What do i do with the cat!?!?

I know I know. It's too much talk about my cat problem.
But sense now its close for me to take a trip back to my home country and my cat is not welcome there..
So sense im obviously not selling him.. Then what can i do? Ive been in contact with QAWS and other place where they have animal hotel. But helloooo.... The price? Okey for maybe 2 or 3 days. But not any longer.. TO expencive.
And with no friends or relatives here who can watch him..
So.. Anyone have a ide what I can do?
Any one who knows if Qatar is planning to join the EU Pet Passport Scheme anytime soon?
This cat is not my first animal. I grew up with all kinds of animals having everything from horse to dogs and snakes.. Im a big animal lover and I take my responsabilite for the animals and take good care of them..
But I did not expect to travel this much as I now have to do. and I did not expect to not be able to bring him with me. Qatar is a modern and far developed country. I kind of assumed it would not be a problem faaaar faaar in the future if i needed to travel to bring him with me..
I dont have family in qatar who likes animals and they will not watch my cat for me. And friends. Well, Seriously. No. I dont have any at al. I only spend time with my family.
But really, your ide about putting out an add about someone to watch my cat and i will watch there cat. That was the best idea i got. I will do that.
Thank you
Well. How was I to know that its a different organisation? I wrote a mail to QAWS and got a answer. So I asumed that her answer was for QAWS and not something else.
Well. My misstake. Not 22000Qr. But swedish krown. Witch would be about 13 000 qatar ryal.
Chealse. Its not the first thing I would think about when buying a animalTo check the price to take him out of the country.. My cat is not my first animal. I used to live in a farm in sweden and im used to have all kinds of animals around me and i have never ever had any problems with them when im going for travel or anything. There have always been the neighbors or some firends or family to watch them. But here? It feels like im the only one who likes animals. The family i have here in Qatar do not like animals and would not dream about watching my cat..But your idea was good. To make a add for someone to watch him and i will watch theres cat. I will do that.
And I dont know about the roules of cats and animals here in Qatar.. But where im raised its obligated by law that a cat needs to be looked after at least 2 times every day if you goes away. And thats what i go after. So never ever that I would leave him alone with some kind of robot.. :S
Did you think that maybe you might want to go somewhere there is no lengthy quarantine, and then just get a train up to sweden. I am not sure of the laws in lets say Russia. It may take you a few days to get you there but at least you have your cat.
Or you could look for some one to come by every day or so to feed and water the cat. They do have auto-matic waterers and feeders as well, even cat box robots.
He will take care!
Xena - Sweden is 4 months quarantine from Qatar and could end up costing a lot with relocation fees, flights & quarantine charges.
Unfortunately this is what happens when you have a cat. It's called responsibility.
We urge all pet owners to look at all the costs involved BEFORE you get a pet. Hundreds of people leave their pets in boarding kennels & catteries every summer so the costs are obviously not that bad.
Do you not have any friends that will cat-sit for you over the summer? Have you posted adverts looking for someone to have your cat and in return you will have theirs when they go away?
You were told to call Janet to discuss it, not Jenny and Janet owns Paws and Claw boarding facility... not QAWS...(although they are on the same property, they are seperate entities.)
Please can you get the facts straight as you can do much damage to our facility stating we are taking money from people for boarding... We are not a business.
I have emailed you with regards to the mail you sent - QR 22000 is an exhorbatant amount for a cat...
Please contact QPR as suggest in my email. Thanks.
just eat it
And you got that information from? Cuz thats not correct.
Im going to Sweden. 6 months quarantine. 22000 qr. And then 2 months in isolation. And all this have to be booked in advance.
I have sent a email to QAWS and got the answer to call jenny and discuss it and it was needed that the cat was fully vaccinated and then it would cost 40qr every day and he would be inside and outside.
No I want to keep the cat. He is my little bundle of joy. I tried to sell him before. But everytime anyone called i would kind of back out. He is to dear to me to sell or replace. =/
Maryam... are you going back to the UK?
The rest of the countries have no quarintine - 1 month only... and some require only a blood test... which requireds your cat to be in Qatar for 3 months after the blood test...
QAWS does not charge for boarding as we are not a boarding facility, and if the cat is to stay with us, you will need to sign it over to us so we can rehome it, which you don't want to do....