up to the religious freaks to decide when and to whom she gets married.
oops double post
So who checks she is menstuating? She could be 12 and starting her periods but hides the evidence because she doesn't want to get married yet although the religious elders say it's ok.
well Robert if she has her menstrual cycle she has reached puberty, did you miss out on your bioligy classes when you were young?
well Robert if she has her menstrual cycle she has reached puberty, did you miss out on your bioligy classes when you were young?
how sad :(
It is the INTERPRETATION of Islam that justifies.
If Islam is interpreted with common sense and with good in mind, (as it is meant to be done,IMHO )it works well. Sadly, this is often not the case.
Who does the checks to see if the girl has reached puberty or not?
It is religion justifying the oppression of women and children.
these people are sick, firstly the prophet did not condone selling your child to a man by forcing her to get married, if the girls hasnt consented the prohpet clearly stated the marriage is null and void. Also even if the girl is young, Islam prevents girls from having sex before marriage and before they reach puberty. Some people say yes the prohpet(pbuh) married a 9 year old, but there were circumstances in which that marriage occured and he never slept with her until after she reached puberty and with her consent. What this man did to this child is simply rape and the parents committed a sin in Islam by allowing that to happen. If they want to follow the prophet (pbuh), they shouldnt pick and choose parts they like.
once I read about a 12 year old death and marriage, I did not need to read any further.
Same old, same old. Sickening.
it has nothing to do with relegion or its use...its just sheer sickness by a sick man...who can be anyone
The sick use of religion to justify such acts these people are pedophilles the same as the catholic preists. The pope and the bishops tried to cover it up and now the Islamists don't want a law banning marriage under 18. Sick child abuses the lot of them
how could it be just an incident? it was a crime.. imagine the reproductive organ of a 12yrs old girl ripped by an 20s man's organ?? who's in sane mentality would do that? do u think this girl even know intercoarse? have u ever imagine that? a womb ruptured causing her acute bleeding. yes, it may also happen from our respestive countries but the bottomline is, these girls died because of physical neglect by their "husband". obviously her "husband" doesn't even care about her.. come on SENTIDO COMUN....
This Is Insane. Bloody Killers They Are.........
mr supermanindia..
she died it was just an incidence becouse not that she was quite young but only becoz NGO,s creating such stories and people like u likes to post and tell others.
plz concentrate and try to write and post about ur own country rape strories, where 7,8,9,10 and 11 yrs old girls are raped and then killed by there own family members, teacher ministers, neighhours and politicians..
get the source from Times of India.
mr supermanindia..
she died it was just an incidence becouse not that she was quite young but only becoz NGO,s creating such stories and people like u likes to post and tell others.
plz concentrate and try to write and post about ur own country rape strories, where 7,8,9,10 and 11 yrs old girls are raped and then killed by there own family members, teacher ministers, neighhours and politicians..
get the source from Times of India.
it is sick,ridiculous.
it is sick,ridiculous.
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Sorry. Didn't mean to post that twice. Still figuring out the new (awful!) layout.
It's sad that they only publish the bad things. Yemen is such a lovely country with so many great people. From reading the new, it would seem that the entire population are child molesters and terrorists!
It's sad that they only publish the bad things. Yemen is such a lovely country with so many great people. From reading the new, it would seem that the entire population are child molesters and terrorists!
Check new revelations:
A 12-year-old Yemeni child bride who died shortly after marriage was tied down and raped by her husband, her mother said.
These people are sick bas....:-(
Such sick mentality breeds sick behavior....