Has Donald Trump become Jittery?

With less than 100 days to go for the US presidential election, it appears that Trump has now begun to show signs of getting a bit jittery. He has now suggested at two campaign rallies that the November elections could get rigged. He did not offer any evidence or explanation for his allegations. Donald Trump has already recently faced severe criticisms even by his own party members on ridiculing the family of slain US Muslim soldier who was awarded the Purple Heart by the US government for his heroism.
Such claims of elections being rigged are usually heard of in eastern countries. This sort of cacophony erupts in eastern countries after the losing parties in the elections have nothing more to say to their voters when the parties have suffered a defeat.
The question is: If free and fair elections can get conducted in India which is the world’s largest democracy and where the majority of voters are basically illiterate, why can’t it be done in the United States which is one of the most advanced countries of the world and one that has more technologies available at hand than India to keep things fair during the voting process? Is Mr Trump not aware of this fact?
Donald Trump had referred to Hillary Clinton as the “Crooked Hillary” for months but has recently labeled the Democratic presidential nominee as “the devil.”
Has Donald Trump begun to read the writing on the wall?
Rizk, Imagine how much energy I have to put in to make a simple view clear to a certain fellow who refuses to understand a simple 1+2=3 ........... !
I wish your dream comes true ............... but that seems difficult untill that guy makes stupid mistakes from one sun rise to the next ....................
Wuna, You need to grow up first .......... Kids like you should play hide & seek ................ thanks for speaking truth that you were unable to understand what was being discussed ............ I appreciate your honesty which is very rare at QL .............
I must have missed something. Why are there 100 posts from MM? And why do none of them make sense? Did the mods delete some other posts that would make his posts intelligible? I cant work put what on earth he's talking about??
You could have sum all that comment in just ONE comment and posted rather then wasting the space on QL....:(
Anyways, have told you trillion times to do tat but INVAIN.
Bye for the day ................... see you tomorrow at 07.33 hrs .....
Same here .......... Do not reply to any of the comments above to keep your promise ............
Tomorrow you meet a wrestler in his drawing room and you judge him from his gossip that he is very strong ......... A very good metre to measure some body's skills .......... Some time your capacity to imagine is challenged by this guy ............
Like a child, who gives you a candy is your dear uncle .......
Accha, Do you know who is the MOST FRIGHTENED SOUL in this universe ........... ? ........
Accha, Do you know who is the MOST FRIGHTENED SOUL in this universe ........... ? ........
Accha, All you want to do is praise Army & give bad name to a civilian businessman ............. !!
You may carry on doing that .........Even Brit will not read your stupid posts ................
Accha, Your are living in a real dangerous world of your own making .......... .Lol ...
What happens or NOTHING happens when your soldier friend goes on his annual vacation ? .....
Brit: True. The US army has REAL soldiers. I have met many of them face to face. The base commander of the US base in Doha is a real soldier. A position of such high importance and responsibility could not have been given to anybody else.
Molten: Your logic and thinking is beyond my comprehension (may be also beyond the comprehension of others too) and surely I would not like to argue with you further, please.
I am SURE ..........
Brit, I am that is not your first lie for the day .....Wed, 3rd Aug ............... '' the real soldiers '' ...........
Brit, It is your duty to read the comments before you jump in to post yours ....... may be you are UN WELCOME ..... as in Accha's case ...... he says to you ...... '' I know how to defend my posts '' .......... .
Accha does not need your un wanted support .....
' Accha, How many soldiers are real in the US military & how many are picked up from the streets ........ ?'
All soldiers in the US army are volunteers .. They are ALL real soldiers
Accha, You are basically wrong here too as always .....
Any body who has enough money to get his hair cut / shaved can not be counted as educated in US or UK .........
In a way you are blaming UK also if Indians are still illiterate ........... after being 100s of years with them ..... .............
Molten Metal: Oh! Oh! Oh! Are you challenging that soldiers in the US military are not "real soldiers" and then again you go ahead questioning "how many are picked up from the streets?"
You have made two very wild statements which simply expose your level of thinking.
You are also now seeking the support of other Indians to come to your aid and give me a bashing.
I know how to defend my posts as I don't write and then post within seconds.
ALL good writers spend quite a bit of time on their writings, read and re-read their articles, make corrections and amendments, and only when they feel comfortable with what they have written, do they go ahead and share it others. It takes time and effort and a lot of "thinking" before they reach such a level.
That is where the difference lies between writers and other people who write just for the sake of writing, most of them being simply one liners.
In any democracy dumb or doctor both have one - one vote & their votes have equal counting .............
This is for the Indians if any to answer Accha where he argues ........ '' where the majority of voters are basically illiterate .... '' ..........
Accha, How many soldiers are real in the US military & how many are picked up from the streets ........ ?
The soldier sacrificed his life protecting other soldiers under his command by ordering them to move away while he was providing cover to them. And Trump has the audacity to criticize the family of this soldier! The family is more American than Trump, and they have proven it.
Saw an interview yesterday .. The host stated that the soldier who died sacrificed himself for his country..
Trump said that he has also made sacrifices by creating thousands of jobs ..
It is indeed a sad day for the Republican Party and even sadder for democracy
He is a foul mouthed moron. He cant argue logically, thus resorts to accusations and personal attacks.
A leopard does not worry about the horns of a buffalo
He is clever .. He uses this language and accusations to deflect any criticism or to stop people for asking about real policies ..
He has used the same method all through the campaign thus far