OCS FM review required

First I would like to thank every one who participated in my previous thread and gave me very useful insights about life in qatar. I can now paint a vague image in my mind about qatari living standards.
I'm Irfan, Indian guy, working in a pest control mnc as assistant manager - ERP systems, 5 years of experience. The whole reason why I started the previous thread was because I stumbled upon a work opportunity in doha, from a company called OCS facility management.
I tried to dig up the internet to find some reviews about this company and could not find anything else apart from the company's website.
All I know so far is it's a Europe based company dealing with a wide range of facility management services, and from what I found in one of their international websites, "OCS enters middle east in july 2012". So, as far as qatar is concerned, it seems to be a new/start up company.
Has anyone here heard of this company? Can anyone share their reviews?
Thanks for the help birdie,
Like I said in my post, this website is the only thing I stumbled upon while trying to search by myself. I have already gone through it and in my opinion there is absolutely zero information on that website about the company. It's just a collection of fancy english words and some pretty stock photographs put together.
That's the reason why I turned to this forum. In hope of finding realistic insights like in my previous post.
hahaa, thanks gypsy gal. I thougght as much becuase this post of mine didn't create as much waves as my previous one. All I can here is dead silence and the sound of crickets chirping when I ask about OCS.
As you said, it must be new in Qatar. I am hearing it for the first time. I am surprised that an Eurpean company offered such a low salary.