Raid on a Mexican House...

House of a Mexican Drug Lord being raided and finally burned down.
The money and valuables found in this one house alone, would be enough to pay for health insurance for every man woman and child in the U.S.A. for 12 years!
There are believed to be approximately 27 more of these houses in Mexico alone not to mention the ones in other countries who are enriching themselves in the drug trade.
Their money can buy the best politicians, the best cops, and the best judges. Whatever they need, they just throw down stacks of cash and it is theirs!
This is why the drug problem is so difficult to fight.
It's repost.
Posted before..And none other than our respected
really love the swimming pool....
shit poor guy i wish he cn enjoy much longer :( i feel sry fr him have a lovely home, please invite me in for a cuppa :-)
you needa take a peek inside ;-)
Nice house...
If that was a Filipino drug lord house, it would be made in Glass and protected by the NPA and rebel Moros
get your flight better
Im here in mind and spirit, not in body... suckers!!! :-P
COLT I don't think u r elusive.....u r here with us.....every of us we can tell that everybody is your got my & others point
Colt... ISF is looking for are
and you pic will be like this
that is all you will get for now, continue your search for me... i'm elusive ;-)
for you since long time now it is the time
I didn't do it...but I wish I did!
Edifis where are you? India or Qatar?
September is tennis season ... remember dont hide for long...and I have to kick your a55 in Table
because I have learned to become penny wise ;-)
Colt why do you worry so much about small change?
I'm sorry, can I have some money back at least :-(
And thats me walking away with my gun...Colt I told you not to mess with me
you got room for one more? :-(
That is/ was my house!!! :-(