what is actually TERRORISM

When any muslim country or nation fight for their rights against another country and they are not in USAL, they are called terrorist.
If any country attack or bombing another country and they are not from USAL. So they are also called terrorist.
If any country upgrading the weapons for their nation`s safety and protection and if they are also not from USAL, they are also called terrorist.
Your country should serve its interests. That's what your people expect from your politicians - As should mine.
I will repeat what I keep saying. America is The Bikg Dog because it has aspired to be. It puts the interests of its people and its country first - as should be.
Other countries should follow America's lead rather than complain about it.
I belive the same for my own country - that's why I fought in the Army. However, I always have and always will believe that we should NOT be in Afghanistan. Our soldiers are dying unneccesarily. I have voiced this to my MPs and in other mediums.
Hope that satisfies you :O)
I know britexpat. He is as British as a Brit can be. The only problem was his pink KIA and his relation with the Cuban shot putter. I don't believe he was abducted anyway.
And just to put your mind at ease. I was born and bred in England. Am proud of the country. Served in the armed forces for a short while and was based in Jubail during the first Gulf War.
They are still behind, check this
If you read my post properly, you will realise that I was telling them to emulate the Big Dog , rather than always complain about it.
And just to put your mind at ease. I was born and bred in England. Am proud of the country. Served in the armed forces for a short while and was based in Jubail during the first Gulf War.
Mate, Britain doesn't need a "Big Dog" as a guide, Britain is more than capable to make its own decision. The "Big Dog" needs some of Britain's finest graduates from Cambridge and Oxford, not a Stanford "C" student !
A simpler term would be "Might is Right"
If USA and Israel are put together they are called... "total disaster"
Your genius with your observation
by the coment from Britexpat it is legal for the big dogs to make any rules they like....and all the talk about humanity, justice, and freedom is just a bunch of bullshit...just like UN
I fail to understand why there are "Muslim countries" in the world while there are no "Christian" or "Hindu" or "Buddhist" countries
If you dare, try to invade North Korea !
Common enemy makes Good Friendship.
Peace Keeping by "Force".....doesn't sound funny :)
as was posted earlier. Iran has called for "wiping the Israeli's off the map". The North Koreans have threatened the south and the rest of the world with nuclear aggression....etc etc... BIG difference! The propaganda is eating away at your brain.....wake up!
Such is the way of the world. Not just now, but all through History... For example, some see Genghis Khan as a hero, others as a terrorist.
The simple fact is that The Big Dog sets the rules. The best option for Muslims (Islamic countries) is not to whine, but try and match the Big Dog ..
Ice Maiden,
unfortunately, "the new technology and all", also helps to spread the evil ;(
Thats from growing up in a multicultural environment, Nic. Seeing different people, cultures, religions in some way cures a person of tunnel vision. :)
Hopefully with the new technology and all, people will "open" their eyes and ears to the world around them and live and let live.
Hahahahahahahahaha......very funny
and Ghandi kicked the English bas*&%ds out!!!!!!!!
What are you trying to say.
Just let them do whatever they want and wait, wait then wait till they go by themselves.......if Ghandi is the example
If i am not wrong NATHU RAM member of RSS
Ice Maiden,
I understood and I wish the entire world was like you and Gandhi.
Nic I know Gandhi wasn't Muslim.
The site seems to be filled with some bashing or the other. Just wanted to say "terrorism"/ or should I say aggresiveness is not the way forward.
Ice Maiden,
Gandhi was not muslim.
"in this cause( India's freedom struggle) I too am prepared to die, but my friends there is no cause for which i am prepared to kill." _ Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Terrorism: farting in a stuck elevator full of people.
terminology to call others
peaceful allies... ;b
peaceful infidel allies
as usual....
Pride is the root of all evil....