m-learning.. Anywhere, Anytime
From paper and ink to computers and interactive whiteboards, learning has become more enjoyable and engaging and is continuously evolving thanks to technology. While e-learning uses computers and the internet to involve students in their education, it is still limited to the classroom. A new learning technique that is never restricted to time or place, mobile learning, often referred to as m-learning, is a revolutionary educational method that has garnered much attention and interest.
Read the full story in ictQATAR's April e-newsletter: http://www.ict.gov.qa/output/NewsPage.aspx?PageID=1139
A Fool Can buy and acquire best of the Books in the World...
But he shall read only those which he deserves....
Hard Work Doesn't Kill Anyone... But Why take Chances.
can i also learn microsoft dynamics from that??
they trumpeted their free e-learning. nothing works. worse part is you write to support who doesnt even bother to even reply.
I agree. Totally turned off on reading them now.
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
ict ... much as I like your articles, must you flood the forum with them all at once? IMHO it comes across as spam when sent like this and dilutes their effect.
just my 2p