Anyone from Amiri Flight ?

By Fat Clemenza •
The topic is pretty clear I guess.
I was hoping to get in touch with Aircrews from that company. They're hard to reach since they have no website and I couldn't find their address on the qatar yellowpages or google.
Please let me know.
Fat Clemenza
Hi Afzal,
I am a SIA crew for 8 years and premium class trained. My husband is working in qatar now. Do you think they will hire a ex crew from singapore? I am Married will it be an issue?
Well Amiri Flights r now merged as a co-group of Qatar airways. I am a new entry too in Qatar airways in flight operations department arriving by 1st july. U want to know the web add for amiri ?
Go to the
at the bottom u will find link for subsideries and u can put in amiri flights in the window there. u will be redirected to amiri flights section!
Let me know if it works !
Yes we do Aisha and have done for many years but had lost contact.
smallll world :-) Cool you know each other!
It's a small world. Hows Pam, the profile gives it away
Graham (and Ann)
You know I wanna know about Emiri flight too...One of my pen pals just asked me about it and sent me his resume!I don't really know what to do with it...He sent it to Qatar Airways but no reply.
I don't know where else can a pilot work,I sent it to Qatar Aeronautical College and I dunno if they contact him or not ...
Poor, poor pilot :-)
Dweller I was also in the Tech Dept for a long time - Please mail me at [email protected]
Would life to stay in touch.
I imagine that if you ring Qatar Airways HR Department, they will handle all recruitment issues as they are the ones who provide crew.
Qatar Airways have a web site and do advertise vacancies on it.
Thanks Dweller.
Do you know how to reach the HRD?
My Mrs was with Emiri flight in the technical section for a number of years.
I understand that the Emiri Flight air crews were consolidated with Qatar Airways staff in the late 90's and that crews rotate from within QA. Obviously they still have their own aircraft and hanger.
They don't have a web site and come under the jurisdiction of the palace.