Road Safety

By MarkThomson •
What do you think of the state of road safety in Doha? and what do you think should be done to improve it? what are your ideas on road safety, standards, and what good ideas can you offer to improve the state of our roads?
and they should enforced it more strictly to the undisciplined locals and their drivers (who are firstimer in holding a steering wheel!). Lol!
I did give my opinions above mate, I did speak of bottom up appraoch starting from Schools awareness programme to ready the next generation for road safety practices, and an inforced policies and penalties on bad drivers preceeded by better driver training and qualification prior to allowing them on the roads.
That maybe funny but it does highlight the fact that no one is safe from it even the experts and unless the driver behavious is changes or forced to change and the road safety awareness is increased, many more people will suffer in various ways including death or enjury.
remove rockets from the streets then we can say we have safety in he streets
small accidents are bearable done tired stupid or sleepy drivers.
but when you see a rocket with 150 km/h on the road then you must think in how to stop these guys from driving.
because we are talking here about human lives not cars.
and believe me even with cameras you will not solve the problem,
they must put strict laws on locals before residents.
if everyone participates. unless you are the moderator of this discussion, you should be the first to give your insights about all the questions you raised. Now will you do the honor? After you, we'll give our pieces!
Some people poke their sticky nose in all unwanted matters-If you have nothing to say,get lost.
the problem is Ashghal people :P
the roads are 80% fine but we should think about drivers first.
Nice post, My previous employer has brought in house an "expert" from the UK to train all employees on defensive driving, the poor bloke had his first accident in 30 years as he was entering one of the roundabouts here in Doha, more than 4 vehicles were involved in that accident :)
hollow to you too kind sir, I am asking some valid questions, if you have anything to say please do, otherwise please do not involve yourself in hollow debates, I thought the whole idea is to share an opinion and give and idea and perhaps someone will listen to you
I dont believe in hollow debates...thats why wanted to check if you can have some say as this seems to be the second time you have brought up this issue.
There's no need to debate in this matter. All you need (Drivers) is self discipline, because it reflects your personality on how you drive, how you move, and how you talk.
I am speaking as a member of the community and somone who uses the Roads every day. now, can we have a real debate on this?
Since this country is so rich anyway, why not put radar and cameras in every road here. There shouldn't be no blind spots. I notice some cars slow down when there are cameras, but speed up when there are none.
I beleive this city is in dire need for a series of effective road safety campaigns that are multi channelled and multi lingual backed up by an inforceable policy on fines, road policing, and behavious changing.
Are you working as a consultant with Ashgal...:)
Why don't you start off with your thoughts on the subject?