Qatar Foundation

I am currently working in SABIC and received a calls from Qatar foundation to visit their site for a personal interview. They requested me to provide them a copy of my passport? I jsut want to know if there is anyone here who can provide more information in Qatar Foundation, what about their compensation and benefits?. appreciate your feedback and advise...
KOKA just check date and topic how old it is>
it is a very good chance to you
Maybe because QF & QP has different line of business and this is the reason why, both organization have a different salary scale? but i am confused about your term "special Contract" is this mean that employee who are not in the Company payroll but working in the Company as a contract of different sponsor?
Thre are some special contract QP staff who are getting more pay and benifits than QF staff.
Thanks, but could you pls. clarify the meaning of what you said " exceptions for Senior Management Position?, thanks again.
In general QF is better than QP, but there are exceptions for some senior management positions.
Thanks Deweller... SABIC is not 100% wholly state owned but they are one of biggest company in Saudi Arabia.
Thanks Aisha..... are they better than Qatar Petroleum?
Thanks jackmohan2007 for the information,,, do you know somebody who is working in Qatar Foundation? I have completed my phone interview with them and they want me to come for a personal interview.... Appreciate your advise.
Saudi Basic Industries Corporation is State owned. There probably isn't isn't anything bigger in Saudi.
Can't have a better employer than them. Good money, excellent benefits!
I dont know what is SABIC but if it is Qatar Foundation then take up the job and then ask questions.
They are good and pay well.
web site: