Will India be better for IT people?

In My opinion, India has the largest source of IT man power. So I hope India will be IT hub in Future. Economy is also growing right?
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Teji Thomas
In My opinion, India has the largest source of IT man power. So I hope India will be IT hub in Future. Economy is also growing right?
for Words on Web : http://webpots.blogspot.com/
Teji Thomas
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Indian IT...?
Dera Teji Thomas,
India and its Economy is growing like anything, so IT,Telecom,Banking people are getting mind blowing money as salary,But not only in that specific feilds, all the feilds like ,Healthcare,Engineering alo booming.
This nations main strength is its Human resources.
Jinto,[email protected]
.........And the amazing freedom you have living in your home country......!!!
IT people are getting nice salaries there and living expence is very lesss when compared to Doha.
So if we are calculating the income and what we are spending here, working at India is far better for indian it professionals
Syed Qadeer