Definition of a hypocrite

The self proclaimed cleric Abu Hamza, who is serving 7 years in jail in the UK for inciting murder,has lost his case to not be extradited to the US for being a member of a global conspiracy to wage jihad against the U.S. and:
• Attempting to set up an Al Qaeda training camp in rural Oregon;
• Sending money and recruits to assist the Taliban in Afghanistan;
• Assisting an armed gang which abducted a party of tourists in Yemen in 1998. Four people, including three Britons, died in the ensuing gun battle.
Hamza arrived in the UK in 1979 as a student and gained British citizenship through his marriage to a British woman, whom he has since divorced. His present wife is Moroccan but has gained UK citizenship through him, as have their children.
Now for the hypocrisy:
Despite his condemnation of 'decadent' Western life, Hamza, his wife and eight children have claimed hundreds of thousands of pounds in state benefits.
He has also taken advantage of the right to buy his council home and built up hundreds of thousands of pounds of assets - money the courts are now attempting to recover.
He has also sponged off of the 'decadent UK' the following:
# £100,000 NHS treatment - mainly operations on his arms
# £500,000 in state benefits. He has not worked since 1993. Wife and children live in five-bed house in West London and receive £680 a week in benefits
# £1.1million legal aid. Costs soared when he launched appeals against conviction
# £150,000 prison bill. His detention in Belmarsh has cost £38,000 a year since he was arrested in 2004
# £50,000 citizenship fight.
Well, he will be gone in a few weeks, and I hope the UK learns a few lessons about who it lets stay.
I am not agreat an of Shami Chakarbati, but her organization does serve a purpose. Liberty acts as a counterbalance to question government decisions and also help civil liberties..
I thought I read somewhere that he had been stripped of his UK citizenship. They brought in a law on the back of this case, but I could be wrong about that.
The UK reached an agreement with the US that he wont be executed, something that the crimes he is charged with in the US could bring forth. The UK has a policy of not extraditing anyone where the punishment is death. He is however looking at 100 years in prison. Initially he will probably be held in a so-called Supermax jail in Colorado.
Such jails keep prisoners 'locked down' for 23 hours in a 7ft by 12ft cell with no natural light.Most inmates spend 23 hours a day in solitary confinement and are allowed out of their cells for just an hour a day for exercise in a concrete chamber.Inmates are not permitted to talk to one another and their only human interaction is with prison officers.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
for all crimes. Its about time we kicked out Shami Chackrabati and her idiot friends and re-introduced that penalty for people like hamza....
I agree, Britexpat, about committing treason (not about the death penalty advocate against that)
He's not being treated as a traitor by UK, though, is he? Seems the UK are happy to fund his lifestyle.
if I were UK citizen, I too would be mightily unhappy about that.
He's plain using the system to his own end...and doing it rather well.
I think britian should let the ulama in saudi take care of Abu Hamza and of course refuse his citizenship. This seems the most diplomatic method at the moment.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Typical... reap the benefits, enjoy the life .......and preach hatred and decent.
Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.
- Ben Franklin
My point i that if you commit , or try to commit an act of terrorism against your country, then you should be treated as a traitor. The penalty for treason should be death.
I would say this not for te UK, but any country in the world.
What a sweet Mastercard moment ;)
1x Bullet....About 38p
hire of a sniper for 2 minutes....About 8 quid
The look on Hamzas' face as the bullet blows his bloody head off.....PRICELESS !!!
But maybe thats just my way of dealing with twats like him.
he has cost 15 million QR over the last 15 years!!! And all some ask here is the end of exit visas and the right to go to the souk on a friday!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Wow, he's certainly living large at the expense of the taxpayers!!! Knows how to work the system. That must irritate the heck out of lots of people.
If he's a British citizen can he be kicked out of the UK?
Is cheaper to spend on a high velocity bronze and lead bullet, than spend million of dollars on this jack a-s-s.
President Bush,In a message to Tehran, he said: "You bet you have a sovereign right, absolutely, but you don't have the trust of those of us who have watched you carefully when it comes to enriching uranium."
Don't forget that he has a second wife who is also recieving benefits.
5 bed house in central london will set a person back almost 800k these days ..
The nerve!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
He'sbeing deported to the USA to stand trial..
think the cots of priso are higher.. someone quoted over 100k a year..
There are two aspects to this. The welfare system and its abuse.
The welfare system is part and parcel of the British system and benefits all, if used properly.
In this case, I blamne the PC brigade and the government. As soon as he is covicted, his assets should be siezed by the state.
The family should be kiced out to Morocco!
Very bad bad
The AdMan
4 ur advertising needs
call me
good to know where yer tax is going....