Hello Qatar. some Questions please

Hello everyone, First, Congratulations on winning the bid to host the World Cup. It will leave a great legacy behind im sure and will boost the identy of the Sport in this part of the World. I am Sad England didnt get to host 2018, But congratulations to Russia, there is always next time :)
I am seriously consdiering coming to Qatar 2022 (If England Qualify of course!) But first i have a few questions. I do not mean to be offensive if it appears that way, i am just curios.
Firstly, i was wondering What is there to do and see in between the football games in Qatar, what Tourist attractions would you advise?
Secondly, do you think the Qatar Goverment will relax the None Aclohol laws, and maybe have special zones for fans from different countrys to mix and watch games with a friendly beer?
Thirdly, Is it true, the women are not allowed to wear skirts etc? I am thinnking if that is the case it might put people off coming, as the heat will be too intense to wear trousers/jeans
Fourthly, The stadiums that you have designed look absolutly Awesome! I love the one that looks like the Boat. Really nice designs and fresh original ideas :)
Anyway, i appreciate any feedback, and if i came across arrogant i apolgies, i did not mean it i just want to be Educated about Qatar, before i make up the Decision wether to save money for '22 or Russia '18. Thank you. From an England Fan.
@ Cryspy,none taken! & with all due respect to Qatar,i rate Indian security services FAR higher than Qatar's!...yes before you mention it,Mumbai attacks happened & it showed Indian security forces weren't prepared for it but can you imagine the same happening here???...the damage & the number of dead would've been FAR higher,so it's all relative... btw,we're discussing this on the wrong thread!...i'm safely assuming you meant to post this on the thread that i posted but no worries!...
no offense mate, but were U so concerned for CWG 2010 Delhi???
Probability of terrorist attacks were more higher with existence of militant activist in many states?
Rest of ur queries are worth reading, and i don't have problem with that.
Well i discussed the idea of Russia or Qatar with my friends, and as a group we have decided we want to go to Qatar, Qatar will be the first World Cup in the Middle East and it will be a part of Planet Earth's History, and we want to be a part of that.
No matter if your white, or black, eatsern, or western European, or Asian, this is going to be the world cup that will Unite the Human race. The Humans will join together as one. And i can not wait, This will be my last post on the forum, thank you for your help guys, and maybe i will see you in 10 years. God Bless the Human Race!
Save your money for Russia mate.
i will apply wait and watch policy and then take an informed decision... dont just get carried away by the hype...
@ rashid ahmed,weren't you listening when Sh.Mohammed spoke @ Zurich? He said we will welcome ALL fans by which he meant,be it someone with a few million in the bank who doesn't have to worry about spending a few thousand to come to the World Cup to someone like bailey who plans to put aside 20-30 pounds a week to be able to afford to buy travel & match tickets & EVERYONE in between..."stay home dude"???... is that your way of welcoming a fan???...you people need a reality check & you're going to get a HUGE one come 2022,of that i'm sure...i would like to come back here just to see that & how you lot deal with it,while i stand in front of an ISF officer @ Khalifa stadium & down my pint in the "fan zone"!!!
@ Stealth,S.Africa has low-cost motels,B & B's,low cost flight options & they have had all those options before they were awarded the hosting rights...yes costs go up during ANY World Cup but as things stand TODAY,(i don't know how it will be 12 years from now & neither you or me can say for sure),the total cost for a fan flying here on Qatar Airways(only option,no low cost options except Air Arabia) & forced to stay in at least a Merweb if not the Ritz is FAR higher than what it would cost to go to S.Africa...
which world cup was cheap bailey. What was the total cost for a supporter to go to S Africa to go an watch the matches?
now the discussions going beyond the boundaries. Keep decency.
Always a pleasure
I See, Thanks for the heads up.
I am a psychic. Just making predictions...
Why is that?
bailey world cup 2022 will suck for you..
For only you. for everyone else it will be great but will suck for you...
I Didnt say you would let us down, i have 100% Belief you can deliver a Great World Cup. with great, Original never before seen stadiums.
Qatar will get all countries appreciation before 10 years of now. Firstly, It will become more greenish and beautifull. Secondly infrastructures. Last the rules and regulations, it may relax along with more scrutiny and securities to keep Qatar - charming all the times... love qatar.
there will be new rise after 2022, championships and leagues will take place! better use of stadiums & infra.!
I do not think "demolish" is the right word as that means it will be broken down completely. What they intend to do is systematically dismantle and remove the top tier of the stadium which will then be redistributed to under developed countries.
