Fresh graduate Enginees are always misrable!

I don't know what to say about this, guys after 13 months of job searching and more than 200 application i still jobless and sadly I give up.
During this I got 3 months unpaid training in small factory and other 3 months with contracting company then i leave the work there because maybe after sometime they will let me prepare coffee and tea for them.
finally I am waiting for transferring my residency from 2 months to small factory here and still nothing.
I am really disappointed.
what is the problem with people here I really can't understand? did they bone experienced ?
ya3ne you can't work in this country if you don't have one of these:
1. Very strong relation.(like drinking together)in other world WASTA.
2. Qatari Nationality.
3. Beautiful Lady.
4. To be Lebanese or Indian (no offense).
I am thinking ...maybe I will leave the country and go back to jordan.
Do you think am wrong ?
The grass always seems greener on the other side.. You have done well to graduate in such a difficult discipline..
Alexa and Hashin are right. Go and get work in your won country.. Home is always home.. Get experince, live with your own people and when you think you are ready, apply for jobs through agencies or other channels..
May the Lord help you and guide you in your endeavours..
Good luck..
I second Alexa's reply. True.
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thank u
I really felt for you after reading your comments... I can understand the frustration because I was in a similar situation as you are in now...
My dad too has been here for 35 years. I went back home for my education... and I got a job after college back home in India... in a bluechip company... IBM I am sure you've heard of it
when i had just got six months experience under the belt things took an ugly turn... dad had a health problem and i had to shift back to Qatar... so i came over and started trying for a job... and it was so ridiculous... everybody was asking for experience... and finally a very good man who was in a senior post advised me to go back to India and get a few more years of experience which I did and true to his word he gave me an offer after a year...
My advise to young people in Qatar... don't start your careers here... have atleast 2 or 3 years under your belt, preferably more before you come over...
and don't work for the private companies, try for the Q companies or multinationals... all the best khadour... hope I've been of help to you...
You can have experience in small company and don't expect to have an offer from governmental authorties.
I made an interview with some of engineers group and i chosen one who have good experience and profficinality. why i should have fresh engineer and teach him a years unless if he is qatary... you know i received 20 engineers C.V.'s and its logic if i chose the best of them.
hey people,
If you think that am complaining because the employer only employee qatari nationals your completely misunderstand my point, I extremely support this ideology and I believe that this is completely right step the country taking,because this is their country and they must take control of everything ..this is nonnegotiable.
Qatar now booming, and there are many projects here and in all the world, and the problem of skilled manpower and engineers increasing year after year..for this reason big companies now initiate intensive training programs for freshers.
What i were pointing for, I have the right to get angry when i see many advertisements in the newspapers asking for fresh engineers and when local people apply they do not accept them...and the disaster is that they bring freshers from outside the country!
b3dean Alexa, I borne and grown up here, my father here from 35 years,grandfather 55 years, where you want me to go? I don't now anywhere else ...Qatar my hometown.
I agree, hold on, I work here and I'm not on your list of the only people that can get work here ....well maybe number 3......
Go and get some experience elsewhere in the world!
The only reason there are foreigners here working is because they are doing the work that the Qataris are unable to do themselves.
If you are fresh out of uni, why would anyone want to employ you here?
Go back to your home country and get a job there instead. You should stop wasting your time looking here.
The only reason there are foreigners here working is because they are doing the work that the Qataris are unable to do themselves.
If you are fresh out of uni, why would anyone want to employ you here?
Go back to your home country and get a job there instead. You should stop wasting your time looking here.
I find it annoying that all these people complain that they get a good degree and then no one will give them a job. Then they complain about the lazy Nationals. So what if they are lazy its their country to be lazy in!!!
Qatari Nationality is the first thing you need. If a job requires no experience and it is for one of the major companies, (who pay well) then they have to consider only Qatari Nationals as per the Qatarisation laws here. I'm sorry but it makes perfect sense. Say you could not get a job in Jordan because all the foreigners were taking the best jobs?? I'm sure you would be complaining to the government that its not taking care of its citizens....
Mechatronics Engineering ...
It's kind of engineering concentrate on industrial application .
you can say ..control system, instrumentation,automation,electromechanical engineer.
stressinbabel I been working for this contracting company for 6 days/10 hours 3500 QR :-)
What kind of Engineering degree do you have?
How old are you?
Maybe this place is not meant to be your ideal employer?
Just move on and God Speed.
u just don't know how much i understand u. i'm a fresh graduate just like u, but in pharmacy. i'm here for one year and a half and didn't find a job yet. everybody wants experience, even if let's admitt it, lots of people working in this country have no idea about anything. i met once a head pharmacist in one of the HMC clinics that had no idea about one very common medicine, he just never herd of it. i don't know why they don't give any chance here for fresh graduates, unless they are qatari ofcourse. like u said, we are not born with experience. and they should test our knowledge and after that judge our cappabilities. engineer is even better than pharmacist, at least they gave u a chance even if in a small company. for me, the only offer i ever had was for 3000QR with 8 hours a day, only friday free. ofcourse i couldn't accept. it's sad and i understand u, if u think jordan would offer u better possibilities, go there, for me it's my family that keeps me here. take care and wish u more good luck!