stop calling the attack on gaza a conflict

By crimsonflaw

It is a pure and simple barbaric act of terrorism, call it that, i am totally flabergasted at the muslim world for speaking of this act of brutality as a conflict. come on people its time to get up, if only the muslims of the world started to think of themselves as one nation instead of different states this would never be possible.
you fuel the world, for god's sake, u have the power to stop the world, and u sit back and call it a conflict.
all i ask is that peolple start reffering to the israeli acts of terrorism as what they are, TERRORISM.

another thing that always bugs me is that the israeli people claim to have gone through a holocaust at the hands of hitler, and then turn around and do the same to the palestenians.

By the original crimsonflaw• 20 Jan 2009 15:29
the original crimsonflaw

crimsonflaw why did you steal my id?

It was copyrighted through the google blogspot and can be traced and verified back to 1999 when it was created.

The least I would expect is an acknowledgement of the fact that it is not your creation. Your expression should be yours entirely. Create your own personal user id.

By Eve• 8 Jan 2009 22:18
Rating: 4/5

If this isn't deemed a Masacre I don't know what would be, lets not sanitize the slaughter of innocent people! War is usually between two sides that actually have the capability of fighting, certainly the Hamas has no fire power compared they are just doing what they can to resist, should they use only rocks. If it were the US suffering like this it would be deemed a massacre. Also, its a WAR when certain laws of the Geneva Convention are adhered to the Israelis are breaking all the laws.

By tortor• 8 Jan 2009 19:55

war is an arms struggle in between two opposing state. war is supposed to be ugly and can not be fair in war.. if war is not ugly and will not bring devastation, sorrow and other ugly things, then we will be fond of waging war to others everytime we have a simple disagreement..

By Platao36• 8 Jan 2009 19:16

I just hope that there will be a miracle on today's meeting in Cairo Between AP, Hamas and Israelis.

Only God Can Judge Me

الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer

أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ

By Platao36• 8 Jan 2009 19:06
Rating: 3/5

"According to Webster "too" Massacre is:

1 : the act or an instance of killing a number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty "

Guess we can include human bombs on that category.

Only God Can Judge Me

الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer

أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ

By qalove• 8 Jan 2009 18:36
Rating: 4/5

Yes of course, because I have wide open access to Israeli media from Qatar!! NOT.

And I think Israel is doing a good job targeting Hamas. Even if they are in the wrong, Hamas is doubly wrong messing with Israel - they should know better than prod a lion with a stick.

By Lemy• 8 Jan 2009 18:26

who said there is someone hiding behind children and women? Where did u get this idea from.. Israeli Media!!!! well, just to clarify, am not with Hamas and don't agree on their way of approaching things.. but I see no reason to justify killing unarmed women and children under the excuse that they are hiding someone else.. if Hamas is hiding, how come Israel with all the technology they have in hand couldn't find the hidden people??? Or how come the people who die are only civilians and they never found some Hamas person dieing with them!! Aren't Hamas hiding behind those innocents?

By qalove• 8 Jan 2009 18:06
Rating: 2/5

Before Hamas fires rockets into Israel, they should consider that Israel will retaliate. And when they do consider that, they best stop hiding behind children and women, come out and get what is due. Then there will be no pointless deaths of civilians.

Or, perhaps, they should just accept Israel's right to exist, and I dunno, STOP firing rockets? Just a thought...

By anonymous• 8 Jan 2009 18:03

Start calling the attack on gaza a confrontation.

By Lemy• 8 Jan 2009 17:56

forget about yesterday my friend, today is a new day :-)

it seems that me and u have little different opinions about so many things "well, not just little, lol..", but that doesn't mean that I have something against u or any other person… am just posting my point of view, same with u.. so whenever I post something that doesn't support ur idea, pls don't take it personal.. well, u sound as an educated person, so I really don't have to worry, right.

and yes, record is clear ;-)

By Lemy• 8 Jan 2009 17:45

PM, i was trying to agree on crimsonflaw's opinion that whats going on is more of a Massacre rather than of it being a War...

By Lemy• 8 Jan 2009 17:39

According to Webster "too" Massacre is:

1 : the act or an instance of killing a number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty

2 : a cruel or wanton murder

3 : an act of complete destruction

So which one you think is closer to what's going on in Gaza?

By crimsonflaw• 8 Jan 2009 17:02

its totally one sided, those rockets havent been able to kill any one , firing missiles into a heavily populated area isnt war, its terrorism, its a way for israel to bully the people of gaza to stop the hamas by themselves to avoid such action in future. by the time the world opinion gets strong enought to stop israel they will have accomplished their objective,

By anonymous• 6 Jan 2009 13:47

here you go:

By SolidSnake9• 6 Jan 2009 05:09
Rating: 3/5

Man, you can't boo someone on someones opinion... Everybody has something to say about this issue and I think it is proper to respect someones idea. If you think that you're always right and others are wrong, I suggest you go and open your own website.. create your own traffic and let all your questions be answered by you. However, I pray for those innocent people who's been affected with this current siege.

By anonymous• 6 Jan 2009 01:10
Rating: 2/5

I am watching the news now. The amount of slaughtered Palestinean families is unbelieveable. They showed this old man crying because he came home to find his wife, daughters and sons all dead by an israeli messile.

Frankly, the only justice I see for this man, is if he'd wrap his waist with explosives, try to get to the nearest israeli family, give them a big hug, and pull the trigger.

No israeli should be spared even if we had to fight for another 60 years.

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2009 23:26

this man on tv now. He is crying & saying:

"My dad became a martyr...thank God

My mom became a martyr...thank God

My son became a martyr...thank God

My daughter became a martyr...thank God

I hope for God's generousity to make me a martyr"

No nuclear weapons of any army in the world can beat such men

By nadt• 5 Jan 2009 23:07
Rating: 4/5

yes stealth at the rate the palestinians are dying now, while we all watch on, their lives isnt valued much at all, as long as its not our homes or our children, then its ok...everytime i watch the news, i feel sick to my stomach at whats happeing now...

By stealth• 5 Jan 2009 22:46

Once HAmas took over Israel blocked all goods from entering Gaza except the essential humanitarian aid. Now isnt that itself an attack? In fact Israel started the whole thing by bombing Gaza in November. how come no one ever looks into that? Read the report that came in TIME and I think it was posted in one of the other threads.

Instead of blaming Hamas for firing rockets and that they broke the ceasefire, it has been the other way around.

If you also look at the coverage that BBC and CNN gave to the funeral of an ISraeli soldier killed, one would think no Palestinian was ever killed in this whole scenario. it only shows how much is valued of a Palestinian dead or alive.

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2009 21:46
Rating: 2/5

I am no saying at all that you are against the Palestineans. No, buddy.

And I am not saying that you are a zionist, giving us lousy statements. All I am saying is that the zionist propaganda is trying to convince the world that they are victims, and they concentrate on showing the world what Hamas is doing, when we all know that Hamas is a legitimate patriot resistance against the occupation.

Referring to your statement about the last missiles from Hamas before this israeli crime starts, were they were only fired because israel killed 6 Palestineans in an air raid last November.

There was NEVER, EVER a time when Hamas shot missiles on israel, unless there was an israeli attack/aggression prior to it. So on until you go back to the founding of Hamas resistance movement.


By anonymous• 5 Jan 2009 21:41

By Eve• 5 Jan 2009 21:05

Not sure this is the reason for Hamas sending rockets into Israel but it could very well be because they were under seige and were suffering a huge humitarian disaster do you wait til you die of hunger?

By Rania M• 5 Jan 2009 20:58
Rania M

Foolish, i have to say "You wake up!!!!"

i believe that no matter what palesinians do to those people is very much less than what is supposed to happen to them, they deserve to be burnt alive, im not talking about civilians who do not support this act of terrorism on palestinians, but lets all get real here, they've been humiliated killed with no mercy whatsoever and for what reason??? israelis say that they're defending themselves, please tell me from what?????????

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2009 20:57

GPN-35, calling my Statements Zionist propaganda is sad. You obviously do not want to understand what I write and you assume that I am against the Palestinians. I also find it extremely funny since I once was arrested(in my home Country)for demonstrating for the Palestinian Cause against Israel. I do not think it is possible for me to continue this discussion with you guy's.