The intention is to dismantle all the stadiums and transport them around the globe to be reconstructed in under developed countries.
I Thought the Qatar World Cup Bid said they where to Demolish the stadiums after the finals, and send the materials around the world to Communitys that need them, Like places in Africa and South America, i may be wrong but i thought i hear the Qatari World cup group say that.
why do you think the stadiums will be demolished? will be the WC2022 last sport event in Qatar? following your logic, half of the hotels also will need to be demolished after the WC2022.. :)
no,dude, they all will be in use for the upcoming events..
and again, why do you think you will be able to save only 20-30 pound a week for the next decade? won't your income change during this time? and in any case, start saving now, and then you will decide how to spend your money, one doesn't contrudict another..
Life keep changing every couple of years..it is toooo early to talk about anything right now..
Edit: Double post.
The real planning starts when I know for sure England Qualify, and once the Fixtures are released when/where we play and who we play :) But at the Minute i must save money to do achieve the dream of 2022
No of course i wont book any flights yet, I am serious about planning 10 years in advance. If i save a 20-30Pound every week for 10 years, i I will have enough to do it. Football is my Passion and so is Travelling so why not combine the two together, about the Tourist attractions yeh i understand that was a wrong thing to ask, as you say, things change constantly, and who knows what Qatar and Doha will look like in 12 years time, Ps, as i mentioned the stadiums, it is my understadning that after the World Cup they will be demolished, so i would love too see these Magnificent Giants whilst they still stand. At the minute it is just saving money, maybe 5-6 years then the proper planning begins
bailey, are you seriously planning your trips 10-12 years in advance? wow.. you say you don't have money.. but hey, you still have a decade.. by that time your income definitely will change. you even have a chance to win couple of millions or so..
and we don't know what rules will be like, and if girls still won't be allowed to wear short skirts, and what are "other attractions" will be here by 2022. Doha is changing every year, every few months! and we are talking about 10-11-12 years..
dude, relax, wait another few years, and then decide.. you are not going to book the air ticket and the hotel room tomorrow, are you?
@ bailey88,not at all offensive & you have valid, legitimate questions mate!...always good to plan ahead!...
Thank you for the reply, I Know 12 years is a long time away but for a World cup, especially one on the other side of the world, it needs careful planning and saving, in my opinon that is. Thats why i thought i would ask now, although in hindsight it does appear a bit silly it is 12 years away afterall.
Anyway, like i said i didnt mean to sound offensive with my dumb questions, im just looking to be educated and learn different cultures if anything, thats my favourite thing about the World Cup. I Agree with Sepp Blatter taking it to new lands. Totaly agree, And I think the Middle East is deserving, the standard of Football has improved alot in the region recently. And alls i can say is Good luck.
See you around. thanks for the reply.
@ bailey88...
1) As of now,there's one museum,but you can cover that in a couple of hours tops...the rest of the little that there is to see is outdoor,not really advisable with the mercury hovering around the 45 deg. cent. mark & humidity in the 70%+ region...you'd either burn or dehydrate or both,not good...
2) The plans are to have "fan zones" where alcohol will be available,no one has any further info. on this & the bid committee have so far steered clear of directly adressing the issue apart from saying "there will be fan zones." period. I would imagine though that one would be able to enjoy a pint with other fans within those zones.
3)Again,as of now,women can & do wear skirts as long as they aren't micro minis & shorts for women aren't kosher,in fact,some consider MEN in shorts offensive,let alone women!...will this change in 12 years?...we'd only know in 12 years time mate!...
Sepp Blatter said his intention was to take the World Cup to "new lands",so it's really the great unknown when it comes to both Russia & Qatar mate,tough call for you,depends on what you're looking for i guess...good luck!
I understand the amount of planning to go for your country, Great amounts indeed. But as i dont earn the greatest wage, flights wont be cheap, nor will tickets, The only possible way will be from ticket touts for me to obtain tickets which will not be cheap :(
Didnt mean to come across bad, thats how it seems, Anyway, Good luck on your world Cup Bid. Like i said i am looking forward too see the stadiums they are really attractive. Seems like i will come back in 10 years and ask then :D if i havent decided to go to Russia 18!
once again, Good luck Qatar. Well Deserved.
#4 agree with you.
We'll tell you in 10 years.
12 Years to go there
wait, see and then decide
however U had putted a long term planning for a football event as a visitor, think how Qatar will have to plan as an event organizing and hosting country.