10 cruel things women do to men

By t_coffee_or_me •
10. They don't pick up the phone
9. Use men for free drinks
8. Use men as placeholders
7. Emotionally manipulate men
6. Use physical violence
5. Criticize their men in public
4. They don't disclose their relationship status
3. They withhold sex
2. They test their men
1. They flirt to inspire jealousy
Truth hurts lol
Tinkerbell...do you want some of my happy pills?
lol..gudnite tinker..it's always fun to be with you.
lol tinker, you need to take QL a bit easy...but if you really had a bad day, its not a bad idea to come in and vent your fume in a thread like this..:)
tcom, it is you who chooses the person you want to be with. You make your bed, you lie in it.
tinker..i tell you something, past hurts or insults are like hot & humid summer weather...the more you think about it the more your feel uncomfortable..
so, if you can't change it...just try to keep it away from your mind.
anyways..gudnite tinker and just gimme a shout when you need directions or a ride to the party on thursday..:)
lol..i guess so, but really enjoyed myself reading the full thread..:)
that was a great concluding speech tinker..:) clap,clap,clap.
tinker,it was not a level playing field earlier...cos i was not logged in. you scored some goals with no tough tackles..thats not fair..
Are tinker I lub all women :D
make sure there is a bullet inside :P
tinker, its good if you take it as a compliment..but it was not meant to be one..:)
Handguns are so reliable and comfortable to hold.. Thanks for that tinker ;)
the reason women dont have collars in their dresses..cos if they had, they would keep them up all day..:)
evident from this thread...
Men are smarter, the moment Bonds mature, women encash them.. Men don't want to be traded for money ;o)
they have monthlies
I didn't answer anything to victoria, I just gave some advice to ease her concern.
tcom... this is your fault, you challenged tinker and the rest of the ladies... lol
ROFL snessy :))
tinker yes death comes in the way but it's the man's death.. Don't you know women live longer ;)
The art is in pursing your lips and keeping the neck muscles taught..
Marriage changes passion.....suddenly you're in bed with a relative!
Victoria be a step ahead of the game.. Since you know men want one thing only, don't give that thing to any man, ok?
having read the thread, i am asking the almighty, what sins have i committed in my previous birth that i am born a male..:(
hahahaha =P LOL...nice one!
men are pain in neck. In my opinion, at this point of time, men are not capable of loving truly. They only want one thing with women.
Cheers ladies!
Biggest cruelty women do to men
They get married to them :(
tinker, take a breath for a while...:)
What about the most crueslest of all ...
Saying "yes" when they actually mean "No" ;O(
hahaha tinker waiting for some original materials rather then C&P
t_coffee - men are old material as well - nothing new with them either! When they decide to not be generic and be original for once, then we'll make an effort!
saeed i went back to my normal life whr thr is no internet no mobile....
hehehehehe tinker & chmb
those are old materials have read it a umpteen times. come up with something original
Lol Tinkerbell - I love the third one especially... ahh.. if only!
ROFL Tinker! :))
There were 11 people hanging onto a rope that came down from a helicopter. Ten were men
and one woman. The rope was starting to fray so they all agreed that one person should let go
because if they didn't, the rope would break and everyone would die.
No one could decide who should go so finally the woman gave a really touching speech, saying
how she would give up her life to save theirs, because women were used to giving up things for
their husbands and children, giving into men, and that after all, men were the superior sex and
must be saved. When she finished speaking, all the men clapped.
Never under estimate the mind of a woman
Oh TInker MY GOD last one ROFL..........
And i missed ur thread pls give me the link.......
Bring it on Tinker please do not hold your punch lol
lol tinker actually was waiting for something better from chmb
lol Good one Tinker,
Not really t_coffee ... I just think it's too much effort for my hands to type about men ..
lol tinker, I love the last line... :P
lol snessy
Just trying to steer up QL
Is that the best you could come up
LOL TCOM...are you after tips?
Tinker i am waiting for ur thread we all ladies could enjoy commenting thr......
Strike Strike Strike Strike! :)
We are waiting.
Soniya u r right fed up of hearing about women now its time for men..i hope so Tinker could very well execute tat job wat do u say gals????/
chmb - go on strike!
Haha.. Don't get me started on men!
Good! They deserve it, it's not like they never mess women about. (yes I am slightly bitter :) )
Soniya you being a women should know about men How can we know our own faults.
Poor jack!! :))
tcom, tell us something about MEN then...:))
We have heard a lot about WOMEN..It's like a stale news for us..:)
No 7... oh Yes! Now I get it.... :(
lol Soniya this is all in todays news.
tcom, you seems to be on a spree of posting all types of 10 things today that are not known to us ..lol..what next??
there is still more...
not 10........
10. They don't pick up the phone = To Avoid Nonesence fights
9. Use men for free drinks = Man should effort a drink
8. Use men as placeholders = Men love that place in womens life
7. Emotionally manipulate men = Support them when eva he is down
6. Use physical violence = Not true, Men love all types of pyscial relation
5. Criticize their men in public = Take it easy
4. They don't disclose their relationship status = Married Men dont either, if they know he is a liar its better to stay silence about their relationship
3. They withhold sex - NO comments lol
2. They test their men - It is Imp coz they wholy souly connected with them
1. They flirt to inspire jealousy - she likes to be watched, Observed and Protected
Not true...I never flirt!
I don't use physical violence.. unless I'm asked to.. :P
Oh yes.. Agree with most of them :(
Poor me :(
hey tcom not all women do that.. :P