Has anyone seen my dog? كلب مفقود

By Kirsten171282 •
Hello, My dog has gone missing form the Azizya area on Monday 2nd March.
He is a Pomoranian, small, very fluffy dog, his name is Apple and he is approx 2 years old, he is a tan colour.
He has an old injury on his right left and his paw is bent.
If anyone has seen him or knows of someone who has found a dog, please reply to this thread or email me!!
I despertaly want to find my dog, I miss him terribly.
Thank you
كلب مفقود
مواصفات:ذدكر – بني اللون –رجلة اليمين مثنية بسبب كسر فيها- يبلغ من العمر 2 سنة.
لقد فقد في منطقة العزيزية نهار الاثنين الواقع في 2/3/2009
يوجد مكافئة لمن يجدة ويسلمة سالما
Since your dog is a male...please send me his photo at [email protected]
Hello, did you find your dog? Is it a male or female?
Call all the veterinarians in Doha as well. Good luck!
I wold check with QAWS someone may have picked him up and taken him there. I hope you find him!