
Economic recession in the US is likely to impact Phillipines by way of a slower growth or fall in exports to the US which accounts for about 18% of Ohillipines total exports. However, Phillipines may continue to import from the US as the US$ has been depreciating. Phillipines exports to China and other countries which re-exports to US after further processing may also be adversely affected. However, with the surge in trade among Asian countries, Phillipines would be able to protect her aggregate demand form declining. Thus, unless the US has a deep and long recession the impact on Phillipines economy will not be much affected, though the economic growth rates may see a marginal fall. Lower interest rates in US may lead to more direct and portfolio investments in Phillipines. Much will depend on how the Phillipines Govt. makes further economic reforms to boost growth.With a low rate of inflation and high unemployment, Phillipines has considerable advantage to boost the economy.
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well when wold is going to end in 2012, why should one be worried about recession. its just 30 months away
...maybe we will get some relief from the usual religion stuff.
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
this all pales into insignificance as the solar storms are upon us and the end is nigh. 2012 isn't too far away!