Ricky Martin wants a legal gay wedding

London: Pop star Ricky Martin, who publicly admitted that he is a homosexual earlier this year, wishes to legally marry his boyfriend in Puerto Rico.
The Un Dos Tres hitmaker wants gay marriages to be legalised in his native land and is ready to wait until then to tie the knot, reported Contactmusic.
"I would get married... There are many countries around the world where same-sex marriage is a right. Not in Puerto Rico, unfortunately. And not in many states in America.
"Yes, we could go to Spain and get married. We can go to Argentina and get married. But why do we have to go somewhere else? Why can't I do it in my country where the laws are - you know, protecting me?
"I can go to Spain. I have many friends in Spain. And get married. And make it very beautiful and symbolic. But... I (can't) do it in the backyard of my house. I want to have that option. I don't want to be a second class citizen anymore. I pay my taxes. Why can't I have that right?" said Martin.
source: http://www.ndtv.com/article/music/ricky-martin-wants-a-legal-gay-wedding...
so I am correcting you. Homosexuality runs in any society with statistics where available raging from 2 to 8%. So obviously it is not "the norm" and if it were you wouldn't have these legal and political battles attempting to foster equal rights for homosexuals.
hey man, chill out! everyone has an opinion. Homosexuals probably think straight people are not right as well.
i was told San Francisco is the butthub of the world tho.
Haha thanks to Google everyone is a genius online.
So how did you conclude it's ordinary there?
Rashid can you even point to Puerto Rico on a map?
"homosexuality is very ordinary "
I beg to differ!!!
never mind
Wow. What a wit you have Rye. You should write comedy.
pooh stabber lol
Good for him, always expect the unexpected news from there.
OMG!!!! Ricky is GAY!????? But they said he has kids.. thats weird.. TSK!
Another awesome thread.Oh dear!
Normally the way it goes in civilized countries Snessy, but as you can see from the responses here, others have different opinions.
lol smart sheeeee yukkkkkkkk i cant imagine being a gay thank god i m straight and i have straight
good for him.
Smoke... get out of the closet already. He doth protest it too much.
i wonder how he might enjoy is sexlife wit a guy and how hes gonna have kids?????
Speed i know i have that effect on men and women...its a blessing and a curse...:P
yuck !
Smoke... if he sees you he will fall in love with you too ;-)
hes gay???
but why he wants an a$$ when he can have lots of P***Y??
Pilgram, in the UK if a celeb comes out of the closet, they are respected more so. Unfortunately, not all countries feel the same...
wedding thing!To a man!
it was already in my son's entertainment blog three years ago. It was a known fact in the entertainment world a long time ago!
perhaps the term "allowed" didnt fit the sentence, i meant to say its "acceptable" :P Everyone has their right to be what they want...calm down now :P
The world is changing. Lots of countries are accepting gay marriage. He simply wants Puerto Rico to as well. Nothing wrong with that. Snessy, he's still quite popular in South America with his Latin songs, and obviously from the comments on this page, coming out of the closet is not necessarily a career booster.
well smoke he ain't famous (anymore)
Yep its always the rich and famous who think the world should change to suit their needs.
it's their right! or left? or realllllllllllllllyyyyy?
Seriously, that's their choice so they should be given that right?
Fair enough he wants the same rights, but his career has gone downhill and this way he can get free publicity. If Puerto Rico allowed to him to marry legally there, he would probably jet off elsewhere to get married anyway.
Elton is allowed to be gay...he has better songs compared to Chicky martin
footstep of Sir (or better Lady) Elton John! Lol!
nope brit i have not..but apparently you have, tell me what else have you been looking at :P
O God help the new generation
"..there's nothing to get so excited about it!"
Have you seen that bronzed torso and six pack ??
Yeah someone needs to tell him he's not the first and wont be the LAST Gay man on this planet..there's nothing to get so excited about it!
Oh yeah and while they are at it someone tell him he's been sucking on too much "man juice" if he thinks a country is going to change their laws just so he can tie the knot legally!
who cares.. :P
lol smoke, he is gay and soooo proud!
hez crazy:(
and maybe he wants the all white - swan theme wedding as well! :p pity Ricky! shall we name him Ricka? :p
When he made his Gay announcement he should have also changed his name to Chicky Martin
Yes Baldrick more women for us real men..:)
lol, i knew it! the way he dances says a lot! :))
To quote Black Adder:
'leaves more totty for us real men'
No he's just a Queen!
He's a drama queen because he wants to have the same rights as everyone else?
Glad you reminded me of that one.. It's a little worn. I was going to throw it away anyway..
right snessy! it's just publicity that he wants.
lol britey !
and make sure u remove tat wax statue of Ricky Martin placed in ur toilet...:)
What a drama queen! If you want to get married for love, you don't care where it is or who is there. In need of some publicity, me thinks...
Good for him. Hope Puerto Rico comes around someday. If they don't, he's more than welcome to get married in Canada.
omg..... omg......
Well i had my doubts from the beginning about that homo...i mean a guy surrounded by so many HOT chicks could only mean he's a fag! Hey but now on the brighter side he can be surrounded by many arseholes!
I'm going home right now to take down his poster :O(
Ricky is pooh stabber ... I'm shocked and stunned :O(