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2009 20:55

you & vignale are totally wrong

"this situation began because Hamas fired rockets into Israel"

The problem started when the Zionists invaded Palestine, and it will only end when they are kicked out of Palestine, or ALL the Palestinean poulation is slaughtered.

Hamas did NOT EVEN EXIST before the zionist invasion. People were living in peace.

Your above statement is a zionist propaganda which we don't buy.

By ummjake• 5 Jan 2009 20:39
Rating: 5/5

While most of the world agrees that the Israeli response has been over the top and that the suffering of innocent civilians in Gaza (and Israel) must end, they are also aware that this situation began because Hamas fired rockets into Israel. THAT is what directly led to Israel's bombardment and subsequent invasion of Gaza. Hamas bears a decent amount of the responsibility for the current suffering in Gaza.

And PLEASE, everyone, don't start with the whole "suicide bombings are justified" lose complete credibility and simply demean the very-just Palestinian cause with talk like that. Honestly, if there is one thing that has hurt their effort more, I can't think of it...

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2009 20:33
Rating: 4/5

when your country is invaded & your civilians are being slaughtered, then you decide to stand like a man, and sacrifice your life among enemy soldiers or civilians, then you are a MARTYR in the Heavens of God. There is no such thing as a 'suicide bomber' in this case. This is a phrase invented by the zionists.

Any reaction you take to defend your country against the invaders is 100% justified.

You can shoot missiles on Israelis, kill their soldiers, kill their mothers, kill their children...etc. No one can condemn your reactions in this case as long as they continue to occupy your country, and kill your civilians.

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2009 20:31
Rating: 5/5

"Sadly it is the Jewish influence over the various American Governments"

At least no one can blame us for the shameful acts of our governments because we have no democracy or freedom to choose our leaders or governments.

But you guys should be responsible to the acts of the governments that YOU are electing.

Next time when you elect a government, forget about social security, the schools of your kids, the jobs & economy...etc, and cocentrate on the foreign policy of the government, even if you end up by not electing anyone. At least have the freedom/option to do that.

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2009 20:23
Rating: 4/5

Crimsonflaw, are you talking to me ? I honestly don't generalize the Palestinian Cause. The Palestinina Cause is not the Issue here, it is the Direct Attack of Israel on Palestine. The Palestine got all rights being a sovereign land no doubt about that(which is the Palestine Cause).

And do not link this to Suicide bombings around the world, also please do not as you do in your original post comparing this to holocaust- that is plain stupid .

You should also be aware that Palestine got an enormous support in the West for it's cause. Sadly it is the Jewish influence over the various American Governments that is the hindrance to a solution to the problem(And I doubt that Barack Obama will change that either )

By crimsonflaw• 5 Jan 2009 20:14

suiside bombings is spreading around the world, people just dont listen do they, whats that saying u push a man to the wall he either sits back and takes it fights back. please dont forget the past, and dont generalise the palestenian cause

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2009 20:09
Rating: 4/5

What is happening in Gaza is terrible and should be condemned. A friend Of mine traveled to Gaza straight after the "conflict" started and he has reported about the Human catastrophe which is happening there. What is reported is according to him also not correct. it is so much worse. he is a doctor and he sees it all.

In my home Country there have been large demonstrations against Israel and the Police had to send out "anti-Terrorist" police with Tear Gas to stop the Demonstrators.

What is happening is so Bad that we cannot descibe it, but as Foolish says- what is happening got two sides, In our sorrow and Hatred let's not forget this(it is not just Israel's fault although I wish I could say exactly that).

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2009 20:09

Let us sleep man! We don't need to answer some 'foolish' guy with 'foolish' words.

Is that your real name? Why didn't you find yourself a username?

By crimsonflaw• 5 Jan 2009 20:06

GPN dont waste ur breath on such ignorant people

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2009 19:39

to civilian Jews? A Hero? C'mon, wakeup people.

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2009 19:03
Rating: 4/5

1."start reffering to the israeli acts of terrorism as what they are, TERRORISM"

Actually, even the Emir has called it a 'war crime'

2."the israeli people claim to have gone through a holocaust..."

I LOVED the "claim"

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