Report on Doha's new Catholic Church on BBCWorld TV today

Well, I think it is anyway! Lots about this part of the world and I understood he (Jeremy Paxman) was going to talk about the Doha Catholic Church.
I didn't hear it mentioned in the introduction to the programme though :(
Forgive me if I'm wrong.
"Newsnight is a weekly round-up of news and current affairs including hard-hitting interviews with global opinion-formers, and documentary features from every corner of the world."
Jauntie - Do you want the 3D presentation of the Catholic church model. Remember I was with them when I met you and you Husband during a Sat lunch time :)
all part of a new city (Greek Orthodox next one up)
Was just a couple of minutes, but nice to see.
The architecture of the Church reminds me of 'Paddy's Wigwam' - the Catholic Cathedral in Liverpool, but a bit smaller, I guess.
to turn of puter for a while.
Actually I can see now that the report about the Catholic Church is now coming up on the '1.00 o/c' news on BBCWorld TV
Guess it's just a news item and wasn't part of Paxman's Newsnight.
But it's being seen as a sop to the West. Sad.
Even if Al-soud wished that, they can never pull such a stunt. Remmber its the wehabbist who keeps them in power.
will look for it
I have posted link on this topic earlier
how sad.
Saudi at the moment is the ONLY country in the ENTIRE world without a Christian Church.
Guess that's why they're mad :D
Happy Easter!
on today (Saturday) and hub seemed to think it was this Paxman prog.
I'm watching it at the moment on BBCWorld - it's repeated again about 6.10 here I think - so will see if it gets a mention.
God Bless Hubs - he just left me a cop of Newsnight schedule with hand written note: 'All Saturday ... News .... features - Doha Church'
Have had BBCWorld running in the background here all morning .... hmmm
discussed that as part of a call-in special called " religious freedom for minorities in the arab world". Callers from saudi were outraged from the footage of Qatari officials at the opening ceremony
There was an advert on BBC World yesterday about a program covering the church in Doha (the reporter was stood in front of it!). I don't recall the details, but there's definitely going to be something about it at sometime. Sorry I can't offer more info!!!