Don't let the blessings of Ramadan pass you

As Ramadan is fast approaching us, I wanted to remind myself as well as anyone who is interested in reading this post to not let the blessings, lessons, and mercy of this blessed month pass us by. Unfortunately, what was intended by Allah to be a month of worship is fast becoming a month of cultural and religious celebration. If we are not careful, the true meaning of this month will pass us by.
So as we wait for our honored and noble guest to arrive, we should prepare ourselves so that we can reap the full benefits of this time. One of the ways we can achieve this is by remember the reason Allah legislated fasting for our ummah. Allah said in the Quran (2:183) He prescribed fasting for us so that we may attain taqwa. So the end goal is that if we observe the fast the way Allah intended we should increase our eman, our acts of obedience, etc. This will allow us to insha Allah reach the level of taqwa. So we must busy ourselves with deeds that will earn Allah's pleasure like salat, reading Qur'an, giving sadaqa, etc. At the same time we should try our best to avoid wasting time and indulging in the prohibited acts.
Allahumma balagh alaina shahr Ramadan. Ameen.
Very nice to read! Allah make it easy for us all this ramadan inshAllah ameen.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Thankyou.. May this month allow us to become better human beings, appreciate what we have and also think of and support those who are less fortunate..
JazakAllah for the reminder PE. Ramadan kareem. Let us all insh'Allah focus on ibaada this ramadan and treat it as if it is our last. wslm.
Ramadan Kareem,
Most we'll hope in the month with full barokah.Ameen
Ameen. Thanks for that. Mabruk ashahr Ramadan.