Norway Terror and Media Madness
By HocusPocus •
Norway terror attack and media madness to blame muslim for the attack without waiting for the fact to come out. Almost all media liberal or conservative initially blamed muslim and and when the fact came out the shameless media still blamed muslim for this terror attack.
Colbert Report: Just because Norway's confessed murderer is a blond, blue-eyed, Norwegian-born, anti-Muslim crusader doesn't mean he's not a swarthy, ululating madman.
In a way, the way the media has acted has been a good thing. It has shown the ordinary person, the bias that currently exists. I would like to think that they will act in a more professional manner next time - but I don't hold out much hope. :O(
I wish to read NIC , where he will go with his pseudo intellectual discussion to find out the route cause of this incident happened in norway by a christian terrorist.Some one could give him a buzz?
Since when did the media ever get anything right?Read more: copy and paste quite openly from the media; so you must agree with some of it - when suits :-)
No, sorry Muslims are NOT blamed at all. This was a right winged racist nutter.
@Cabbage, the video contain comparision of international medias' report on the day of attack. They quickly jumped to blame muslims and when fact came out they still blamed muslim for Brievik terror. In any case muslims are to be blamed.
Sorry wrong post.
Since when did the media ever get anything right?
The reason for thinking it was muslim terrorists is clear, Norway has been threathened time and time again by various Terrorist groups and isn't it natural to assume that one of these Groups had finally done it ? Even their "öwn" Northern Iraqi Mulla Krekar has lately threathened to kill certain members of the government and some other norwegian politicians. But let's not not make this a muslim against Christians bashing, let us make this a wake up call for all countries in the east and west to be more tolerant and also to stop extremists in their midst.
I do not know where you are getting your information from but you are days behind.Norway did at first 'think' it was a terroist attack because of the way it was carried out and this nutter wanted that perception.Then they admitted quite openely it was one off their own. The Norweigens are horrified this was a carried out by a 'Christian nutter/terroist' and one of their own. I don't know if you get the news and therefore the images I get here in the UK - but Muslim and Christian people came together on Rose Day to show they are united.Norway and most Europeans do not agree with this sick *astard - because in Europe all races and cultures are welcome and wanted by the majority.You may think the West is racist because of our crap politicians but the majority of people are welcoming to all people from wherever.
i frankly dont get it is he mocking the media or is he with the media