150 Women Raped in Weekend Raid !

This is occurring all too often... :O(
A mob of Rwandan rebels gang-raped at least 150 women last month during a weekend raid on a community of villages in eastern Congo, United Nations and other humanitarian officials said Sunday.
The raided villages are near the mining center of Walikale, known to be a rebel stronghold, and are “very insecure,” said Stefania Trassari, a spokeswoman for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. “Rape is something we get quite often.”
On the evening of July 30, armed men entered the village of Ruvungi, in North Kivu Province.
“They told the population that they were just there for food and rest and that they shouldn’t worry,” said Will F. Cragin, the International Medical Corps’ program coordinator for North Kivu, who visited the village a week after their arrival.
“Then after dark another group came,” said Mr. Cragin, referring to between 200 and 400 armed men who witnesses described as spending days and nights looting Ruvungi and nearby villages.
“They began to systematically rape the population,” he said, adding, “Most women were raped by two to six men at a time.”
The attackers often took the victims into the bush or into their homes, raping them “in front of their children and their families,” Mr. Cragin said. “If a car passed, they would hide.”
The rebels left on Aug. 3, he said, the same day the chief of the area traveled through the villages and reported horrific cases of sexual violence. “We thought at first he was exaggerating,” Mr. Cragin said, “but then we saw the scale of the attacks.”
Miel Hendrickson, a regional director for the International Medical Corps, which has been documenting the rape cases, said, “We had heard first 24 rapes, then 56, then 78, then 96, then 156.”
Full article: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/23/world/africa/23congo.html?_r=1&ref=africa
nothing is impossible ........
The basic problem is not a rape culture... There are other issues on hand. Look at the cause and not the effect.
what's wrong with the world? this world is literally going to hell in the hand basket.
african governments have to make much more effort into getting rid of this rape culture that happens in many african villages.
Isn't it haram?
“Rape is something we get quite often.” Do something about it!
i dunno why the fuck governments arent fighting this kinda bullshit !
Spot on, they can't win their war, so they take it out on the poor weak women.
When you are shyte scared out of your mind, you need to feel some power just to reassure yourself that you are in control... They committed a beastly act but in war zones shyte happens.
How i wish words can kill those empty headed rapists!
The men must have been terrified.
there is no word or words to describe these so called men - speechless, how can this happen in the 21st century?
OMG.... no words!!