Lesson Learnt For All Leadership?

By Ruditheexplorer •
Dictatorship will not last forever. fair system must put in place in government, organization, single power dictatorship wont last especially when the people suffered.. its People's power nowadays. You cant escape.
Are we there yet? Treat people better no matter who you are, you will get hidden rewards. Lets keep smile. :)))))))))). To all the unfortunate people out there, lets put smile too. Someone will help you..Happy Ramadan Kareem
"To all the unfortunate people out there, lets put smile too. Someone will help you"
- TFS, Rudi. Sometimes hope is extremely difficult to maintain in extenuating circumstances such as Syria's situation. One can only pray that there be accountability some day soon. "With great power comes great responsibility" but dictators don't care who they step on, they will do anything to hold on to power.
/I used to quote Spiderman to my colleagues a few years ago. ;0)
Ruditheexplorer said, "In my opinion, dictatorship not limited when they were run the country. Its in the organisation also"
- Analogically, yes. I was reading a commentary by Dr. John C. Maxwell today and the advice is to spend time with encouragers, to surround ourselves with people who add value and encourage us so that our talent can go in a positive direction.
"Spend time with folks who constantly drain you, pull you in the wrong direction or try to knock you down, and it will be almost impossible for your talent to reach its highest potential" ~ John C. Maxwell.
I just googled to check out who the author was and found an interesting article on a leadership ladder:-
"Nothing is wrong with having a leadership position. Everything is wrong with using position to get people to follow. Position is a poor substitute for influence."
"Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others."
Syria, Egypt,Cambodia during Pol Pot, Idi amin, Marcos. In my opinion, dictatorship not limited when they were run the country. Its in the organisation also.
People under this kind of regimes, they will do anything when they got suffered. We sees people's power.
Hidden rewards any example please ..
Ramadaan Mubarak !